If you’ve clicked upon this article, you’re probably desperately searching for something you can implement at home that might help to save your erection. Perhaps you’ve decided that medication just isn’t for you, and you want to work through this the natural way.

But the simple truth is that there isn’t any one exercise, any yoga stretch, any positive thinking affirmations, that will bring your erection back. ED is a serious problem, and it can only be overcome with hard work, dedication, and by admitting that you might need help.

The first step to regaining your erection is making positive lifestyle choices.

-Eat a balanced diet, drop all the sugary soft drinks and teeth rotting candy and stick with healthy veggies and whole grains.

– Get up and get active. Daily exercise will help you to slim down and get healthy.

– Quit your vices. Throw away the cigarettes, cut down on the drinking; anything that could cause you problems in the long term should be dropped.

After taking the necessary steps towards living a healthier, more fulfilling life, it’s time to get your mental headspace in order.

– Find ways to cope with the stress in your life.

– If you’re dealing with depression, seek help from a medical health professional.

– If you constantly feel anxious, figure out the root of the problem and figure out how to deal with it.

Once you’ve gotten your life straight physically and mentally, it’s time to seek help. Speak with a medical professional to determine what might be causing your erectile dysfunction. A doctor can offer medication that can help with health-related ED issues, while a psychologist can help you to overcome your mental-related ED hang-ups.

So there isn’t any miracle workout that’s going to eliminate your ED, unfortunately. But with hard work, dedication, and smart choices, you can beat ED and get your erection back to normal.