If you find yourself unable to last in bed, you could be suffering from premature ejaculation. When this problem rears it’s ugly head, one of the first questions you may find yourself asking is “Why me?” Well, unfortunately, that’s a difficult question to answer. Despite extensive research, the exact cause of premature ejaculation isn’t known. It could be caused by psychological factors or biological problems, or it could even be a combination of both.
At one point, researchers believed premature ejaculation to be caused solely by psychological factors, such as anxiety, stress, or guilt. But as time has gone on, experts have come to realize that premature ejaculation is much more complex than initially thought. While stress, anxiety, and guilt can lead to premature ejaculation problems, they aren’t the only ways to develop the problem. It has been found that a variety of biological issues can lead to premature ejaculation, such as:
– High/low hormone levels
– Thyroid problems
– Issues with the reflex activity of the ejaculatory system
– Nerve damage
– Inflammation of the urethra or prostate
Ultimately, the cause behind your premature ejaculation can vary. To ensure it is treated correctly, see a physician to discuss possible causes and forms of treatment.