Is watermelon really nature’s Viagra?

As a man struggling with erectile dysfunction, you’ve committed yourself to trying any and all solutions to overcome your issue. People are always quick to offer at-home remedied, but you’ve yet to find anything that can truly help achieve an erection. But you’ve heard the idle gossip about watermelon, and it’s apparent erectile restorative abilities. Word on the street is that watermelon is nature’s answer to Viagra, and enough slices of the delicious fruit can bring any erection back to life.

But let’s clear up this misconception; yes, watermelon does contain elements that can help to achieve an erection, but no, it probably won’t help you to achieve an erection.

You see, watermelon is chock full of an amino acid known as citrulline. Citrulline works similarly to Viagra in that it relaxes the blood vessels and encourages improved blood flow, especially to the smaller vessels located on the body such as the group that leads to the penis.

The theory is that by eating enough watermelon, the body will be flooded with citrulline, will allow a man to achieve an erection. But researchers have not yet pinpointed the actual amount of watermelon that needs to be ingested to achieve an erection. A four-ounce serving of watermelon contains about 150 milligrams of citrulline, so researchers theorize that man would need to eat a lot of watermelon to feel it’s effects.

So if you’re considering ditching your Viagra for watermelon, don’t. It’s tasty, but it won’t help replace your erectile health medication any time soon.

Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?

Ask any man about erectile dysfunction and they’ll probably tell you that it’s something that happens to all men as they age. ED is seen as an inevitability; something to worry about once a man is well into their golden years. After all, most men would reckon that sex isn’t a big part of the autumn of life, so losing your erection won’t be a huge issue at that point.

But don’t resign yourself to losing your erection just yet. The truth is that erectile dysfunction is not a normal part of aging. Even when you’re well into the latter part of your life, you should still be able to achieve an erection, provided you make the right choices in life.

Yes, to save your erection later, it’s all about what kind of choices you make now. Living healthy, staying active, and avoiding vices can do wonders for your health, and can ensure that you won’t have to worry about common health issues associated with the elderly. However, if you regularly overeat, don’t exercise, and drink and smoke to excess, you’re setting your body up for problems down the line.

Mental health is also an important aspect of keeping your erection. Depression and anxiety are common amongst the elderly, and it has been found that these feelings can lead to erectile dysfunction. When erectile dysfunction develops on account of anxiety or depression can oftentimes lead to the both issues getting worse. By finding ways to manage the stress in your life and keeping a positive outlook, you can ward off ED well into your twilight years.

While ED isn’t an inevitable part of aging, you’ll certainly experience some changes sexually later in life. Orgasms might not be as intense, arousal might take longer to achieve, and how long it takes to reach orgasm may increase, but if you live well, at least you won’t have to worry about losing your erection.

What causes erectile dysfunction in younger men?

When the term “erectile dysfunction” is thrown around, it probably elicits images of crotchety old men struggling to get it up. But erectile issues aren’t just reserved for men well into their golden years. In fact, more and more young men are experiencing erectile dysfunction. In fact, ED amongst young men has been on the rise in recent years, with a recent study finding that 5 percent of men between 20 and 39 are affected by erectile dysfunction.

But what is causing this rise of ED among young men? After all, ED is commonly associated with health issues such as heart disease and clogged arteries, so it should be impossible for young, healthy men to develop ED, right? In actuality, erectile dysfunction can be caused by a number of factors, of which health issues are but one.

Erectile dysfunction can also spring from a man’s mental state and the world around him. Young men dealing with depression, anxiety, guilt, low self-esteem, and other psychological factors can often find it difficult to achieve an erection due to the mind being preoccupied. Outside factors such as stress at work, anxiety about money, and relationship issues can also lead to ED developing.

The rise of ED among the younger crowd can also be traced back to overindulgence. The consumption of alcohol is very common amongst men in there 20’s, and younger men are also smoking more cigarettes. Both of these vices can lead to internal issues, which can in turn lead to erectile dysfunction developing.

All men experience some form of ED at one point in their lives. But if you’re a young man who is consistently struggling to achieve an erection, speak to a doctor or a psychologist to determine what could be causing your issue. By getting to the root of the issue and diligently working to overcome the problem, you should be able to regain your erection.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

As a man, the last thing you’d want to lose on your body is the ability to achieve an erection. You and your erection have been through a lot together, so the thought of suddenly losing the ability to achieve an erection is downright terrifying. But many men take solace in the fact that their erection won’t kick the bucket until they’re well into their golden years, which leaves many happy years with your erection.

But the truth is that erectile dysfunction can strike at any time, regardless of age. Whether you’re 20 or 99, erectile dysfunction can creep up on you and drastically change your sex life.

