For younger men, erectile dysfunction does not seem like a problem they will have to worry about for a long, long time. To many younger men, erectile dysfunction is seen as an issue plaguing the 50-and-over crowd; after all, it is assumed, as you get older, erectile dysfunction becomes an inevitable problem. While it is true that ED is more prevalent among older men, the idea that erectile dysfunction is only an issue for older men couldn’t be further from the truth. In actually, younger men are developing erectile dysfunction, and the number of young men developing this embarrassing problem is on the rise.

Experts say that the possibility of developing erectile dysfunction grows as a man ages; but that isn’t to say that the younger crowd is immune to erectile issues. In fact, recent research has found that 5 percent of men dealing with erectile dysfunction are between 20-39 years old.

But what is causing erectile dysfunction to develop in younger men? ED in the younger crowd can develop in a litany of ways: Depression, performance jitters, anxiety, heart problems, or an over reliance on cigarettes and alcohol have all been linked to ED in the 20-39 age group.

While erectile dysfunction can develop in younger men due to physical issues, research has found that ED in younger men is mostly caused by psychological issues. As such, men dealing with erectile dysfunction in their 20’s are advised to seek psychological help.

By working with a mental health expert, you can determine the root cause of your psychologically-caused ED, and take strides to overcome these feelings. While it is possible to develop erectile dysfunction in your 20’s, that doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck with it for life. As long as you put in the work, you can overcome ED and regain your sex life in no time.