Can infidelity cause erectile dysfunction to develop?

Relationships are a lot of work. For every moment of love and understanding, there’s two moments of bickering and compromising. While relationships require a lot of give and take, they end up being a rewarding, enriching experience that improves the lives of both partners immensely. But, for some, the strain of a relationship can just be too much to handle, leading to infidelity. When a man does not feel committed to a relationship, his thoughts and actions may begin to sway, leading to dishonesty and, eventually, broken hearts. But could there be a physical way to tell if a man is cheating? Could the body give off some kind of warning sign that a man’s commitment is beginning to waver?

To be clear, the body is not hardwired to experience issues should a man decide to have an affair. That simply isn’t how the body works. But the body requires the brain to function properly, and infidelity can lead to mental hang-ups which can, in turn, translate into physical issues, including erectile dysfunction.

For the penis to achieve an erection, it depends upon the brain signaling the body that it is time to pump blood to the penis. Sexual feelings are translated into signals within the brain, allowing the brain to put the requisite sections of the body to work. However, the brain can be clouded with emotion, which can lead to important signals getting lost in the ether.

For example, guilt can actually weight heavy on a man’s mind, causing him to constantly think and worry about whatever is causing this guilt, such as infidelity. This guilt can become so all consuming that it leads to the brain missing other signals, such as the signals necessary for an erection. This leads to missed erections, which can then snowball into full blown erectile dysfunction.

So, if a man is a guilty type, cheating can actually lead to erectile dysfunction. But that’s not to say that sudden ED is a sign of infidelity. ED can come from a number of sources, which includes guilt. The brain is a powerful thing, and if a man feels caught up in a bad feeling, it can lead to issues in the bedroom.

Can seasonal allergies cause erectile dysfunction?

Ah, Spring. That wonderful time of the year when nature shakes off its moody coat and lets in the sunshine. The birds are singing, the trees are beginning to bloom, and you’re a big, sneezing mess. Yes, while springtime may be an indicator that the weather is getting better, it’s also a death knell for those that suffer from seasonal allergies. With all the pollen in the air, people are rushing to the pharmacy to stock up on anti-allergens and surgical masks in an attempt avoid the sniffling, sneezing mess that is Springtime allergies. But while the runny nose and itchy eyes are bad enough, can seasonal allergies affect other facets of your life? For men that have particularly bad seasonal allergies, can all this pollen potentially lead to troubles in the bedroom?

Well, yes and no. To be clear, extensive research has found no correlation between seasonal allergies and erectile dysfunction. While your erectile health can be affected by a variety of ailments, the sneezing and sniffling that comes with seasonal allergies poses no threat to your erection.

But, that’s not to say that severe seasonal allergies can’t cause erectile dysfunction, albeit in a way you wouldn’t have guessed. While the actual allergic reaction itself will not cause ED, dealing with those allergies can lead to erectile issues. When the mind is busy dealing with a pressing issue, such as anger, depression, or in this case, allergies, it can become distracting. A man may become so hung-up on how awful his allergies are that it can lead to the brain missing important sexual signals, leading to missed erections.

From there, the problem can spiral out of control. As the man grapples with his allergies, he’ll notice that he’s unable to achieve an erection, leading to him becoming self-conscious, in turn causing the erectile dysfunction to get worse.

So, in and of itself, seasonal allergies will not cause ED. But by focusing on seasonal allergies to the point where a man’s love life suffers, erectile issues can develop. Find a way to keep your seasonal allergies under control, and keep your mind off of the pollen in the air. If you can do that, your erection should be just fine.

I’ve been arguing with my partner recently, and I now find it difficult to achieve an erection. Could my erectile dysfunction be related to my relationship issues?

While partners promise to stick together through rich or poor, through sickness or in health, it should be noted that wedding vows don’t contain any passages pertaining to knock down, drag out fights. It’s been said that no one can really push your buttons like the people you love, and this adage is definitely true. As you spend so much time with your partner, you begin to know each other through and through, for better or worse. This can lead to the butting of heads over trivial matters, which can translate into someone sleeping on the couch or sticking someone with cooking duties for the week. The occasional spat isn’t exactly a call for a divorce, but regular fighting can be toxic for a relationship. If it happens often enough, it can even begin to affect a man’s ability to perform in bed.

