The number of Younger men using Viagra for ED is on the rise. Why are more and more young men turning to medications such as Viagra? How can a man under the age of 30 have Erectile Dysfunction?

These questions are turning up more and more, but why? Experts say that men are starting to feel more intimidated by powerful younger women with high expectations sexually.

Change in Romance and Dating

Romance and dating have changed over the past 20 years, and it’s not just dinner and a movie that might get you lucky. Women are much more demanding these days, which can cause men to face more pressure, creating a sense of anxiety and problems in the bedroom. This pressure is diverting many men from buying Viagra and similar ED medications.

But why are women’s sexual expectations so much higher than they were 20 years ago? Experts claim that there are many reasons, here are the most talked about:

1) New TV Shows, movies, or even reality TV give women more and more reasons to demand better performance in the bedroom. Various examples have pointed to the TV show “Sex in the City.”

2) They are more confident, have better financial stability, and are sexually more secure.

Younger men who visit Sex Therapists are Increasing.

Sex therapists have reported a massive increase in younger men visiting their offices requesting advice and help, claiming that powerful women are too much for them to handle.

However, sexual therapists believe the number of men who visit them is just a fraction compared to men who do not want to discuss this embarrassing problem and research more on erectile dysfunction and Viagra online.

In many cases, men result buying medications like Cialis, Viagra, and Levitra on the internet.