Erectile dysfunction isn’t just a standard, catchall medical issue. It comes in various forms of severity, and these various forms of severity are going to have varying issues. If you find you occasionally miss an erection, you wouldn’t have the same issues as a man who’s found he can no longer achieve an erection.

When you decide to consult a doctor about your ED, he’s going to quiz you on your issue in an attempt to ascertain the level of severity. If you want to be ahead of the game and be prepared for the questions your doctor is going to ask, here are some of the most commonly asked questions used for diagnosing ED severity.

Did your ED begin suddenly or develop gradually?: This will give your doctor a better idea of how your ED began. ED that began suddenly may indicate that there could be something wrong with you internally, while a gradual development could indicate mental issues causing your ED.

Do you wake up with an erection?: This question is important. If you’re capable of waking up with “morning wood” (to use the parlance of our times), then your erectile dysfunction isn’t physically caused.

Is penetration difficult 50%, 75%, or 100% of the time?: With this question, the doctor can begin to gauge the severity of your ED. Depending on your answer, your doctor can begin to figure out how serious your ED has become.

Do you experience any urinary issues?: Having trouble holding your urine? Do you find yourself using the restroom frequently? This could indicate that you’re having issues with your urinary tract, which could contribute to your ED.