Can tight underwear lead to erectile dysfunction?

It’s been said that briefs make the man. A man’s choice in undergarments can say a lot about him, and can lead to arguments between men over which undergarment is superior. There are those that swear by boxers, while others cannot imagine life without underwear. But as long as this debate has raged, there have been men claiming that underwear can lead to problems in the bedroom. They say that tighty whiteys can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction, but when pressed most men will admit they don’t know exactly how this happens. Is there any truth to this tall tale? Will men that wear tight underwear develop erectile dysfunction?

Well, men that wear tight underwear, this is kind of a good news/bad news situation. No, wearing tight underwear cannot cause erectile dysfunction, no matter how tight those undies are. But tight underwear can lead to other issues downstairs; namely, it can seriously affect your sperm count.

Yes, while tight underwear may not lead to ED, it can wreak serious havoc on your testicles. This is due to the fact that underwear brings the genitals closer to the body. Normally, this isn’t a terrible thing, but the testacies prefer to situate themselves away from the body. This is because the body produces heat, and prolonged exposure to this heat inhibits the testacies ability to regulate internal temperature for sperm production. As the temperature rises, sperm essentially gets cooked and dies, and the body will struggle to produce sperm in this new found environment.

So, while tight undies won’t lead to erectile dysfunction, they will most certainly lead to sperm count issues. That’s not to say that you need to give up on your trust tighty whiteys just yet. Just invest in a pair that’s not quite so snug and your testes should be okay.

I think I have premature ejaculation. How long is normal to last in bed?

There was a time when you prided yourself on your ability to last for a long time between the sheets. Your lovemaking sessions seemed to be hours long sessions, and you didn’t consider the job done until you felt as if you had competed a triathlon. But lately you’ve found that your time in the bedroom has taken a serious dip, going from hours to mere minutes. You’re worried that you may be dealing with premature ejaculation, but you also wonder if this is just a temporary change. After all, a change in lovemaking time isn’t necessarily something to worry about, right? So, you find yourself thinking, just how long is it normal to last in bed?

The answer is that there really isn’t anything resembling a “normal” time for sex. Every man is different, and coitus time is something is unique for every man. Some may last second, some may last minutes, and some may last hours. While there isn’t a normal time, there is a medically accepted “good” time for a man to last.

Sexual health experts tend to agree that around 2-3 minutes is the optimum time for a man to last during sex. That’s not to say that falling outside of this time frame makes you weird; rather, it’s just the average time a man lasts before reaching his tipping point. However, if you consistently fall short of this time, that could suggest that your body is having difficulty lasting during sex. The occasional short bedroom tryst shouldn’t be cause for concern, but if you find yourself lasting seconds time and again, this could be an indicator of an issue.

Talk to your doctor about your lovemaking time, and get an opinion if this should be cause for concern. Again, that’s not to say that short sex definitely indicates premature ejaculation, but it could. Better to be safe than sorry and just talk to a medical professional.

Can chocolate really help me to overcome erectile dysfunction?

It sounds like a bad joke; What food can help you with erectile dysfunction? Lots of chocolate. Yes, so the story goes, that eating enough of the sugary, gooey confection can apparently help your erection to spring back to life and turn you into sexual tyrannosaurus rex. But despite the spread of this old wives’ tale, most men wouldn’t give it a second thought. After all, how could something so chock full of sugar and fat possibly help your erection? If anything, you would think it would make your erectile dysfunction worse. Well, you’re right, in a sense. Too much chocolate and you will see your ED worsen. But it is also true that chocolate can help with your erectile woes.

That’s not to say that you should run down to the store and scoop of dozens of Hershey’s bars. No, the kind of chocolate that can help with erectile issues is very specific. If you’re looking to help your erection, it’s raw chocolate that you need to be introducing into your diet.

Processed chocolate bars are produced by heating up the chocolate, which causes the antioxidants found within chocolate to wither and die, turning the cocoa from a healthy snack into a belly busting sugar treat. But raw chocolate is an entirely different animal. Loaded with antioxidants and nitric oxide boosting compounds, raw chocolate can help to encourage improve blood flow within the body. In fact, studies have found that consuming a single raw chocolate bar can lead to a 5-1 point drop in blood pressure, which translates into expanded arteries and better blood flow.

Additionally, raw chocolate is filled with flanavols, which has been found to improve the body’s production of circulating angiogenic cells (CAC). CAC are the cells linked to the care of your endolithium, which is the lining found in your blood vessels. With CAC production doubled, your vessels get stronger, which means blood can flow easier, which means blood can reach your penis quickly and produce an erection.

Like all things, raw chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation. But if you’ve been struggling with ED, the blood vessel boosting powers of raw chocolate may be the food you’ve been praying for.

I suffer from premature ejaculation. Can numbing cream help me to last longer in bed?

