While erectile dysfunction drugs have existed in one form or another for many years now, there still seems to be some confusion tied to these little pills. If public perception was to be believed, ED drugs like Viagra are little wonder pills; capable of making a man rock hard instantaneously, while simultaneously allowing him to have the best sex of his life. As a result, many come into Viagra usage expecting a miraculous outcome. But is there any truth to this publicly perceived notion that ED drugs such as Viagra cause instantaneous erections?
The answer is very simple: No. While men have whispered about the miraculous powers of Viagra for years, the truth is that Viagra is not a mystery miracle pill. Popping a Viagra will not cause an instant erection, nor will it help you to last longer in bed.
Rather, Viagra is an erectile aid; less intended for improving sex and more for giving men that struggle to achieve an erection a helping hand.
As a result, men taking Viagra should not expect miracles. Viagra helps men to achieve an erection, but that erection still needs to be achieved the old fashioned way.
And forget about instant rock hard erections; rather, Viagra tends to take around 30 minutes to an hour to take effect. So while you won’t have to wait long for Viagra to kick in, it certainly won’t coax at an erection moments after ingestion.
So remember: Viagra, like all ED drugs, is not a cure-all with miracle properties. It’s just a little pill that gives men that struggle a fighting chance.