Ah, office life. After battling through traffic, you pour yourself a cup of coffee, plop down into your reasonably comfy office chair, and then remain in that reasonably comfy office chair for eight hours, all before you punch out, head home, and do it all over again tomorrow. Plenty of people have jobs that require they stay seated throughout the day, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. If a man has an office job that requires a lot of sitting, but he continues to eat well and make positive lifestyle choices outside of the cubicle farm, the sitting should have no bearing on his ability to perform in bed. But men that sit professionally and don’t look after their bodies outside of work are a totally different story.
When it comes to your heart, nothing does it a better service than staying active. Doing as little as walking for 30 minutes a day can ensure that your heart stays healthy and active, allowing it to perpetually pump the necessary blood to your body. But living a sedentary lifestyle, compounded with eating poorly, can lead to heart issues.
If you stay in that office chair for 8 hours, and you decided to indulge of a large cheeseburgers and some cheese fries, you won’t be doing your heart any favors. Poor eating habits and skipping on exercise has been found to lead to heart issues, which causes restriction of blood flow to spread throughout the body. It is typically the smallest arteries that are affected first, and some of the smallest arteries in the body are responsible for supplying blood to the penis. This means when your heart and arteries begin to have problems, your erection will be one of the first things affected.
So if you professionally sit, make sure to eat well and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Something as simple as setting aside 10 minutes a day at the office to engage in crunches or squats could seriously help your heart, and, by association, your erection.