You might have heard this old wives tale before: If you bike too much, you’re going to develop erectile dysfunction. While this may sound absurd, don’t be so quick to write this rumor off entirely. Turns out, there’s a kernel of truth hidden in this tall tale.

While biking in and of itself won’t lead to your erection withering, ED can develop if you bike incorrectly. Specifically, if you don’t have the right kind of seat on your bike, you can truly develop erectile dysfunction.

Yes, the seat on your bike could play a major factor in your erectile health. This is because the seat of your bicycle comes into close contact with very sensitive areas of the body.

When you sit on your seat, you put a large percentage of your weight on the perineum, which is the soft area located between the scrotum and the anus. This section plays a vital part in erectile function, due to the fact that a large cluster of nerves and arteries leading to the penis are found in the perineum.

When you put weight on the perineum for long periods of time, you’re compressing this jumble of nerves. Long term pressure on the perineum can lead to permanent damage in the arteries and nerves. When these arteries and nerves are damaged, that prevents blood from getting to the penis, which causes, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

But you don’t need to throw your bike away just yet. If you’re an avid bicyclist and you want to prevent ED, trade up your hard, narrow seat for something softer and wider. A seat that conforms to your body and offers more sitting room will relieve pressure from the perineum, ensuring that your hobby won’t lead to the loss of your erection.