Can menstrual blood cause erectile dysfunction?

As long as there has been sex, there have been silly urban legends surrounding it. After all, pretty much every man ever has heard that enjoying “alone time” too much can lead to hairy palms and death, and we all know that’s not true. But there is one oddball rumor that continues to persevere, despite sounding so wrong that its downright comical. Despite pretty much every basis of knowledge saying otherwise, there are still men that believe menstrual blood is toxic to the body, and if it comes into contact with the penis it can cause erectile dysfunction.

For most men, their partners’ “special time of the month” brings their sex life to a screeching halt. But there are plenty of adventurous couples who work around this natural road bump and continue their sexual escapades uninterrupted. The topic of “period sex” is a touchy one amongst men, as many call it disgusting while others call it natural. But there is a small subsection of men that believes that engaging in intercourse while a woman is on her period can actually contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.

While many men turn up their noses at the concept of menstruation, the truth is that it’s a natural, necessary part to being a woman. What menstruation isn’t, however, is toxic or harmful. Of course, it’s advised that a woman utilizes a tampon or some other blood-collecting device during this time, but engaging in intercourse while a woman is menstruating will cause no issues in a man’s body.

The legend goes that because menstruation is a woman’s body purging of the lining of the uterus, the blood contains harmful toxins that can cause issues on the body.

A woman is many things on her period: Tired, crampy, and maybe a little moody. But she definitely isn’t toxic. Engage in intercourse during menstruation at your own discretion, but no man will ever have to worry about developing erectile dysfunction from period blood.

I suffer from premature ejaculation, but I’m hesitant to talk to my doctor about it. Are there any at-home remedies for premature ejaculation?

Despite modern medicine offering a wealth of new and improved ways to overcome the most basic of ailments, many men find it difficult to use this abundance of knowledge to treat the issues they have in the bedroom. While issues such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are increasingly common in men, those afflicted will often opt to skip the doctor and seek at-home remedies. This is due to the taboo nature of these ailments, causing men to skip professional help due to being embarrassed on speaking to a doctor about their issue. But is there any true at-home remedy for premature ejaculation?

For men that suffer from premature ejaculation, the thought of speaking to a medical professional about their issues can be downright terrifying. After all, these men reason, sharing such intimate details on your sex life will make you less of a man. And so these men try at-home techniques to attempt to overcome their issues.

For premature ejaculation, there are ways to approach sex that can help to stave off early orgasm. The most common are the “stop-and-go” technique and the “squeeze” technique.

The stop-and-go is just that: Stopping and going. Men must have sex regularly, and when it feels as though the orgasm is approaching, the man must completely disengage. This allows the man to come back from the brink, catch his breath, and get back to work. Repeat until orgasm.

For the squeeze technique, this method takes a bit more work. The man must engage in sexual activity normally until orgasm is imminent. The man must then disengage and squeeze the base of the penis, dulling the sensation and staving off orgasm. While it can help men to last longer, the timing can be tricky to master, making it difficult to use regularly.

But in the end, all of these techniques won’t be able to stop premature ejaculation permanently. This is why, even if it’s embarrassing, it’s important to speak to a health professional about premature ejaculation. With someone knowledgeable in the field of sexual health, together you can work out the root cause of the issue and figure out a way to overcome the problem permanently. Don’t let pride or social taboo stop you from finding a way to get your sex life back.

Can smoking marijuana cause erectile dysfunction?

In this big, crazy thing we call “life,” it takes all types to make the world go ‘round. For some men, a cold drink after a hard day is the best way to unwind. For others, a muscle-burning workout is the preferred way to shake off stress. But for others, it’s marijuana that is turned to when its time to relax. While laws related to the little green leaf are changing, utilizing marijuana is still something of a taboo topic. But that doesn’t stop thousands of men from partaking in the illegal drug every day, be it as a way to relax or a way to enhance other activities. But much like having a drink every day, men who constantly partake in marijuana must find themselves thinking: Could this give me erectile dysfunction?

In the same way that consistent drinking can cause issues internally that spiral into erectile dysfunction, weed users find themselves wondering if the constant smoking could be setting them up for problems in the bedroom.

