Can taking Viagra help with my premature ejaculation?

The little blue pill known as Viagra has transcended medication and become an item of lore; men speak of the drug in hushed tones, telling each other of the apparent miraculous properties of the pill. If you were to believe the idle talk of men gossiping over beers, you would think that Viagra can fix just about any sexual issue, and can make a man last for hours between the sheets. But for men struggling with premature ejaculation, these old wive’s tales are more than just gossip; rather, these rumors fill them with hope. After all, if Viagra can purportedly make a man last for hours in bed, surely it can help a man with premature ejaculation to last longer in bed, right?

Unfortunately, while men may talk as if Viagra is cure-all for all sexual issues, this simply isn’t true. Viagra is simply an erectile aid, meant to be taken before sex to assist the body in achieving an erection in a natural fashion. It won’t instantaneously cause erections, it won’t make you better at sex, and it certainly won’t make you last longer in bed.

It’s true: While the mythical properties of Viagra have become seen as fact by men, the truth is that Viagra is just a means of helping men struggling with erectile dysfunction to achieve an erection. It cannot help with any other sexual issues, including premature ejaculation.

When it comes to premature ejaculation, there is no miracle pill that will make this embarrassing issue go away. Rather, to overcome this problem, you’re going to need to work for it: Work with a medical professional, determine if the root cause is mental or physical, change your diet and lifestyle. It might take some effort, but at least by actively working to overcome the problem you’ll be making progress towards beating your premature ejaculation. If you turn to Viagra to defeat your premature ejaculation, you’re just going to end up disappointed.

Can acupuncture help with erectile dysfunction?

The ancient art of acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, tracing back to the medical practices in ancient China. But while there are plenty of proponents that agree that the occasional acupuncture session can help with a crick in the neck or pain in the back, could acupuncture prove beneficial to more medically pressing issues? Could the right needle in the right place actually help a man to overcome erectile dysfunction?

Research says no, but it could give your body the fighting chance it needs to overcome these erectile woes.

Extensive research has found no definitive connection between regular acupuncture sessions and the curing of physically-caused erectile dysfunction, but that isn’t to say that the ancient Far East medical practice can’t help in some way. Researchers have found the men that regularly attend acupuncture sessions do show signs of improvement in the bedroom, but this is less the result of the acupuncture and more a result of the acupuncture serving as a kind of placebo, convincing the mind that the sessions are working, which subsequently leads to mentally-induced ED being overcome.

But experts stress that acupuncture will likely not offer the help men need when it comes to erectile dysfunction caused by physical issues. For more serious bouts of ED, work with a medical professional to weed out the root cause of the issue, and work to overcome this issue with modern medicine.

But if you’re looking to get a helping hand in the fight against ED, acupuncture could be helpful, especially if your mind convinces you that it is.

How can I determine if my erectile dysfunction is related to a mental or physical issue?

When erectile dysfunction rears its ugly head, the mind immediately springs to one thought: “What is causing this?” Men experiencing ED for the first time will begin to wrack their brains for the culprit for this embarrassing issue; after all, if the root cause can be determined, that must make it easier to stomp out the problem, right?

Well, worry not; you won’t have to devote too much time to trying to figure out if it was your recent break-up or an overindulgence in pizza that caused your bedroom snafu. Instead, there is one simple test you can perform in the comfort of your own home that will help you to figure out what is causing your erectile issues.

All you will need is a roll of stamps and a pair of loose fitting boxers. One night, as you prepare for bed, make sure you put on your loose boxers, giving everything downstairs plenty of wiggle room. Then, using the stamps, make a ring of stamps around the base of your penis. Ensure that this base has every stamp touching, and that the ring is completely unbroken. Once you have confirmed that the ring of stamps is unbroken and properly secured, it’s time to hit the hay.

When you wake up in the morning, check the ring of stamps. If you find that the ring was broken during the night, this indicates that your body is still physically capable of producing erections while you are unconscious, signifying that your ED is related to a mental hang-up rather than a physical issue.

But if the ring remains unbroken, this indicates that your body cannot produce erection unconsciously, signifying that your erectile issues could be related to a physical issue.

Once this test has determined the root cause of your erectile dysfunction, you can get to work addressing the issue and working to overcome it. Work with the proper health professional to troubleshoot your erectile issues, and, with plenty of work, you should be able to overcome ED and regain your erection and sex life.

Can I develop erectile dysfunction in my 20’s?

For younger men, erectile dysfunction does not seem like a problem they will have to worry about for a long, long time. To many younger men, erectile dysfunction is seen as an issue plaguing the 50-and-over crowd; after all, it is assumed, as you get older, erectile dysfunction becomes an inevitable problem. While it is true that ED is more prevalent among older men, the idea that erectile dysfunction is only an issue for older men couldn’t be further from the truth. In actually, younger men are developing erectile dysfunction, and the number of young men developing this embarrassing problem is on the rise.

