Are there any natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

As long as man has existed, we have turned to the Earth for help. Our ancient ancestors found that certain berries would help, while other berries would harm. As we grew, we found more natural ways of alleviating issues we would encounter. But as we matured, people learned to turn to medicine and science instead of relying upon the bounty of the planet.

But there are many out there that try to handle issues as our ancestors did: naturally. But while there are plenty of roots, figs, leaves, and plants that have been found to help with a variety of health problems, is there truly a natural cure for erectile dysfunction?

The answer isn’t “no,” but it isn’t “yes” either. The answer lies closer to “kind of.”

You see, there are plenty of natural remedies that help men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Ginseng, arginine, and herbs such as the oddly named horny goat weed have all been found to help with ED, but we have yet to discover a naturally occurring solution that will defeat erectile dysfunction all together.

Which is why men looking to best ED should use a mix of the natural and the modern. Stocking up on natural herbs that help encourage health blood flow is a good start, but talk to your doctor about erectile health medication while you’re at it. Mix in regular exercise, eating healthy, and cutting out vices, and you should be able to overcome your erectile issues in no time.

While there isn’t a natural solution to ED, there are plenty of herbs and plants that will give you a fighting chance in besting ED. Mix these natural elements with doctor-approved medication and positive lifestyle changes and you should be ED free before you know it.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction Vascular Disease


Learn answers to the most asked questions about Viagra the most popular and widely used Erectile Dysfunction Medication. Video on What Causes Erectile Dysfunction by Dr. Daniel Williams M.D. ED Questions.

Here are the transcripts from Dr. Williams:

Hi I am Dr. Daniel Williams, What Causes Erectile Dysfunction? It is actually a syndrome, it’s not a specific entity, so lets explore what causes it and how we can define it into practical terms that we can use every day, so you can discuss this intelligently with your physician and keep an eye out for early indicators in your own body of early severe coronary artery disease. Erectile Dysfunction is a collection of symptoms. A man is unable to either achieve an erection to last long enough to perform intercourse, there is no erection at all, or it kind of dies out before the sexual activity is finished. For our purposes here we are going to look at the causes of Erectile Dysfunction. So there are basically 3 categories that can lead to this problem.

1. The one we can do the most about medically is the vascular cause that is that not enough blood flow can actually get into the penis to cause the erection or it leaves too soon or there is vascular disease itself inhibiting the adequate blood flow for a number of reasons its Vascular.

2. The second one is Neurogenic. This is there is some kind of nerve injury, inherited disease state or other kind of Metabolic disease influencing the nerve and not allowing it to do the types of nerve activity that are involved with the erection, ejaculation and softening of the penis afterwards. That’s a Neurogenic.

3. The third and final cause we are going to discuss here is psychogenic. That’s probably a bad word and going to go out of favor, we don’t like the word physco, but what this means is mental causes such as stress or depression or performance anxiety or pressure or a bad relationship if it’s unhealthy and the sexual activity seems forced, unnatural that you are being judged in some way. All these things can affect you sexual performance.

So medically speaking its easiest to go ahead and treat erectile dysfunction from a Vascular cause. Nerve injuries are a lot more difficult and the result are a little slim. And Physcogenic typically a physiologist or psychiatrist will kind of coach people through this. There are sex therapists as well that can help address underlying issues. So for the most people experiencing therapeutic medications for erectile dysfunction it typically a vascular problem that being treated with Viagra, Cialis or Levitra something like this. These medications work to dilate the arteries and veins in the penis so that blood can flow more easily and cause an erection. Estimates are anywhere from 60% to 80% of men will experience some satisfaction and improvement, though it can take men up to a week to experience relief.

So if you have a disease in your penis that’s Vascular in nature there is a chance and a big correlation that you have vascular disease elsewhere in your body, such as in your coronary artery or your brain that could lead to stroke. It’s important that if you are experiencing any erectile dysfunction symptoms that you discuss this with your physician and that you can be properly evaluated for vascular disease. There was one study that involved 27,000 men they found out that 58% never told their physician that they had erectile dysfunction symptoms. So if you are interested in what cause erectile dysfunction enough to watch this video, pay close attention to those statistics and your own body, what ever you do discuss this with your physician so that you to can make the most intelligent decisions.

Can drinking too much lead to erectile dysfunction?

Alcohol, like all things in life, is best enjoyed in moderation. While the occasional wild night is a nice way to blow off steam, an overreliance an alcohol can lead to serious health problems down the line.

For men that drink daily or find themselves turning to the bottle regularly, health issues are bound to develop. Research has found that alcoholism can lead to heart disease, liver disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and cancer of the mouth, throat, liver, and colon. While it can be easy to justify a drink every now and again, relying upon alcohol too much can set a man up for serious health problems.

It is these health issues that can in turn lead to further issues within the body, such as erectile dysfunction. Yes, drinking too much won’t just lead to a missed erection after you’ve had one drink too many; it could lead to missing erections permanently.

