Maybe you’d like to have “better” erections but conclude that taking Viagra when you don’t have erectile dysfunction is a bad idea. Is there anything you can do otherwise to improve erection quality? Absolutely. None is as simple as taking a pill, but all improve your life overall, and not just your sex life.
Lifestyle changes can have a surprisingly good effect on erection quality.First, kick the smoking habit. Cigarettes cause blood vessels throughout the body (including those in your reproductive organs) to constrict, so circulation is compromised. When you quit smoking, even if you’ve smoked for a long time, this starts to reverse. Over time your general circulation should improve, not to mention that you’ll save money and have better health overall.
Second, get regular physical activity. Men who are prescribed Viagra and similar drugs for erectile dysfunction are often advised to exercise regularly as well. By improving circulation throughout the body, regular exercise helps the prescription drugs that treat erection problems work better. For men who aren’t prescribed these drugs, regular exercise alone can improve erection quality.
Third, be more careful about what you eat and drink. Sure, everyone loves a big, juicy cheeseburger once in a while, but your everyday diet should be high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean sources of protein. Sweets should be for special occasions. Consuming too much alcohol can, as many of you already know, cause erection problems, so curbing alcohol consumption (and avoiding binge drinking altogether) can help you have better erections.
Taking Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs recreationally involves too many unknowns to be safe, particularly if you take other medications regularly. Perhaps the biggest risk involved in taking Viagra when you don’t have erectile dysfunction is obtaining it from questionable sources. Here’s a hint: any website that doesn’t require a prescription, is located overseas, or offers Viagra for a ridiculously low price is a questionable source.
If you have concerns that your erections aren’t what they used to be, the best course of action is to discuss it with a physician. This is true even if the problem is not severe, because early stage erection problems can be “canary in a coal mine” signs of other physical problems like diabetes, and addressing it early pays off for more than just your sexual health.
The risks of taking drugs like Viagra just for fun range from the annoyance of buying a product that is fake and does absolutely nothing to the serious risk of a dangerous drug interaction of aggravation of a health condition you didn’t know you had.
Psychological dependence is another risk, and could lead to relationship issues that might not happen otherwise. In short, obtaining erectile dysfunction drugs through a physician, and taking them as directed is the safest, sanest approach. Anything else is too risky to be worthwhile.