You’ve always enjoyed sex, but lately you’ve found that your romps between the sheets are getting shorter and shorter. In an effort to prolong your lovemaking sessions, you’ve turned to the Internet to investigate all manner of workarounds for men that struggle to last. You’ve heard about psychotherapy, you’ve heard about hypnosis, you’ve heard about acupuncture, but you’re looking for something a little more immediate. You keep hearing about topical creams that are said to lessen feelings down below, which are said to help a man last longer between the sheets. But are these creams all smoke and mirrors, or can a topical numbing cream really help a man with premature ejaculation to last longer?

When it comes to reaching orgasm, it all boils down the science. With enough pleasurable contact, the body converts these feelings into an alert to the body that its time to ejaculate, which leads to a man blowing his top. For some men, these feelings get passed along to the brain quickly, leading to short sessions. But if the penis can be numbed so that it isn’t overcome with pleasurable feelings, it truly can lead to longer trysts between the sheets.

So, yes, if you struggle to last during sex, numbing cream may be the answer to your prayers. Simply apply the cream once an erection has been achieved, and the cream will go to work numbing the various nerves found within the penis. This allows the penis to take more pleasure before reaching its peak, while also ensuring that sex remains enjoyable. There are a variety of creams on the market, to it’s important to determine which cream works best for you.

That’s not to say that numbing cream will magically cure your premature ejaculation. After repeated usage, the cream may begin to lose strength. But it’s a good workaround to utilize while you get to the root of your ejaculation woes.

Can yoga help me overcome erectile dysfunction?

Yoga is seen as the ultimate melding of mind, body, and spirit. With these simple stretches, the belief is that you will become more centered as a person, allowing you to shake off the mental cobwebs and become more attuned to the world around us. While that’s all well and good, many forgo the spiritual aspect of yoga and opt to focus on its health benefits, and proponents for the exercise method swear that yoga can help people to overcome all manner of ailments. But can these ancient poses and stretches help a man to recover from erectile dysfunction?

While there are plenty of yoga devotees that sing yoga’s healing powers, the truth is that no studies have found a conclusive link between yoga and erectile dysfunction recovery. But that’s not to say that yoga can’t help you with your ED. Erectile issues can often develop as a result of a lack of physical exercise, and these issues can be overcome by introducing exercise into your daily routine. Yoga helps to stretch and mend various muscle groups within the body, and have the added benefit of increasing blood flow. Thus, taking up yoga might not fully fix your ED, but it will definitely help.

While general yoga will help you to stay active, yogis recommend on focusing on yoga that specifically targets the pelvis. By engaging in pelvis-specific yoga poses, this can lead to improved blood flow, which could help to make erections easier. The five best pelvic-focused yoga poses for men suffering from ED are:

– Seated forward bend
– Plank pose
– Raised legs pose
– Boat pose
– Bow pose

Again, yoga won’t be a cure-all for your erectile issues. But by getting up, getting active, and focusing on stretches that help to promote healthy blood flow downstairs, it will got a long way towards helping.

Can masturbating too much lead to erectile dysfunction?

We’ve all heard the phrase “Use it or lose it,” but when it comes to your erection, should it instead be “Use it too much and lose it”? Men across the globe live in fear of developing dreaded erectile dysfunction due to one too many nights alone in front of the computer screen. The common thought is that regular masturbation can actually lead to the nerve endings in the penis becoming dull, translating into the penis not being able to get aroused. While the logic is sound, there’s still the lingering thought if whether or not the old wives’ tale has any validity. Can too much masturbation really lead to erectile dysfunction?

Men, worry not. When it comes to masturbation, no matter how often you engage in the act, it won’t cause your erection to kick the bucket. Extensive research has found absolutely no connection between the frequency of masturbation and the development of erectile dysfunction. But that’s not to say that excessive masturbation can’t lead to issues in the sheets.

While you won’t have to worry about developing erectile dysfunction from masturbation, your ability to last in the bedroom is an entirely different story. Chronic masturbators are more likely to struggle to achieve an orgasm, and it’s easy to understand why.

When a man masturbates frequently, he becomes used to the sensation and begins to prefer his own method. When it’s time to get down to business with your partner, the man might find that sex is not as enjoyable as his method of masturbating, which can make it difficult to reach orgasm.

That’s not to say that every man that masturbates regularly is going to struggle in the bedroom. But it is an issue that affects some. If you’re finding it difficult to reach orgasm with your partner, and you masturbate frequently, cut down on the masturbation. Pace yourself, and your penis should return to its normal rhythms, allowing you to reach orgasm during sex.

Can eating specific foods lead to erectile dysfunction?

Every man has heard of nature’s apparent ability to produce roots and veggies that can help to achieve a rock hard erection. The tale goes that by consuming enough watermelon, pistachios, or even dark chocolate can cause the body to get kicked into overdrive and produce an erection that lasts for hours. While the validity of these claims is questionable, this old wives’ tale has left many wondering if the inverse is true: If certain foods can help your erection, can others hinder it?

The list of foods that can hurt your erectile abilities is pretty short, but it’s one that shouldn’t be ignored. So what food could put you on the road to erectile dysfunction? Salt.

