When you find yourself suddenly unable to last very long in bed, it can be deeply embarrassing. Premature ejaculation can feel like an unbeatable affliction, but the truth is quite the opposite. With healthy living, consultation with a doctor or a mental health expert, and resilience, you can overcome this problem.

But what do you do in the interim? Sure, you’re making all the changes you need to make, but it’s not like your premature ejaculation is going to disappear overnight.

While you work to get rid of your premature ejaculation once and for all, here are some handy methods to help you last a little longer in bed. These aren’t permanent solutions, but they can help.

Stop and Go: The Stop and Go technique will not only help you to stop from finishing too early, it may also add an exciting spark to your love life. It works like this: When you or your partner feels an orgasm approaching, stop cold turkey. Disengage, step back, and catch your breath. Your body will come back from the orgasm precipice, and after taking a moment or two to collect yourself, you’ll be ready to go again.

Squeeze Technique: The squeeze technique can be a little more hit or miss than the Stop and Go, but it’s a method worth trying. When you feel like you’re about to reach your peak, squeeze the head or the base of the penis. This pressure will disrupt your excitement, and will prevent ejaculation. It can be difficult to time your squeezing perfectly, but you’ll get better at it with time.