Well, marijuana aficionados have one less thing to worry about: Despite years of research, no connection has been found between smoking marijuana and developing ED. But that’s not to say that weed is great for your sex life, either; rather, daily marijuana use might affect a man sexually in other ways.

Namely, studies have found that men that smoke before engaging in sexual activity can often have difficulties reaching orgasm. For some, this might not sound so bad, but the inability to reach conclusion during sex can be downright frustrating and upsetting.

So daily marijuana enjoyment won’t lead to erectile dysfunction, but it isn’t exactly a miracle drug that will help your sex life. Like all things in life, if you enjoy marijuana, do so in moderation.

I think I suffer from premature ejaculation, but I’m not sure. How long is it normal to last in bed?

Thanks to movies, porn, and general word of mouth, men have a pretty skewed perception of sex. If you were to ask a normal man what a normal lovemaking session should be like, he might tell you that it should last between 30 minutes to an hour, consist of multiple positions, and most of it should be accomplished while standing. How a man approaches sex is a totally different, and deeply personal, thing; same goes for how long a man can last between the sheets. While outside factors paint sex as a wild frolic that lasts for hours, many men find sex to last closer to the minutes or seconds categories. As it seems as though there is no uniform “sex time,” many men find themselves wondering: Just how long is it normal to last in bed?

Don’t let porn or blockbuster movies fool you; in real life, sex is typically a much shorter affair. But because outside factors convince men that sex is meant to last for long periods of time, this leads to many men wondering if they suffer from premature ejaculation. After all, men reason, if the man in this movie can last for an hour, but I reach my breaking point in less than five minutes, surely there must be something wrong with me?

The truth is quite the opposite; men who last for hours are definitely the exception rather than the rule. According to research, most men will reach orgasm within 3 to 5 minutes of penetration. But that’s not to say a man isn’t “normal” if he doesn’t fall within this timeline; sex is different for everyone, so time to orgasm is going to vary from man to man.

However, men that struggle to last between the sheets might very well be dealing with premature ejaculation. According to research, the most commonly used definition of premature ejaculation is reaching orgasm within one to two minutes of penetration.

If you regularly struggle to last longer than two minutes in the bedroom, there is a possibility you are dealing with premature ejaculation. Talk to your doctor, explore ways to get around this issue, and you should be able to get your sex life back on track. But don’t be surprised if those one to two minutes only jump to three to five minutes; after all, that’s normal!

Can creatine cause erectile dysfunction?

In the world of sports, sometimes an athlete needs an outside force to help get that extra little push. For many, this means to turning to creatine supplements. Sold in powders, energy bars, drink mixes, and more, this natural substance is said to help enhance muscle mass and to help the body push past its natural limits. Every athlete seems to swear by creatine, but could this supplement be causing long-term problems for athletes in the bedroom?

Creatine helps athletes because it is chock full of a substance called adenosine triphosphate (or ATP). ATP works with the body to produce extra energy that is necessary for muscle contractions, allowing the user to utilize the muscles longer without running into muscle fatigue. As creatine is an efficient supplement for building muscle, it has become incredibly prevelant in gyms and in the bodybuilding world. But while occasional creatine usage might not be anything note worthy, it turns out that reliance upon the supplement might be creating problems internally that can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Research has found that daily long-term usage of creatine in consistently high dosages can actually overload the detoxification systems in the kidney and liver, causing the body to produce less of the enzymes found in the liver and kidney that are responsible for synthesizing hormones. When hormone production slows, the body will not only struggle to send the proper brain signals needed to produce an erection, but the afflicted may begin to lose his sex drive. With a lessened sex drive and a lack of hormones, erectile dysfunction is all but inevitable.

But that does not mean utilizing creatine is a death sentence for your erection. Experts advise creatine users to either use creatine sparingly or at the very least lowering the dosages. Otherwise, all that creatine may help a man get bigger muscles, but it won’t help in the bedroom.

My partner tells me I snore really loudly whenever I fall asleep. I’ve heard persistent snoring can cause erectile dysfunction. Is this true?