It’s been said that there’s no sex like make-up sex; that passionate, fiery “I’m sorry” intercourse that comes after a couple makes up over a big fight. But these big fights can actually make make-up sex downright impossible. You see, the erection is dependent upon signals from the brain to function properly. When these signals are activated, the brain alerts the penis that it is time to get to work, causing blood to surge to the penis, causing an erection.

But anger can actually cloud the mind, leading to these important signals getting lost in the shuffle. When a man’s mind if preoccupied with anger, whether he is aware of it or not, it can lead to erectile issues. Unaddressed anger can often snowball into angrier feelings, which in turn causes sexual signals to get missed. If anger-induced erectile issues continue to pop up, this can lead to a man becoming embarrassed or angry over his inability to achieve an erection, leading to the issue becoming worse, potentially setting a man up for full-blown erectile dysfunction.

Thankfully, the solution is simple: Talk about it. Stewing in your anger is a surefire way to lead to issues, both in the bedroom and in life, so its better to meet your anger head-on. Sit down with your partner, either together or with a mediator such as a counselor, and work through your issues until you both feel satisfied. By resolving anger and working to be more open with your partner, you should be able to avoid any anger-related ED, ensuring that your make-up sex remains great and erectile issue free.

Can regularly viewing pornography increase my chances of developing erectile dysfunction?

There’s a saying about the internet: It’s 5% normal, and 95% porn. While it used to be that a man would need to physically drive to a store to acquire pornography, in this day in age, it’s readily available at your fingertips. And while viewing porn every once in a while isn’t a cause for concern, there are some men that find it difficult to stay away from these triple X websites. For these men, viewing porn can be a daily occurrence, and can sometimes even begin to affect their daily lives and relationships. But what exactly does regular porn viewing do to the body? Can it actually lead to the development of erectile dysfunction?

Well, yes and no. To clarify, the actual act of looking at pornography has not been found to cause erectile dysfunction in any way, shape, or form. A man can look at all the dirty pictures he wants, and his erection should be just fine. But the same cannot be said if a man opts to enjoy himself every time he views pornography. If a man views porn daily and masturbates every time, it could lead to erectile issues.

The erection is dependent upon brain signals to function properly. These signals cue the penis when it is time to get to work, and they also alert the body when it is time to reach orgasm. But too much masturbation can actually throw these signals into flux. By regularly exposing your body to pleasure tailored to be delivered quickly via masturbation, the brain interprets these new signals and changes accordingly, making sexual pleasure a race for orgasm, instead of the long-lasting, partner-friendly activity sex should be.

So, by masturbating too often, the brain can cause your erection to struggle to last longer in bed, the stress and anxiety of which can lead to full-blown erectile dysfunction developing.

Thus, viewing porn by itself does not cause ED, but masturbating to that porn regularly can lead to complications. Like all things in life, enjoy porn and masturbation in moderation, and your erection should be just fine.

Is there a natural way to overcome erectile dysfunction?

It’s a fact: Erectile dysfunction is one of the most underreported health issues among men. This issue is attributed to the fact that men are often nervous about speaking with their doctor about erectile issues. A man can talk openly about cancer, but when it comes to issues downstairs, men tend to clam up. This means there are thousands of men looking for ways to overcome their erectile dysfunction without bringing a doctor into the equation. And, dependent upon what the root cause of the ED is, this can be entirely doable, or totally impossible.

Most ED cases are related to a physical issue, such as eating poorly or not exercising regularly. In instances such as these, the remedy is simple: Treat your body better. If the ED has a physical root cause, you’ll need to get physical to overcome it. This means cutting out fatty and sugary food, and opting for nutritious grains and vegetables. Instead of lounging around on the couch, get up and get active. As little as 30 minutes of walking a day has been found to cause a 41% drop in risk of developing ED.

