For those afflicted with diabetes, the condition can already feel like a full time job. You have to watch what you eat, you have to keep a close eye on your blood glucose level; Diabetes can really feel like a handful.
To add insult to injury, diabetes is one of the most commonly linked ailments to erectile dysfunction. Research has found that about 35%-75% of men with diabetes will experience some degree of erectile dysfunction during their lifetime. Additionally, it has been found that men with diabetes typically develop ED about 10 to 15 tears before men without diabetes.
No matter how you cut it, if you’re a man with diabetes, you are at an increased risk for erectile dysfunction.
But having diabetes doesn’t mean you’ll inevitably lose the ability to achieve an erection. In fact, by living healthy, you won’t have to worry about losing your erection for many, many years.
So how does a man with diabetes prevent ED from developing? Simple: It’s all about your blood sugar. That magic little number you get when you test yourself relates to your glucose levels. For men with diabetes, your glucose levels can play an integral part in just about every aspect of your body.
If you want to prevent erectile dysfunction, you need to control your blood sugar. Eat healthy, slim down your portion sizes, cut out sugary sodas, and get active.
By living well, you’ll find your glucose levels will consistently be good. With good glucose levels, you’ll be able to live a happy, erectile dysfunction life for many, many years.