“I work out, eat healthy, and live a good life, so I’m not at risk of developing erectile dysfunction,” you may think to yourself. But the truth is that erectile dysfunction can strike anyone. ED can be brought upon by mental hang-ups or health issues. It can be temporary or permanent. Erectile dysfunction comes in many forms, and can affect men of all ages and lifestyles.

ED can be caused by changes within the body, such as the narrowing of the arteries or the slowing of the heart. ED can also be brought on by mental factors, such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

So don’t think you’re safe from erectile dysfunction just because of your age. ED can strike at any time. If you start to experience the inability to achieve an erection, talk to your doctor and work to get to the root of the problem.

Can smoking lead to erectile dysfunction?

Back in the 50’s, smoking was a common, every day occurrence, with everyone from your pregnant wife to your doctor lighting up whenever the craving struck. These days, the adverse health effects of smoking are well documented, so less and less people are picking up the habit. However, there are still millions of smokers out there, and many of them are men. While lung cancer and heart disease are commonly associated with smoking, there are many other health issues that can strike when you’re on a pack-a-day habit. In fact, if you smoke, you may be doing serious damage to your erection.

You see, your erection is entirely reliant upon a set of arteries to supply the penis with blood. When your brain transmits the command to the penis to become erect, blood is pumped through these arteries constantly, allowing the penis to stand at attention. When blood flow is slowed, your penis won’t be able to get the supply of blood it needs to keep an erection, which leads to erectile dysfunction.

Smoking is notorious for causing the blood vessels to narrow. When your blood vessels narrow, blood flow will slow, causing your body to work harder to supply less blood. When arteries narrow, the smaller arteries in the body are typically the first to be affected. Some of the smallest arteries in the body lead directly to the penis, so when smoking narrows your blood vessels, the arteries your erection depends upon will be the first to go.

That’s not to say a lifetime smoking habit is an absolute guarantee that you’re going to lose your erection. If you want to save your erection, quit smoking. Cut cigarettes out of your life, and make positive lifestyle changes. Studies have found that abstaining from cigarettes for as little as two weeks can lead to serious improvements in sexual health. So do yourself a favor and ditch the smokes. Your erection will thank you.

Could my depression be causing my erectile dysfunction?

Ever find yourself sleep walking through the day, devoid of good feelings, even though you can’t think of any real reason to be upset? Depression will do that to you. Depression can creep up on you, and it may not be related to any issues in your life; in fact, life could be great, but you still find yourself down in the dumps. When you’re dealing with depression, it can be hard to muster up the ability to focus on other things. Relationships and friendships can all suffer when depression rears its ugly head, but you might also find depression interfering in your sex life.

Research has found that erectile dysfunction is incredibly common amongst men suffering from depression. Research has found that 61 percent of men with depression have sexual problems. These sexual problems can manifest themselves in premature ejaculation, a decline in libido, or the inability to achieve an erection.

This is because your penis relies upon your brain to signal when it’s time for an erection. This process requires chemicals, but when these chemicals are out of balance due to depression, the penis can’t receive the proper alert from your brain to achieve an erection. The inability to achieve an erection can oftentimes lead to feelings of inadequacy, which can just make your depression worse.

If you’re finding it difficult to achieve an erection and you’ve been dealing with depression, talk with your doctor. Together, you can work out a way to address the core issue of your erectile dysfunction. With medication and hard work, you can overcome your depression, and your brain can focus its attention on bringing back your erection.

How does Viagra work?

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and invest in a bottle of little blue pills. Viagra is one of the most recognizable drugs of all time, so when it came time to decide which brand to go with to treat your erectile dysfunction, it seemed like a no brainer. Viagra is known for doing what it’s intended to do: cause erections. But how exactly does it work? What is causing this little blue to pill to tell the body to achieve an erection? If you want to understand the drug you’re taking, here’s a simple breakdown of how Viagra operates.

Erectile dysfunction is caused when blood cannot consistently reach the penis. The penis depends on a steady flow of blood to stand at attention, so when the body is struggling to get blood down below, this translates into missed erections. Reduced blood flow can be caused be a number of issues, such as plaque build up in the blood vessels, constriction of the blood vessels, or problems with the heart. Even if blood is flowing normally through the rest of the body, the key arteries leading to the penis may narrow, leading to blood struggling to reach the penis to induce erections.

To get blood to reach the penis, your body is going to need help. This is where Viagra comes in. When ingested, Viagra dissolves in the acid of the stomach and is then dissipated throughout the blood stream of the body. The Viagra essentially sends a signal to the brain, letting the brain know that it’s time to open up the arteries. The brain then responds to this chemical signal and tells the smooth muscles that line the arteries to relax, which allows the blood vessels to expand.