This is because chronic heavy drinking has been linked to health issues that have been found to lead to erectile dysfunction. Drinking too much can lead to liver damage and nerve damage, both of which have been linked to ED. An overreliance on alcohol can also lead to issues within the brain. When heavy drinking is done regularly, it can lead to abnormalities in the brain, such as disrupting the balance of the male sex hormone levels. When these hormone levels are thrown into flux, the brain will struggle to translate signals of sexual excitement into an erection, leading to missed erections.

Before you go and give up drinking entirely to save your erection, research hasn’t found any link between ED and mild alcohol consumption. But when alcohol begins to take over your life, you’re setting yourself up for plenty of issues down the line. Do yourself a favor and drink in moderation. Your erection will thank you.

Is erectile dysfunction a sign of heart issues?

Your erection, like pretty much every other aspect of your body, is entirely dependent upon your heart. When your heart is doing it’s job, it’s pumping lots and lots of blood to everywhere that needs it. It is this steady supply of blood that allows your body to function and accomplish simple tasks. One of these blood-dependent simple tasks is achieving an erection. Your erection is supplied a steady supply of blood thanks to a tiny collection of arteries. With this blood, your penis can engorge and do what it was designed to do.

But when you have erectile dysfunction, something is preventing blood from reaching your penis, which leads to missed erections. While there are many causes of erectile dysfunction, they all boil down to a simple issue: something is stopping blood from reaching the penis.

One of the most common causes of slowed blood flow is heart issues. If your blood is suffering from a problem, this translates into blood flow being slowed. If your heart has to work harder to supply blood to the body, this means your erection won’t be able to receive the blood necessary to function properly.

Let’s be clear: Erectile dysfunction is not always a sign of heart issues. But ED has been found to be one of the most reliable early warning signs of heart problems. So while it’s not a guarantee that your recent erectile woes can be traced back to heart problems, it’s best to play it safe and talk to your doctor.

With a simple check-up, your doctor can confirm whether or not you’ve got more serious heart issues to worry about. But if your doctor confirms that your ED isn’t heart related, you can then start to work towards deducing the cause of your erectile health issues.

But if you find yourself dealing with ED, talk to a doctor about your heart. It may end up not being heart related, but a simple check-up could very well save your life.

Am I at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction if I have diabetes?

When you have diabetes, it may feel like you have enough to worry about already. Between keeping a close eye on your blood sugar, watching what you eat, and trying to keep your issue in check, diabetes can feel like a full time job. But for men dealing with diabetes, the disease can lead to bigger problems than simply watching your sugar intake.

This is because diabetes affects your blood vessels and blood supply. If not regulated, diabetes can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, which translates into diminished blood flow to important organs. When the arteries in the body begin to narrow, the smallest arteries in the body are typically the first to be affected. One of the smallest clusters of arteries on the body is the batch that leads to the penis. When these arteries narrow, this means blood struggles to reach the penis. Erections require blood, and lots of it, to function properly, so when your penis is cut off from a steady blood flow, this translates into missed erections.

While developing erectile dysfunction after dealing with such a troublesome disease as diabetes can feel like going from bad to worse, the truth is that ED can be avoided if you look after your diabetes. This might sound like an obvious solution, but it’s really the only way to avoid ED as a man with diabetes.

Keep a close eye on your blood sugar, ensuring that it always stays in a safe zone. Watch what you eat, stay active, and live a healthy life.

If you’re a man dealing with erectile dysfunction and diabetes, talk to your doctor. Together, you can determine the best medication for your issue and how you can best overcome this issue.

Can jealousy lead to erectile dysfunction?

It’s always nice when your significant other hits it off with your friends. With your partner fitting nicely into your friend group, you don’t have to worry about leaving your partner behind when it’s time to hang out with your friends. On paper, having a partner that meshes with your friends sounds great.

But if your partner starts to get too chummy with your friends, this can lead to feelings of jealousy. And if that jealousy builds up and becomes a point of contention between the two of you, it can even lead to erectile dysfunction developing.

Yes, if your partner gets too cozy with your friend group, it could lead to erectile dysfunction. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Sociology, men with partners that integrated into their friend group were much more likely to develop erectile issues.

Jealousy can be caused by other social situations, too. If a man feels his partner is spending too much time with her friends or if a partner has a friend group that is primarily composed of the opposite sex, feelings of jealousy can rear their ugly head.

A man’s headspace can play a large part in erectile health. If a man is consumed by jealousy, this can lead the brain into translating these feelings as a priority, which leads to brain chemicals getting scrambled, which in turn leads to erectile issues.

If you are feeling left out with your partner, talk about it. If feelings of jealousy are left unchecked, it can lead to serious issues in both the bedroom and in the state of the relationship. Open a discussion about how you can overcome this jealousy, and come to a mutually beneficial decision on the best way to solve the issue. If you don’t, you could find your erection paying the price.

What causes premature ejaculation?

