You might be surprised at how much influence your lifestyle has on erection health. With around 20 years of history with drugs like Viagra, doctors now know far more about what causes erectile dysfunction, and in most cases, it’s a matter of simple hydraulics: blood flow to the penis becomes insufficient for erections hard enough for sexual activity.
All kinds of lifestyle habits influence how well your circulatory system operates. Smoking is a big one. Smoking narrows blood vessels throughout the body, including the blood vessels that supply your reproductive organs. Quitting helps those blood vessels heal to some extent, and if nothing else, helps keep the problem from getting worse.
Likewise, a fatty diet that clogs up the arteries of your heart clogs up arteries everywhere, and adopting a heart-healthy diet with whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help bring your blood lipid profile in line with what it should be. Exercise too improves circulation, and you don’t have to run marathons. Consistency is essential, however.
If you have diabetes, tighter regulation of your blood glucose can stave off damages to small blood vessels that contribute to erectile dysfunction and helps you feel better overall. In short, all those things your doctor recommends that you do to remain healthy: not smoking, eating healthy, exercising, and closely monitoring chronic health conditions are better for erectile health as well.
A healthy diet and regular physical activity benefit erection health.