Do I have “porn-induced ED”? Is it even a true thing?
I am a 20-year-old virgin and the first few times (3 or so) I’ve tried to penetrate my girlfriend I cannot due to my glans being soft and losing my erection very quickly (a few seconds without physical stimulation). Is it possible I have porn-induced erectile dysfunction?

I thought I may not since I never looked at porn every day, maybe 4-5 times a week when I was experimenting with jelqing. I’ve since stopped both porn and masturbation(and jelqing) for about 2 weeks now and I never got morning erections(maybe semi erections but never full ones) and have generally very poor mood. I haven’t tried anything sexual with my girlfriend in a while partly because of anxiety about my issue and partly because we hardly get to spend private alone time together.

Based on my porn use and age, and the effect of cutting off the porn, is it possible I have another issue with my penis? If it is, in fact, porn use should I cut it off completely or just cut down on the amount/type of porn I view? Cutting porn out completely seems to kill my mood and fill me with guilt so it is very difficult for me to move forward as things stand right now.


Let me first point out to you that erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of these aspects are the psychological aspect.
A psychological aspect can in form of anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to underlying cause (as a bad memory from a previous relationship).

Watching pornography and masturbation more frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction during actual sex relation. Some studies have found that frequently masturbating to porn can contribute to ED by desensitizing you to certain imagery and physical intimacy.

We must first identify the cause and then treat it accordingly, in your case, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some evaluation tests to exclude any medical/physical cause, and if all tests came up negative then your doctor will advise you on how to deal with your stress and performance anxiety or he may refer you to a psychotherapist. In the meanwhile, I strongly advise you to stop watching and/or masturbating to porn, and with time the negative effect of these habits will disappear and your normal erections will appear again (if you have no other causes of ED).

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks Dr. AlSayes