Generally speaking, you’ll find the lowest prices on Viagra and the vast majority of prescription drugs in the pharmacy departments of big-box retail chains, such as Walmart, Sam’s Club, Costco, and Target. Coming in a close second are the national drugstore chains such as CVS, Rite-Aid, and Walgreens. In a recent survey of current prices, the pharmacy departments of regional and national pharmacies — Kroger, Publix, and Safeway — also had very low prices. Given the competitive pressures between pharmacies at these large chains, it’s not realistic to quote prices here because they change frequently. Your best bet is to shop around a bit before you buy.

If you’d prefer to purchase your Viagra online, pharmacies in Secure Medical’s network — AccessRx, eDrugstore, and ViaMedic — offer added value for your money. Although they charge a bit more for the drugs, these outlets can arrange a complimentary online consultation with one of their contract physicians if you don’t already have a prescription. Plus they offer the ease and privacy of shopping from your home, a big plus if you’d prefer to keep the details of your personal sexual health a private matter.