Viagra may be used alone, or with other medications to address premature ejaculation. That’s where the small scale clinical study comes in. Back in 2002, a paper was presented at the annual conference of the American Urological Association that studies 138 men with premature ejaculation. These men started out treating their premature ejaculation by using numbing ointment.

Thirty-eight found this alone to be satisfactory. The remaining 100 men were prescribed the drug Paxil. Paxil is an antidepressant that belongs to a class of drugs known as serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, and SSRIs have a long-studied reputation for delaying orgasm. Forty-two of the men who were prescribed Paxil found relief from premature ejaculation.

The remaining 58 men were prescribed both Paxil and Viagra for three months. They were instructed to take Paxil seven hours before sex, and Viagra one hour before sex and charted the results. Over time, 56 of the 58 men taking both Paxil and Viagra were able to have sex for more than three minutes “most of the time.”