Yes, the beloved kitchen staple has linked to plenty of cases of ED. Now, that’s not to say that a pinch of salt every now and again is going to lead to erectile issues, nor does medium salt usage signal upcoming erectile woes. No, salt can only prove fatal for your erection when used in large doses regularly. This is because high salt consumption can lead to cardiovascular diseases, which in turn affects your erection. This is because salt is high in sodium, which can lead to clogging in the heart and arteries. When the heart struggles to output blood, and the arteries struggle to provide blood to the body, this translates into your erection getting the short end of the stick.

You see, when arteries are affected by sodium, it is the smallest arteries that tend to feel the pinch first. One of the smallest cluster of arteries in the body is the group responsible with providing blood to the penis. As such, these arteries end up being the first to pay the price, which means blood can’t reach the penis to allow erections.

But that’s not to say that you should cut salt entirely out of your diet. Just keep an eye on your intake levels, and you should be just fine. Experts agree that salt intake should add up to less than 1,000 milligrams a day. If you stay healthy and watch your sodium intake, your erection should be just fine.

Is it true that invasive cancer surgery can cause erectile dysfunction?

Surgery requires a steady hand, nerves of steel, and patience. When everything goes correctly, going under the knife can lead to complete changes in health for a person, and can often be the line between life and death. But surgery is still performed by humans, and humans aren’t perfect. Occasionally, a hand will slip or a scalpel will falter, and this can lead to new issues within the body. If you recently underwent invasive surgery and you find it difficult to achieve an erection, these issues could be related.

That’s not to say that going in to get your tonsils removed could spell certain death for your erection. Surgery-related ED tends to develop almost exclusively from surgery related to the removal of cancers. As cancer removal surgery typically requires lots of poking and prodding around vital nerves and vessels, it is high risk. Should the surgery be situated in the pelvis or lower section of the body, this puts the surgeon in close quarters to the nerves and vessels that lead to the penis. If these vitals should be nicked or poked, this could translate into the body being unable to supply the signals or blood to the penis necessary for an erection, translating into erectile dysfunction.

The four most common ED-inducing surgeries are:

• Radical prostatectomy
• Radical cystectomy
• Abdominoperineal resection
• Total pelvic exenteration

If you’ve undergone these surgeries, or are preparing to undergo these surgeries, talk to your doctor about potential solutions for ED. Vessel and nerve injury can typically be repaired, meaning your erection should return, but it might take a bit of ED drugs and patience before your erection goes back to normal.

Can poor oral hygiene lead to erectile dysfunction?

Think of the body as a great big jigsaw puzzle. All the tiny pieces fit together to form one complete thing. When constructing a jigsaw puzzle, even the pieces that seem like they wouldn’t work together ultimately come together to allow you to finish. Such is the case with the human body. All these various, seemingly unrelated parts can play vital roles in each other. So, as odd as it might sound, your oral hygiene really can affect your ability to achieve an erection.

In a study published in the Journal of Sex and Medicine, researchers revealed that poor oral hygiene can lead to erectile dysfunction. Namely, the development of periodontitis can serve as the death knell for your erection. Periodontitis is a gum disease which causes inflammation in the mouth, leading to the gums pulling away from the teeth, creating pockets in the mouth that can harbor bacteria. This bacteria can then weasel its way into the body, where it can damage the endothelial cells, which forms the protective lining on your blood vessels. This bacteria tends to attack the smaller blood vessels first, and some of the smallest blood vessels in your body lead directly to the penis. When these vessels are attacked, it can effect blood flow, which effects the bodies ability to supply blood to various parts of the body, which leads to blood not reaching the penis, which translates to erectile dysfunction.

So there you have it. In a roundabout way, not looking after your gums can lead to troubles in the sheets. If you’ve been dealing with gum swelling or oral pain, speak to your dentist and work to get to the bottom of the issue. If left unchecked, it could ultimately lead to your erection paying the price.

Can I take my erectile dysfunction drug with alcohol?

The great thing about sex is that it can be so spontaneous. One moment you’re sharing a drink with your partner, the next you’re slipping between the sheets. Alcohol has a way of loosening people up, which can certainly up the chances of spontaneity. So if you’re dealing with erectile dysfunction, the day may come when you find yourself ready to knock boots after a couple drinks. But you know you’re going to need your ED medication to get things in working order downstairs. Would it be the worst thing in the world to take one little ED pill with your beer?

While it may sound harmless, mixing erectile dysfunction drugs and alcohol can be a recipe for disaster. Like any medication, mixing an ED drug and large quantities of alcohol can lead to internal issues such as diarrhea and vomiting. If that doesn’t scare you off, if you drink a lot and then pop an ED drug, the odds are good that the drug may not even work, effectively putting you out a pill and a night of fun.

But that’s not to say that erectile dysfunction medication can’t be taken the moment a drop of alcohol has passed your lips. Research has found that light to moderate alcohol consumption will not ultimately effect the ability to properly process erectile dysfunction medication. In fact, a study published in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics found no adverse reactions between consuming Viagra with a glass of red wine.

So, if you’re thinking about drinking and it seems as though sex may lay in your future, keep your drinking in check. A little bit won’t hurt you, but too much and your night of lovemaking may be ruined.