Your typical internet search would have you believe you have endless safe options for treating erectile dysfunction without a prescription. But if you are a man diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, particularly if you have other conditions like high cholesterol, obesity, or diabetes, you’re wise to keep your expectations of these products low. In fact you shouldn’t take any over-the-counter erection pills without first thoroughly researching the ingredients on trusted medical websites like WebMD.

For example, your typical Walgreens or other chain drug store will have products like Max Hard, which you can get in sample packs of two capsules. Max Hard contains a blend of ingredients like ginseng, Yohimbe, and the aptly-named “horny goat weed.” You’re also likely to find non-pill products similar to energy drink shots that claim to help with erections. A liquid called Extenze is supposed to work faster than pills, and contains an extensive roster of ingredients including L-arginine, malic acid, GABA, L-theanine, caffeine, ginseng, Yohimbe, and maca root.

Natural supplements like ginkgo biloba are typically taken on a long-term basis rather than as-needed.

Bear in mind that just because something is sold over the counter, that doesn’t mean it’s perfectly safe, or free from side effects. In fact, some of these products can cause unpleasant side effects like nausea, so even if they do help you have a strong erection, you might not enjoy it that much.