One minute, you’re a stallion in the sheets; able to last for hours, leaving both you and your partner exhausted but satisfied. Suddenly, you’re struggling to last a mere minute, and you have no idea why. Premature ejaculation can strike at any minute, and it can lead to serious feelings of inadequacy and disappointment from both sides of the relationship.

To rid yourself of this embarrassing problem, it’s important that you get to the root of the problem. While the exact cause of premature ejaculation isn’t known, there are many factors that can lead to premature ejaculation developing. Here are some of the most common causes of premature ejaculation. One of these may be the culprit for your current woes.

Psychological cause

Your headspace can play a large role in your sexual health. If you’re dealing with feelings that aren’t being properly addressed, this can lead to issues such as premature ejaculation developing. Some of the most common premature ejaculation-associated psychological causes are:

-Performance anxiety
-General anxiety

If you feel as though you may be dealing with any of these feelings, it could be responsible for your premature ejaculation woes. Speak to a psychologist to determine how to best overcome this issue

Physical causes

Premature ejaculation can also be caused by biological factors such as:

-Abnormal hormone levels
-Unbalanced levels of neurotransmitters
-Thyroid issues
-Inflammation of the prostate or urethra
-Nerve damage

Physical causes can be a little harder to pinpoint. Speak to your doctor to determine if your premature ejaculation could be related to a health issue.

If I take erectile dysfunction medication, will my erection go away like it normally does after climaxing?

So you’ve finally decided to pop the little blue pill before you get down to business between the sheets. Sure, you’ve got a general idea of what to expect; you’ll get an erection, you’ll have sex, and that will be that. But are things going to be different due to the drug? Will it take longer to achieve an erection? Or will the erection stick around after you’ve finished?

Well, you won’t have to worry about walking around with an erection for hours after reaching orgasm. Erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra aren’t miracle pills that will your body into having never ending erections. ED drugs simply help the body to achieve an erection, but you won’t have to worry about it sticking around.

Here’s how it works: Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood cannot be properly supplied to the penis. When you pop an ED drug, the drug dissipates throughout the body and communicates to the brain to widen the blood vessels, including the crucial vessels leading directly to the penis. With these vessels opened, blood can flow normally, and your penis can be supplied with the blood needed to achieve an erection.

Once climax has been reached, your erection will go away like it normally would. The ED drug is still in your body, but it’s not going to force your body to achieve an erection. It simply helps the process along.

So if you’re new to ED drugs and you’re worried that Viagra will cause unwanted non-stop erections, worry not. Once you’ve finished up, your erection will go away just like it should.

What erectile dysfunction medication can I take on a full stomach?

All medication is different. Some drugs work best when taken under certain circumstances, while others drugs won’t work properly if taken in conjunction with another medication.

Erectile dysfunction medication is no different. There are several big name ED drugs on the market, and each of them have their own unique little quirks. It’s these quirks that set them apart from each other, and can play a crucial part in determining which medication would be best for your needs.

For instance, the big five erectile dysfunction medications (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, Staxyn, and Stendra) are very different when it comes to getting the best bang for your buck. Viagra, Levitra, Staxyn, and Stendra all work best when taken on an empty stomach. This is due to the fact that your body can better digest and dispel the medication throughout your body when it isn’t impeded by food.

However, Cialis is the exception to the rule. The little yellow pill can actually be taken no matter the current state of your stomach. Even if you decide to down a pill after partaking in a buffet, the Cialis will still take effect just as quickly as it would if taken on an empty stomach.

Once ingested, Cialis is also one of the longest lasting ED drugs. Cialis allows your body to achieve an erection within 36 hours of usage, allowing you a large timeframe to hop between the sheets.

The beauty of sex is that it can be so spontaneous, so if you’re looking for an erectile dysfunction drug that can kick in no matter how full you are, Cialis might be right for you.

How can I determine if I have erectile dysfunction?

Every man experiences erectile dysfunction in one form or another at one point in his life, whether it’s a missed erection after a night of drinking or a missed night of intimacy. But it can be hard to determine if this bout of ED is simply a temporary issue or a full-blown case of erectile issues.

Thankfully, you don’t need to live in uncertainty when it comes to your erectile health. While the cause of ED can be difficult to determine, there is an easy test you can use while you sleep to determine if you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction.

This test requires a simple roll of postage stamps. Before heading to bed for the night, sit down and wrap the base of your penis in a ring of stamps. Make sure this ring of stamps completely envelops the base of your penis, and ensure there are no breaks or gaps in this ring.

After completing this ring, gingerly put your penis back into it’s typical resting state, and then hit the hay.

In the morning, check the ring of stamps. If the ring is broken, this indicates you had an erection while you slept, which means that your body is fully capable of achieving an erection, and that your erectile woes could be temporary or mental in nature.

However, if the ring remains unbroken, this means you did not have an erection while you slept, which could indicate that there is a physical cause of your erectile dysfunction.

If this test suggests that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, consult your doctor about what might be causing this issue and how you can work to overcome it.