So it’s finally happened: You’ve developed erectile dysfunction. You always said it wouldn’t happen to you, but here you are trying to figure out what’s going to happen to your sex life. But as troubling as the thought of not having sex is, you’re almost more terrified of seeking help for the issue. After all, ED is an issue you can have privately, but as soon as you have to get medication or speak to a doctor, others will know your secret. But what if you just skipped the drugs and the medical professionals? Can simply waiting the problem out cause your ED to go away naturally?
Shaking off ED without help is definitely unwise. Most men do not realize the root cause of their erectile woes, and skipping the doctor can lead to your erectile issues going unaddressed, which could actually be deadly.
You see, ED can develop as a result of a litany of internal health issues. Be it clogged arteries, or bruised penile tissue, or even serious heart problems, erectile dysfunction can often serve as a warning sign for something more severe.
But mental issues can also trigger erectile dysfunction, which can be a little harder to address in a medical setting. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all cause ED to develop, and you might reason that talking to a doctor might not ultimately help you to overcome this issue. But even if a medical professional deems your ED mentally induced, you can then be referred to a mental health expert, who would be better suited to helping you to overcome the feelings that have caused your erectile woes.
So while it might be tempting to skip the doctor entirely and just wait out your ED, don’t. Seek help, determine what is causing your erectile issues, and with medicine and support, you can get your erection back.