For some men, sleep is a time to lay in silence, reflecting on the day before drifting off into peaceful slumber. But for other men, sleep is an excuse to compete in a “What’s louder: A taking off airplane or my snore?” contest. Yes, many men grapple with snoring, whether they know if it or not. For some, snoring is an occasional annoyance; a weird little quirk that pops up after a night of drinking to bother your partner. But for other men, snoring is a daily occurrence. Men that struggle with snoring might have a diagnosable issue: Sleep apnea. And for men with sleep apnea, all that snoring could be a sign that erectile issues are looming in your future.

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes the afflicted to stop breathing temporarily during sleep. This is typically due to the throat muscles relaxing incorrectly, causing air intake to halt, leading to snoring. For many, it’s an annoying issue that simply means a full night’s sleep sounds like a backfiring car engine. But this diagnosable issue can affect men’s life in an unexpected way: Men with sleep apnea are more likely to develop sexual issues.

This is because sleep apnea decreases the amount of oxygen circulating throughout the body, which is vital for various body functions, including erections. This consistent deficiency of oxygen can cause oxygen dependent functions, such as erections, to suffer.

Research has found that sleep apnea can be a real issue in the bedroom, and not just because all that snoring is going to annoy your partner. In 2009, German researchers found that 69% of men that suffer from sleep apnea reported a reduction in sexual desire, while over 46% reported experiencing erectile issues.

Sleep apnea-induced erectile dysfunction is a real issue. Thankfully, it’s an issue that can be overcome. If you suffer from sleep apnea and you regularly struggle to achieve an erection, talk to your doctor about potential solutions for your sleep apnea. With work, you should be able to regulate your sleep apnea and get your sex life back to normal.

I drink three cups of coffee a day, but I worry that all the caffeine could cause erectile dysfunction. Can drinking too much coffee actually caused ED?

For some men, the very idea of starting the day without a piping hot cup of coffee is sacrilege. For these men, coffee is more than just a delicious beverage; it is a cup of courage, there to push you out the door to face the day. But after that first cup comes the second cup when the midday slump hits at 1, followed later by another cup when you begin to burn out around 5. Repeat every day for 30 years.

Coffee is an absolutely vital part of the day for many, but could all this coffee be spelling trouble for your erection? Sure, it wakes you up in the morning, but could it be killing your sex life?

Well good news coffee fiends; regular coffee consumption has not been found to cause erectile dysfunction. Even men on a 20-cup a day habit have nothing to fear, as black coffee does not have erectile killing properties. What’s more, research has found that regular coffee intake can actually reduce a man’s odds of developing erectile dysfunction. So not only is that coffee helping you to make it to work on time; it just might be saving your sex life.

But that is only in relation to black coffee. Men who like to enjoy their coffee sweet could actually be putting their erection at risk by indulging in multiple cups a day.

This is because coffee is sweetened with sugar, and sugar is absolutely not good for a man’s body. By drinking high-sugar coffee several times a day, a man could put himself a risk of developing high blood sugar, which can spiral into full-blown Diabetes. Diabetes is tied to a litany of health issues, including, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

So men knocking down black as midnight cups of coffee day in and day out have nothing to fear. But men who enjoy their coffee on the sweet side could be putting themselves at risk of developing erectile issues. Men who just need their coffee should consider switching to black coffee or, at the very least, cutting down on the sugar put into the coffee. It just might make the difference in saving your erection.

Are there any foods that can cause erectile dysfunction?

Men will do just about anything to protect their erection. For many men, the very concept on not being able to stay sexually active is enough to keep them away from vices such as cigarettes and steroids. But what about the food we eat? Even the most erectile-minded man probably only gives minimal thought to the food he’s consuming. Could the food we’re putting in our bodies actually end up being the cause of erectile dysfunction?

Actually, it is possible. Research has found that consistently consuming certain kinds of food do put a man at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Thankfully, to save your erection and your sex life, we’ve compiled a list of the three food groups you want to avoid to keep your erection happy and healthy.