Experts say that the possibility of developing erectile dysfunction grows as a man ages; but that isn’t to say that the younger crowd is immune to erectile issues. In fact, recent research has found that 5 percent of men dealing with erectile dysfunction are between 20-39 years old.

But what is causing erectile dysfunction to develop in younger men? ED in the younger crowd can develop in a litany of ways: Depression, performance jitters, anxiety, heart problems, or an over reliance on cigarettes and alcohol have all been linked to ED in the 20-39 age group.

While erectile dysfunction can develop in younger men due to physical issues, research has found that ED in younger men is mostly caused by psychological issues. As such, men dealing with erectile dysfunction in their 20’s are advised to seek psychological help.

By working with a mental health expert, you can determine the root cause of your psychologically-caused ED, and take strides to overcome these feelings. While it is possible to develop erectile dysfunction in your 20’s, that doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck with it for life. As long as you put in the work, you can overcome ED and regain your sex life in no time.

Can regularly consuming alcohol put me at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

After a hard day at work, many men find no greater joy than plopping down into a comfortable chair, kicking up their feet, switching the TV on, and cracking open an ice cold beer. For millions of men, alcohol is a multi-faceted tool: A drink to relax with, a drink to enjoy with a nice meal, or a drink to party with. But while a drink or two every once in a while never hurt anybody, what about the men that regularly consume alcohol? For these men, a drink every night has become a ritual, with a drink with dinner or a mixed drink after work becomes as necessary as sleep. For these men, a litany of health issues could loom on the horizon, including erectile dysfunction.

Research has found that consuming 3-4 alcoholic drinks a week can significantly increase a man’s chance of developing erectile dysfunction. The reason is simple: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause significant, sometimes permanent, internal damage to the body.

Alcohol tends to hit the heart hard; as alcohol consumption becomes common, the heart will begin to deteriorate, putting out blood slower and generally becoming weaker. Alcohol also causes constrictions of the blood vessels, further impeding the flow of blood through the body. With weak blood output and constricted blood vessels, functions that require steady blood flow, such as the erection, will pay the price.

As alcohol causes internal issues to worse, the narrow arteries that supply the penis with the blood necessary for an erection will become narrow and clogged, leading to the penis struggling to receive the blood it needs. This spirals into doubt within the man as he struggles to achieve an erection, leading to erectile dysfunction that is both physical and mental in nature.

But that’s not to say occasionally indulging in alcohol will spell the end of your sex life. Like all things in life, alcohol is best enjoyed in moderation. If alcohol becomes a necessity, not only will you be setting yourself up for a litany of health issues, but your erection could be done for.

Can eating pumpkin seeds help me to overcome my erectile dysfunction?

With October now in full swing, that means one thing: Halloween decorations, and lots of them. From spooky ghosts to ghastly ghouls, people are hauling their old decorations out of storage and preparing their homes for the onslaught of trick-or-treaters. But a home isn’t prepared for Halloween without a jack-o-lantern; after all, these grim grinning pumpkins are a Halloween staple. But for many men, the pumpkin isn’t just a seasonal decoration; it could be the key to overcoming erectile dysfunction.

This is because these big orange pumpkins are filled to bursting with pumpkin seeds, naturally. While these seeds are typically thrown aside when the insides of the pumpkin are being scooped out to make a jack-o-lantern, research has found that these little pumpkin seeds pack big erectile dysfunction fighting power.

Experts have found that pumpkin seeds, when consumed, can help the body to improve general artery strength, along with improving blood flow throughout the body. With the erection requiring blood, and lots of it, to function properly, the health benefits provided by pumpkin seeds could prove invaluable for the erection.

Additionally, it has been found that pumpkin seeds feature high levels of zinc. This useful mineral is an essential inclusion for the body’s ability to regulate the sexual health of men.

But even with it’s blood flow improving powers and its ability to contribute to sexual health, that isn’t to say that pumpkin seeds are a miracle seed that will naturally help men to overcome erectile dysfunction.

But for men struggling with ED, combining the healing powers of pumpkin seeds with the proven science of erectile dysfunction drugs could ultimately give your body the fighting chance it needs to save your erection.

Can seasonal depression cause erectile dysfunction?

For thousands of men, the changing of the seasons is a welcome thing; a reason to bust out the sweaters and scarves, a reason to enjoy the changing of the leaves while enjoying a pleasantly hot coffee. But for many men, the shift into cooler weather signals something worse: Seasonal depression. For these men, the change to the grayer, colder months is no reason to celebrate; rather, the next several months for these men will be ruled by a depression they just can’t shake. And for a multitude men, season depression also means problems in the bedroom.

While debate rages on just what causes seasonal affective disorder (also known by the apt acronym S.A.D), it is a very real disorder. Thousands of men worldwide grapple with depression brought on by the changing of the seasons, and many of these men must also deal with the erectile dysfunction brought on by these feelings.