So, whether you’re looking to overcome this issue or simply want to make sure you don’t ever have to worry about erectile issues, the prescription is the same: Eat well, get active, and make good life choices.

But ED caused mental issues may be a different game altogether. Mental hang-ups, such as depression and anxiety, can lead to complications in the bedroom, and overcoming this issue will take a bit more work than a daily walk. Speak to a mental health professional about your problem, and together you can work on a way to beat your ED.

So, to overcome ED, you’ll need to figure out what kind of ED you’re dealing with. Once you’ve got that established, it’s all about making the right choices and dealing with the issue properly.

Can erectile dysfunction drugs help me to last longer in bed?

Erectile dysfunction is a serious issue that effects millions of men worldwide, but its still seen as an issue for the old and sexually inexperienced in the court of public opinion. As a real health issue, there are plenty of drugs on the market that help men suffering from ED to overcome their health problems and engage in sexual intercourse. But these ED drugs are widely regarded as sexual enhancers, designed to turn the man that ingests them into an insatiable love machine that can last in the bedroom for hours and never has to worry about reaching orgasm. The general consensus is that ED is not a real issue, but ED drugs are miracle drugs for sex. So, is there any truth to this? Can erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra really boost your sexual performance?

This misconception concerning ED drugs and sexual performance is just that: a misconception. Despite long-standing rumors, ED drugs are not designed to improve your sexual performance, nor have they been found to assist a man in lasting longer in intercourse.

Rather, erectile dysfunction drugs are simply meant to be used for men that struggle to achieve an erection. When taken, these drugs help the body to bypass the issues causing erectile dysfunction, such as clogged arteries or slowed blood flow, and get the requisite blood to the penis necessary for an erection.

Even with an ED drug ingested, erections must be achieved the old fashioned way; i.e. through stimulation. Popping a Viagra will not cause an instantaneous erection to occur.

So if a man is looking for a drug to help improve his performance between the sheets, he’ll need to look elsewhere. Erectile dysfunction drugs are only intended to assist in achieving an erections, and that’s it.

Can playing video games for long stretches of time lead to erectile dysfunction?

Sometimes, after a long day of work, all a man wants to do is plop down on the couch, fire up the old video game system, and blow a couple hours mowing down virtual bad guys. Video games have become a pervasive part of our society, and most men tend to have at least one gaming system in their home. And while occasional gaming certainly isn’t anything to worry about, the same cannot be said for marathon gaming sessions.

For some men, gaming is an obsession, meant to be enjoyed solely in 8-10 blocks. These men sit unmoving for hours, tapping away at the buttons, hardly finding the will to focus on anything that isn’t completing another quest or going up another rank. For these men, gaming can lead to health complications, including erectile dysfunction.

The erection is dependent upon a number of factors to work properly, and be removing just one of these factors, the erection can struggle. One of the most important aspects of the erection is healthy blood flow, as the erection requires plenty of blood to function properly. By constantly remaining stationary, and compounding this sedentary lifestyle with poor dietary choices, the vessels that lead from the heart to other parts of the body can become clogged, leading to blood flow slowing to a crawl.

When vessels begin to clog as a result of not staying active and eating poorly, it is typically the smallest blood vessels in the body that are affected first, which includes the vital vessels tasked with supplying blood to the penis for erections. With blood flow slowed in these vessels, the penis cannot get the requisite blood for an erection, leading to missed erections, which snowballs into full-blown erectile dysfunction.

So yes, gaming can in fact lead to erectile dysfunction. But that’s not to say that you should cut video games out of your life entirely. Just make sure to mix gaming with exercise and outdoor time, and make sure to avoid fatty foods. If you make sure you’re making positive life choices while gaming, your erection will have nothing to fear.

Is it safe to take Viagra if I don’t have erectile dysfunction?

When a man hears about an erectile aid such as Viagra, it sounds like a miracle pill that will do what nature can’t. With all the hype surrounding the drug, you would think that Viagra would turn you into an insatiable sex machine that can last for days. Because Viagra is seen as a wonder drug for sex, many men consider investing in a bottle of the little blue pills, even if they don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. “After all,” the think, “it doesn’t hurt to have a little help in the bedroom, right?” But is this true, or is taking Viagra without a prescription possibly dangerous?

