Some men choose to smoke because they like having something to do with their hands. Some men choose to smoke because they started when they were young, and just can’t imagine stopping now. Whatever the reason, the truth is that lots of men choose to smoke, even though it is general knowledge that smoking is really, really bad for you. While some smokers can wave off the cries of “It will kill you!” by reasoning that they’re going to die eventually anyway, it’s a lot harder to ignore “It will make you lose your erection!”

Yes, it’s easy to write off the various health problems that smoking is known to cause, but no man can ignore potentially losing their beloved erection. Research has found that men who smoke are twice as likely to develop erectile dysfunction than nonsmokers. Furthermore, research has found that a whopping 20% of men who smoke will one day experience some form of erectile dysfunction.

This high percentage is due to the fact that smoking is notorious for narrowing your arteries, which plays a vital part in slowing blood flow to your erection. When your arteries are constricted, blood flow is greatly diminished. Your erection requires blood, and lots of it, to function properly. So when blood can’t quickly reach your penis, that means lots of missed erections.

“But 20% is kind of low,” you might reason. “Erectile dysfunction won’t happen to me! “

Erectile loss due to smoking is very real, and it afflicts many men. 20% of millions of smokers is still a very large number, so chances are good that you could one day be a part of this percentage.

So do yourself a favor and kick smoking to the curb. Your general health will improve, you’ll live longer, and your erection will be safe.