We all know the old saying: “It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean.” But while some men are perfectly happy with the size of their boat, others find that the motion of the ocean just isn’t enough; no, for these men, it’s all about boat size. Thus, thousands of men turn to penis enlargement drugs, little pills that purport to add length and girth to any penis. As these men turn to suspicious brands bearing dubious ingredient lists, they may believe they are working towards a larger penis, but could they actually be putting themselves on the fast track to erectile dysfunction?

Thankfully for men loading up on penis enlargement pills, the answer is no. No studies have found a link between the usage of penis enlargement drugs and erectile dysfunction.

But it isn’t because penis enlargement drugs are safe for the erection; rather, penis enlargement drugs won’t cause ED because they just don’t work.

While there might be thousands of pills, creams, and potions said to increase a man’s penis size, the honest truth is that none of these cure-alls have been found to permanently increase penis size.

These drugs work by engorging the spongy erectile tissue within the penis with blood, which causes a man to achieve an erection faster. From there, the mind takes over: With their newly achieved erection, men convince themselves that their penis appears bigger.

But there isn’t a single over-the-counter penis enlargement drug on the market that will actually increase the size of your penis. While it’s certainly a relief that these drugs don’t cause erectile dysfunction, they also don’t cause bigger penises.

So instead of fretting about the possibility of shady penile enhancement drugs causing ED, learn to love what you’ve been given and avoid the snake oil penis growth market.