From there, it’s business as normal. The Viagra will keep the blood vessels open, allowing blood to reach the penis. To achieve an erection, you’ll need to go about it the old-fashioned way, but once sexual stimulation has been communicated to the brain, it can quickly supply the penis with blood, allowing the penis to achieve an erection.

So there you have it. Viagra facilitates blood flow, which allows your penis to spring to life. Now that you know how Viagra works, it’s time to put it to use for you.

Can erectile dysfunction be a sign of gum disease?

While your gums and your penis are pretty much located on opposite ends of the body, you would be surprised to find out how much one can affect the other. So if you’ve found friends are frequently standing upwind to avoid your less than stellar breath, you may find yourself experiencing erectile issues in the very near future.

But what is the correlation between gum issues and a failing erection? Well, the answer is simple: both problems are caused by inflammation. Inflammation is a common medical term, but many aren’t certain as to what it exactly means. In plain terms, inflammation is the body’s immune response in action. So, if you’re having issues with your gums, your body will spring into action and initiate a response, which will lead to your gums becoming inflamed, which makes them appear red and swollen.

Gum disease can lead to tooth decay and bacteria developing in the mouth. These pesky bacteria can then slip into the bloodstream, where it runs rampant on blood vessels. The blood vessels then become damaged, which will affect the flow of blood throughout the body. When gum disease-associated bacteria attack blood vessels, it’s the smallest vessels that are affected first. One of the smallest blood vessels in the body is the vessel that leads to the penis, supplying the penis with blood for erections. When this vessel comes under attack, blood flow is slowed or downright halted, which leads to missed erections.

So there you have it; what’s happening all the way up in your mouth can eventually lead to issues on your penis. Gum disease related erectile dysfunction has been found to be very common, with a recent study of 80 men afflicted with ED finding that 53% of the men also suffered from severe gum disease.

So if you’re looking to save your mouth and your erection, the solution is simple: practice good oral hygiene. Brush twice every day, floss, and visit the dentist regularly. If you keep a close eye on your mouth, your chances of ED will diminish drastically.

Can snoring really cause erectile dysfunction?

If your room sounds like it’s occupied by a backfiring car engine or a jet plane taking off, it’s because you snore and you snore loud. But this isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. Sure, it can definitely be annoying for anyone that has to listen to your snoring all night long, but a whopping 45 percent of the population snores, so you’re not alone. But if left unchecked, snoring can lead to complications elsewhere in the body, including the penis.

Yes, snoring can drastically affect things downstairs. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, a group dedicated to studying sleep apnea (a.k.a. snoring), untreated snoring can lead to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. This is important because your penis requires blood, and lots of it, to achieve an erection. If your cardiovascular system struggles to pump blood throughout your body, your penis won’t be able to consistently receive enough blood for an erection, leading to missed opportunities and erectile dysfunction.

Snoring has also been found to play a serious role in sexual health, strange as that may sound. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that of the 18 million American men dealing with sleep apnea, 69 percent reported experiencing reduced sexual desire, and 46 percent reported experiencing reduced arousal.

Long story short; if left unchecked, your snoring can lead to erectile dysfunction, no sex drive, and the inability to be aroused.

Thankfully, sleep apnea can be treated. There are a variety of ways to beat snoring, but they all start with talking to your doctor. With the expertise of a medical professional, you can overcome your snoring, thus saving your erection, your sex drive, and the sleep schedule of those around you.

Can foods help fight erectile dysfunction?

Despite extensive research and testing, we’ve yet to find a miracle food that can help a man to regain his erection. While many would claim that fruits and veggies have restorative properties when it comes to your little guy, the truth is that they can assist you in kicking erectile dysfunction, but they won’t beat back ED singlehandedly.

But it’s never a bad idea to get a helping hand when overcoming a problem like erectile dysfunction. So if you’re looking to introduce some erection-healthy foods into your diet, here are some foods to consider snagging next time you’re at the grocery store:

Leafy greens: Leafy green veggies such as celery and spinach are chock full of nitrates, which helps the body to open up blood vessels and increase blood flow. When your blood flows unimpeded, blood can easily reach your penis and can make it easier to achieve an erection.

Beets: Like leafy greens, beets are rich in nitrates. Researchers have found that regularly consuming beet juice can greatly improve blood flow, thus increasing your chances of achieving an erection.

Pistachios: These little nuts are a good source of arginine, which has been found to relax blood vessels. Not only will they facilitate healthy blood flow, but a recently conducted study found that men who suffered from ED who ate pistachios every day for three weeks experienced improvement in erectile dysfunction and sexual desire.

Watermelon: Sometimes called “Nature’s Viagra,” Watermelon is filled to bursting with an antioxidant known as phytonutrients. These phytonutrients relax the blood vessels and improve blood flow, thus making it easier for your body to achieve an erection.