When things get hot and heavy in the sheets and you finally find yourself unable to perform, it’s a scary feeling. But worry not! A missed erection once in a blue moon should not be a cause for alarm. If you’re attempting to determine if you have erectile dysfunction or if you’re just the victim of once off bad luck, keep an eye out for these tell tale symptoms.
Low testosterone: If you constantly feel fatigued, find yourself unable to put on muscle, and your sex drive has taken a dip, you may be suffering from low testosterone. Lowered testosterone levels can lead to erectile dysfunction.
Trouble urinating: If you find yourself dribbling constantly after urination and struggle to produce a steady stream of urine, this could be a sign of prostate cancer, which typically leads to erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, prostate cancer is notoriously difficult to screen for. So if you find struggling when urinating, see a doctor and get checked.
Frequency of erections: Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of things. Take note of when you can achieve an erection, because it may shed some insight into your problem. For example, if you can achieve an erection in the early morning or when masturbating, your erectile dysfunction may be psychological in nature.