There’s an old saying when it comes to food: The better it tastes, the worse it is for you. But according to an old wive’s tale, this idiom doesn’t apply when it comes to a certain food that is supposed to help with erections. While men typically wouldn’t be advised to wolf down bushels of dark chocolate, rumors say that the delicious delicacy can actually help men to achieve an erection. But is there any truth to the legends of dark chocolate’s erection producing powers?
Actually, yes! Dark chocolate is filled to bursting with a plant-based antioxidant known as “flavonoids.” While this might sound like the title of a bad horror movie, flavonoids are nothing to scream at. Found only in plant-based solid foods, flavonoids are said to help the body with the flow of blood. This is because flavonoids assist the body in opening up blood vessels, facilitating healthy blood flow. When the flavonoids get to work on opening blood vessels, they target smaller blood vessels first, which includes the cluster of vessels responsible for providing the penis with the blood necessary to produce an erection.
But that isn’t to say that men everywhere should start investing in pallets of dark chocolate. Extensive research has found no correlation between eating dark chocolate and permanently overcoming erectile dysfunction. But that doesn’t mean dark chocolate isn’t without it’s uses when it comes to ED. Instead of solely depending on dark chocolate to beat your erectile issue, use dark chocolate as a back-up while you continue to utilize erectile dysfunction drugs. By combining the power of ED drugs and dark chocolate, your body should have the fighting chance it needs to beat erectile dysfunction.