If you’re in a loving, committed relationship with a loving, committed person, it may feel as if you can talk about anything with them. But when erectile dysfunction rears it’s ugly head, you clam up. Here is a person who knows you better than anyone else, but you can’t bring yourself to talk about your problem. This is understandable. When you’re sexually active with your partner and you suddenly find yourself unable to perform, it can be embarrassing. You may feel guilt over not being able to satisfy your partner, or anger that you can’t perform like you used to. To conquer ED, you’re going to have to do it as a team. Here’s how to talk to your partner about your erectile dysfunction.

Find a Comfortable Way To Approach the Subject: This isn’t something you can just blurt out. This is a big topic, and it needs to be approached appropriately. Practice how you’ll break it to your partner in your alone time, and then choose a time and place that feels comfortable.

Be Open: Don’t tap dance around the subject. Be honest and direct. This problem affects your partner too, so they deserve to know the whole truth.

Don’t Let Your Emotions Rule You: If your erectile dysfunction has led to problems in the bedroom, both parties may feel a little emotional. Talk calmly and honestly about your problem, but don’t allow anger and blame to slip into the conversation. You’re in this together.