It’s a fact of life: As you grow older, your body is going to change. One of the most feared changes that a man’s body will eventually undergo is the loss of erections. Your erection requires steady blood flow to function, and the body struggles to quickly and efficiently pump blood to certain areas of the body as you age.

But what is the magic number for inevitable erectile problems? According to a study conducted in 2003 for the Annals of Internal Medicine, ED becomes increasingly common in men over the age of 50. In fact, a whopping 26% of men surveyed reported first experiencing erectile dysfunction between the ages of 50 and 59.

While healthy living and good life choices can delay this problem, ED will eventually rear it’s ugly head for all older men. For the same study, a staggering 40% of men between 60 and 69 reported struggling with erectile problems.

To ensure you won’t have to worry about ED for many years, start taking precautions now. Exercise regularly, eat well, and avoid living a sedentary lifestyle. By taking care of your body, you can live many happy erectile dysfunction free years. When ED does finally strike, you’ll be well into your golden years.