Just like standard depression, seasonal depression can cause a shift in the brain’s priorities; while your brain may have formerly prioritized happiness and a desire to go out, seasonal depression causes the brain to turn its attention elsewhere, which can lead to vital signals required by the penis to produce an erection to get missed. If these important erection signals are consistently missed, the afflicted individual will begin to worry and become embarrassed, which often leads to the problem getting worse.

For men with seasonal depression, it can be hard to focus on other things,which causes unlucky men to spiral into erectile dysfunction. So, yes, erectile issues brought on by seasonal depression is a very real problem. But by talking to a mental health professional, who can help you to figure out how to redirect your brain’s attention and not let your seasonal depression lord over you, you should be able to get your erection back.

Can jealousy cause erectile dysfunction?

Jealousy is a feeling that can seemingly strike at any minute: One moment, a friend at work will be telling you about his recent raise, the next, you’re secretly hoping he gets fired so that you can get a raise yourself. Jealousy isn’t always an indication of your actual feelings; after all, everyone has bouts of the extreme self-interest that comes with jealousy, but this doesn’t mean you always only think about yourself. But jealousy can spring from very real feelings, and these feelings can begin to affect you in other ways. Namely, jealousy related to your partner can translate to issues in the bedroom.

Whether your partner has begun to spend more time with a person you don’t trust, or if your partner is suddenly making more at work, jealousy occasionally crops up in a relationship. If left unaddressed, jealousy can snowball into feelings of betrayal, distrust, and resentment, and could ultimately lead to the end of the relationship. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction issues.

This is because the erection depends upon signals from the brain to function. If the brain become laser focused on a feeling, such as jealousy, it can often lead to the brain shifting priorities and attention away from other brain-reliant matters. Thus, with jealousy on the brain, the signals to produce an erection can get lost in the shuffle, causing missed erections, which then translates into feelings of embarrassment and shame over the inability to achieve an erection, which spirals into full blown erection dysfunction.

So, yes, jealousy-induced erectile dysfunction does occur. If you’ve been struggling with feelings of jealousy, and you find it increasingly difficult to achieve an erection, work with a mental health professional to get to the root of your feelings of jealousy, work out a way to overcome the feelings, and your erection, and your relationship, should get better.

Can red wine help me to overcome erectile dysfunction?

It’s become quite the fad to label various foods the “next big thing.” From kale to quinoa, the general public picks a food item, trumpets its apparent health benefits, and eventually moves onto the next big thing. But one food with purported miracle health benefits has hung around: Red wine. According to its proponents, red wine is chock full of elements, which can help to cure everything from headaches to the common cold.

But while the healing properties of red wine can occasionally be dubious, men the world over continue to ask the important question: Can red wine help with erectile dysfunction?

Good news, men: Extensive research has actually found that red wine can help to cut the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Bad news: It can’t help men to overcome an already developed case of erectile dysfunction.

Research has found that red wine is rich in flavonoids, a phytonutrient typically found in vividly colored fruits, that assist the body in producing anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants lead to improvements within the body, such as stronger arteries and improved blood flow, which ultimately makes it easier for the body to achieve an erection.

Research has found that as little as one glass of wine every other day can cut the risk of developing erectile dysfunction by as much as 21 percent.

But that’s not to say that loading up on red wine will help the body to overcome erectile dysfunction; rather, the flavonoids found in red wine have been found to help prevent ED, not aid in the restoration of treating ED.

So if you’re looking to prevent erectile issues, red wine could be the solution you’ve been looking for. But if you’re looking to beat erectile dysfunction permanently, unfortunately, red wine isn’t the way to do it.

Can a spine injury cause erectile dysfunction?

For men that regularly lace up their boots and step out onto the field, injuries are quite common. Millions of men worldwide pride themselves in playing sports, and thousands of these men will incur a sports-related injury during their career. These injuries range from mild concussions to broken bones, and the resulting health complications that can develop as a result of these injuries can vary wildly. But there is one sports-related injury that can not only permanently effect a man, it can also lead to issues in the bedroom: The spinal cord injury.

Every year, more than 10,00 men incur a spinal injury. These spine-based injuries can be caused by roughness in sports, a workplace related injury, or just plain old bad luck, but the end result is the same: Impaired back movement, loss of normal blood supply, and, quite possibly, erectile dysfunction.

Spinal cord injuries, especially spinal cord injuries classified as “complete” injuries, can often cause loss in sensation and muscle function below the waist. This can often translate to lost feeling in the penis, and the inability of the penile muscles to contract and take on blood properly. Dependent upon the severity of the injury, these erectile issues can either be temporary or permanent.

So if you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection after a recent spine-based injury, this isn’t mere coincidence: This indicates that your injury may be severe, and your body cannot achieve an erection as a result. Talk to a doctor, determine what can be done to treat your back and, with any luck, you should be able to recover your erection in no time.