Fried Foods: While fried food is delicious, it definitely isn’t good for your erection. The oils utilized in frying food have been found to be downright awful for the body, contributing to the development of heart issues, cholesterol problems, and, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

Soy: While soy might seem harmless, the truth is that it can cause issues internally in men. This is because consuming soy can actually have an estrogenic effect; meaning that when soy is consumed, estrogen levels rise and your hormones get out of whack. This can cause a decrease in sexual function, which translates into erectile dysfunction.

Canned Foods: Sure, canned food can be convenient, but a chemical known as Bisphenol-A (or BPA) is commonly found in canned foods. This little chemical can inhibit sexual hormones, leading to missed erections, decreased sexual desires, and a litany of sexual issues. Skip the canned variety and opt for fresh.

It might be hard to cut these foods out of your diet, but your erection will thank you. Make smart choices, eat well, and erectile dysfunction will be the last of your worries.

Can erectile dysfunction be caused by a weight gain?

We all try to eat healthy. A couple vegetables here, some whole grains there. But making healthy choices consistently can be hard when temptation from delicious, fatty foods hangs over your head. After all, a bushel of fresh strawberry’s may be nice, but a giant cheeseburger with a milkshake might taste a little better. But making the occasional un-healthy choice isn’t exactly the end of the world; it’s when these unhealthy choices become the only choices a person makes that the alarm bells begin to go off. After all, consistently eating poorly means that a weight gain is on the horizon. And with that weight gain comes a litany of issues, including potential heart problems, circulatory issues, and, yes, erectile dysfunction.

Research has found a strong connection between weight gain and erectile issues. That’s not to say putting on a couple pounds spells the end of your sex life, though. No, erectile dysfunction is more prominent in men who put on large quantities of weight; if a man puts on an additional 50-100 pounds, he is more likely to develop ED.

But it is not the actual weight piling up on your waistline that will cause your erection to suffer. In fact, putting on weight is just the catalyst for erectile dysfunction. As the pounds pack on, the newfound fat in your body can lead to a litany of issues internally, which ultimately affect your erection.

First, weight gain is caused by eating poorly, and these fatty foods bring cholesterol with them. As a man’s cholesterol levels rise, cholesterol deposits will begin to pop up in blood vessels, impeding the flow of blood. This means the body will struggle to supply blood to vital parts of the body, including the penis.

Secondly, weight gain is associated with a decline in testosterone. Testosterone is a vital part of the erection, as it helps to regulate sexual function. As a man’s testosterone levels drop, the body will struggle to supply nitric oxide, a blood vessel dilator necessary for achieving an erection, to the penis, resulting in missed erections and, ultimately, erectile dysfunction.

So it isn’t the newfound weight that will do your sex life in; rather, it’s all the issues that come with that weight. So work to lose those pounds, make positive lifestyle choices, and your erection should be back to normal in no time.

Are there any natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

When faced like an issue like erectile dysfunction, men will often explore any and all avenues of treatment as they race for a cure. Sure, there are plenty of pills that can help a man to keep his love life alive, but how about a permanent solution? If there isn’t a drug that can help a man to beat erectile dysfunction, surely there must be an all-natural solution that can be used to overcome ED?

Well, yes and no. For those looking for a cure-all plant or herb that can miraculously turn back the hands of time and return a man’s erection to its former glory, well, such a cure-all does not exist. Sure, there are naturally occurring plants, such as the Yohimbe root, that can replicate the results of erectile-assisting drugs such as Viagra. But extensive research has yet to find a ED-beating plant.

But erectile dysfunction can still be beaten naturally; it just takes a little more work. If a man’s ED is physical in nature, caused by eating poorly or drinking too much, it will require some positive lifestyle changes to overcome. Eating a diet rich in fruits and grains can do wonders for the body and blood circulation, while exercising daily and cutting out vices such as cigarettes can help to generally improve your way of live. Physically-induced ED can typically be stomped out at the source by working to improve the body and by continuing to make positive life choices after the ED has gone away.

So, no, there isn’t any wonder plant that will make beating erectile dysfunction easy. But if you’re looking to skip the doctors and pills, just work to improve your lifestyle choices and, in time, your erectile should get back to being its old self.