Well, first, let’s clear up a misconception: Viagra is not a wonder drug that turns you into a sexual dynamo. Rather, it simply aids the body in achieving an erection. The erection is not instantaneous, and must be achieved the old fashioned way, i.e. through stimulation. Once you reach orgasm, your erection will subside, just like normal.

So if you’re considering Viagra solely as a means of improving your sexual performance, you will be seriously disappointed,

But that’s not to say that Viagra can’t be helpful for men that don’t suffer from erectile dysfunction. As long as a man takes a small dosage, such as 25 to 50 mg, Viagra can help exponentially in the bedroom. If you occasionally struggle to achieve an erection, an occasional Viagra pill can help aid your erection strength and ensure that you have no problem performing.

If you are seriously considering Viagra, it would be wise to speak to a doctor before making a decision. But if you’re simply looking for a safety net for the occasional missed erection, a low dosage of Viagra may be just what you’re looking for.

Can yohimbe bark help me overcome my erectile dysfunction?

As long as the world has existed, there have been those that seek out solutions to their ailments naturally. Were you to ask a naturalist for the best way to treat your medical issue, they would surely have a laundry list of roots, plants, and teas to recommend. One of the most commonly suggested natural remedies for erectile dysfunction is that of yohimbe bark, which has been said to be used to treat erectile issues for thousands of years. This bark originates from the yohimbe tree, which is found primarily in western Africa, where locals harvest the bark, grind it up, and sell it as a natural cure for ED.

But can yohimbe really help a man to overcome erectile dysfunction? Well, that depends on how the bark is acquired, really. You see, there are two common methods of acquiring yohimbe: Either via supplements, or by prescription.

Yohimbe supplements tend to play up the aphrodisiac aspect of the bark, and is marketed as both a dietary supplement and a bedroom aid. As it is not, strictly speaking, medicine, the success rate on yohimbe supplements is a mixed bag, and it is not recommended to rely solely on those supplements to overcome your ED.

But prescribed yohimbe is a different story. Yohimbe hydrochloride is a prescription treatment for erectile dysfunction that has existed in one form or another since the early 1930s. Prescription yohimbe isn’t utilized as much these days, what with the rise of Viagra and other erectile aids, but it is still an effective treatment method.

If you are looking to use yohimbe to fight your erectile issues, speak to your doctor about yohimbe hydrochloride and skip the supplements.

I can achieve an erection while masturbating, but not during sex. Do I have erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a tricky thing. While many health ailments affect the body in uniform ways, erectile dysfunction isn’t quite the same. It can be caused by physical issues, or by mental hang-ups. It can be temporary, or it can be permanent. And it can strike at the worst times. If you consistently struggle to achieve an erection during intercourse, it can be easy to classify your problem as erectile dysfunction. But what if you can achieve an erection perfectly fine elsewise? What if erections aren’t a problem when masturbating, but are solely problematic during sex? Does this still count as erectile dysfunction?

Well, like stated earlier, ED is a tricky thing. It can rear its ugly head in a variety of ways, and those ways differ greatly. For instance, if erections are impossible during both intercourse and masturbation, odds are good that your erectile woes may steam from a physical issue, i.e., artery build-up, heart issues, etc.

However, if you cannot achieve an erection during sex, but you find you have no issues achieving an erection during masturbation, this indicates that your ED may be mental in nature.

The brain is a powerful thing, and it can hold sway over your body even when you don’t realize it. So if you have unaddressed sexual hang-ups, such as first-time nerves or jitters about fetishes, it can translate into the brain blocking the signals necessary for achieving an erection, translating into missed erections.

So, yes, if you struggle with erections during sex but can achieve an erection just fine alone, you do still suffer from erectile dysfunction, albeit a form of ED that is mental in nature. Speak to your doctor or mental health professional to work out ways to overcome this issue and get your sex life back on track.