Viagra – Erectile Dysfunction Question:

I am 75 yes, old young girl wants sex with me, I am taking BP tab Amodep AT one daily, one Urinex D, +Anxiset plus at bedtime, erection time very short, should I take Viagra 50 mg Or any other tab to satisfy the girl/lady?

Doctor Alsayes Answer:

I’d suggest you not take Viagra at this age and with your medication, I’d suggest you check with your doctor first because I can’t tell how much stable are your conditions.

You should also know that when Viagra is taken by the elderly people of 65 and older, it circulates in blood much longer so it is necessary to define the dosage individually.

In most cases, we prescribe a lesser dosage than usual to senior citizens. So kindly check with your therapist.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes