Can tight underwear cause erectile dysfunction?

Whether you’re a boxer briefs or a tighty whities kind of guy, you’ve certainly heard the rumor that restrictive underwear can lead to problems in the bedroom. It’s a legend that’s as old as underwear, and it just won’t go away. While most men are quick to write off the rumor, it still manages to stick with you. “What if I’m hurting my erection by wearing underwear that’s too tight?” You may find yourself wondering. “Could my choice in underwear really lead to erectile dysfunction?”

Well, worry not, fellow men. Even if your underwear is ludicrously tight, you won’t have to worry about your erection paying the price.

But your sperm count is another matter entirely.

While tight underwear physically can’t cause erectile dysfunction to develop, it can lead to lowered sperm count.

This is because tight underwear pulls the testicles up to the body. The testicles hang loose from your body, and actually require a different temperature to function normally, which is typically around 2 to 7 degrees below that of the body. When your testicles are nuzzled up against your body, the internal temperature of the testicles will begin to rise. Eventually, your testicles will “overheat” and sperm will begin to die off.

Now, this isn’t instantaneous, so don’t think slipping into a pair of tight undies spells certain death for your sperm. Sperm death will occur if tight underwear is worn for long periods of time, typically over several years.

So if you ever want to have children, it would be wise to swap out your underwear for some boxer briefs.

Are there any natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

For as long as there has been erectile dysfunction, there has been someone touting a plant or a root as an all-natural miracle cure. These remedies, originating primarily from China and Africa, are said to open up the blood vessels, encourage blood flow, and lead to rock hard erections, just like Viagra or Stendra.

But unlike Viagra or Stendra, these claims don’t have a whole lot of research to back them up. Despite existing for centuries, natural remedies haven’t been thoroughly investigated and tested. Some herbs used to treat ED have been found to cause side effects, while some roots can have dangerous side effects if taken with unrelated medication. The science around these natural remedies are hazy at best.

But that’s not to say that natural remedies can’t be useful for fighting erectile dysfunction. Natural ED treatments can help to overcome ED when used in conjunction with established ED-fighting methods, but should not be relied upon to best ED all on it’s own. For instance, if your erectile dysfunction is related to recent weight gain, noshing on some herbs and roots can help you to achieve an erection, but only through positive lifestyle changes will you manage to completely overcome ED.

If you wish to overcome your erectile dysfunction au natural, the truth is that you may spend years and plenty of money on purported miracle cures that ultimately don’t fix your problem. Furthermore, some of the natural remedies circulating on the market have been found to be risky, with some increasing chances of bleeding or leading to irregular heartbeats.

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, stick with the sure thing. Talk to your doctor about what ED medication might be best for you.

Should I take my erectile dysfunction medication on a full stomach?

The beautiful thing about sex is that it can be completely and utterly spontaneous. You never know when feelings are going to strike, or when the timing is going to be perfect for you and your partner to slip away and have some fun.

But when you develop erectile dysfunction, spontaneous sex can prove difficulty. Sure, you can engage in plenty of foreplay, but eventually you’ll need to get down to brass tacks. If you rely on ED medication to achieve an erection, you may find yourself waiting for the drug to kick in.

And if you decided to chow down before popping that little pill, you might find yourself waiting even longer.

For medication to work, it must be digested by the body and dispersed throughout the bloodstream. For ED medication, once the pill has been digested and processed, your arteries will open up and blood flow will improve, which will make it easier for your body to achieve an erection.

But a full stomach slows this whole process down. If you take ED medication after a meal, your medication will essentially have to get in line. The food in your stomach will be digested and process first, and your little ED pill will have to wait for it’ turn.

Viagra typically takes 30 minutes to an hour to take effect, but if taken on a full stomach, you might yourself waiting for up to 2 hours for your erection to spring to life.

So if you’re looking to delay the effects of your erectile medication, then down the pill with a heavy meal. Otherwise, avoid food when ingesting ED medication or you could find yourself playing the waiting game.

How can I determine which erectile dysfunction medication is right for me?

So, you’ve finally decided to seek medical help for your erectile dysfunction. Worry not, fellow man. Medication such as Viagra and Levitra will help you regain your former erectile glory, and your partner won’t think any less of you for seeking outside help for your problem.

But when it finally comes time to pick your erectile dysfunction medication, the choices can be somewhat overwhelming. Should you go with Viagra? Or would Stendra better suit my needs? What about Levitra? Sure, they all ultimately do the same thing, but which one is right for me?

Well, each of the major erectile dysfunction medications have subtle differences that set them apart from each other. Here are some facts about these medications that can help you to determine which pill will work best for you.


-Must be taken 30 mintes to 1 hour before sexual activity

-Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work

-If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Viagra to kick in

-Effects last up to 4 hours


-Must be taken 30 mintes to 1 hour before sexual activity

– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work

– If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Levitra to kick in

-Effects last up to 5 hours


-Can be taken 15 minutes before sexual activity

– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work

-Can be taken with or without food. If taken with food, this will not affect the dispersal time for the drug

-Effects last up to a day


-Can be taken 15 minutes before sexual activity

– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work

– If taken on a full stomach, it will take longer for the effects of Stendra to kick in

-Effects last up to 4 hours


-Must be taken an hour before sexual activity

– Effects are not instantaneous. Requires sexual stimulation to work

-Staxyn is not ingested. It is placed under the tongue, where it dissolves

-Effects last up to 4 hours

Will my erectile dysfunction naturally go away?

Maybe you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Maybe things have just been a bit stressful at the office. Maybe you’re just not in the mood. However you choose to justify it, there are a million different ways to write off a missed erection. After all, you might reason, not getting it up every once in a while isn’t anything to panic about.

Well, that missed erection could soon snowball into a full-blown problem. One missed erection becomes two, two becomes several, several becomes constantly. Before you know it, you aren’t able to get down to business between the sheets anymore and you’re kicking yourself over ignoring the issue in the first place.

There is always a catalyst for erectile dysfunction, and very rarely will the problem naturally go away. Something is causing you to miss erections, and it is important that you get to the root of the issue. Sitting idly by and assuming that the problem will work itself out is a recipe for disaster.

Whether it’s stress-related, due to feelings of insecurity, a poor diet, a sedentary lifestyle, or a litany of other possible reasons, your erection can be reclaimed by taking the necessary steps to overcome the cause. Eat better, get active, confront your feelings; whatever you think you need to do, do it.

Erectile dysfunction can also be an early warning sign of a much more serious problem. Heart disease, diabetes, clogged blood vessels, and Parkinson’s have all been linked to erectile dysfunction. If you choose to wait it out, you could be doing irreparable damage to your body.

So guys, don’t wait and see when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Get serious about it, and work to overcome it.

Can chemotherapy cause erectile dysfunction?

When you first step foot in the chemotherapy treatment room, it can be downright scary. You’re going to be hooked up to a bag filled with cancer-combating chemotherapeutic agents, and you’re really not sure what the future is going to hold. You’ve heard that hair tends to fall out. You’ll get more sluggish. Your memory might not be what it used to. But there’s a side effect of chemotherapy that many men don’t seem to know about: erectile dysfunction.

Yes, chemotherapy can negatively affect other aspects of your body, including the ability to achieve an erection. Chemotherapy might also sap you of your sexual desire, further complicating your erectile chances.

This is because chemotherapy puts large amounts of stress on the body. Your body is basically working overtime to process these drugs, and is actively diverting all of its attention to eliminating the cancer from your body.

But fret not. Chemotherapy-induced erectile dysfunction is not permanent. As your body recovers from chemo, you should begin to see affected areas come back to normal. Chemotherapy side effects tend to resolve themselves after one to two weeks.

However, in rare instances, chemotherapy can cause major interference with the nerves responsible for controlling the erection. If your erectile dysfunction lasts more than two weeks after a chemotherapy session, consult your doctor immediately.

How can I last longer in bed if I have premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can take a fun, wild romp in between the sheets and turn it into an embarrassing, disappointing confidence destroyer. Nothing is more emasculating than not being able to last in the bedroom, and it can turn a once thriving sex life into a sexless wasteland. It can also lead to feelings of resentment in your partner, with doubts about relationship longevity or sexual compatibility bubbling up.

That’s why it’s important to find a way to keep your premature ejaculation under control. Just because you finish quicker than you used to doesn’t mean your sex life should be dead. In fact, if approached in the correct way, premature ejaculation can lead to longer, more satisfying sex for both you and your partner.

Here are some solutions to implement in your sex life to help you to last longer:

Get it out of your system: If you know sex is coming, take care of yourself to ensure that you won’t be in a rush to reach orgasm while you knock boots. Masturbating a couple hours before sex will numb your penis, making it harder to finish quickly.

Stop and go: If you feel yourself approaching orgasm during sex, call for a time out. Take a brief breather and wait for the feeling to subside. When you feel as though you can resume, get back to business. You can repeat this technique several times during sex, ensuring that you can keep going for quite awhile.

Give it a squeeze: Like the stop and go technique, the squeezing method requires you to go until you feel an impending orgasm. When this feeling bubbles up, disengage and squeeze the head or base of the penis. This will disrupt the flow of blood to the penis and will quell the sexual excitement that leads to ejaculation. Once the orgasm feeling has subsided, you’ll be good to go again.

How do I tell my new partner about my erectile dysfunction?

A new relationship can be exciting, fun, and downright scary. Since you’re still getting to know each other, it can feel as though you’re walking on eggshells. You worry if you’re saying the right things, or if you’re going to scare your partner off. Erectile dysfunction can further complicate this getting to know each other process, because the man afflicted with ED may feel as though his issue could be a deal breaker for his partner.

But if approached appropriately, erectile dysfunction should be seen as just another facet of who you are.

Make sure to broach the topic before things get too hot and heavy in the bedroom. While engaging in foreplay, take a moment to tell your partner about your ED. Stress that there are plenty of workarounds to this issue, and that you can explore your options if the problem should rear it’s ugly head.

Remember to emphasize that ED is not a reflection of how you feel about your partner. While a failing erection could be seen as the man not being into you, this is not the case. It’s a mental and physical problem, and it is in no way an indication of how the man feels.

Stress that your issue requires patience. Erections won’t always be instantaneous, and that you’ll need to work as a team to overcome the problem. If an erection simply isn’t in the cards that night, find another way you can be gratified as a couple, either through foreplay or cuddling.

Telling your new partner about your erectile dysfunction can be scary, but if your partner really cares about you and wants to stick around, your ED shouldn’t be a deal breaker.

Can too much porn cause premature ejaculation?

With the internet, porn is almost unavoidable. Always lurking just a few clicks away, it’s become incredibly easy to find whatever you want, whenever you want it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with firing up an adult site every so often and blowing off some steam, but could an overdependence on these sites lead to issues downstairs?

Yes, excessive porn consumption can in fact lead to problems in the bedroom. But it’s not your penis to blame. In fact, enjoying porn too frequently can lead to wires crisscrossing in your brain.

Research has found that an overreliance on pornography can lead to your brain getting turned around in regards to sexual activity. You see, when you enjoy porn, you’re typically rushing through the activity; focus is put on instant gratification instead of prolonged pleasure.

When your brain begins to associate sexual activity with completion, you’ll struggle to last in bed. Your brain sees sex as a race to completion, and will push you to finish quickly.

That’s not to suggest porn needs to be cut out of your life completely to save yourself from premature ejaculation. No, porn can be a good outlet for sexual desires, but like all things in life it’s best in moderation.

Could my partner’s premature ejaculation mean he’s no longer attracted to me?

There was a time when your bedroom romps involved multiple steps, plenty of giggling, and passion. You felt as though you really could explore each other in the bedroom, and that it ultimately brought you closer together as a couple.

But as of late, it almost feels as though your partner is sticking to a script. No foreplay, little kissing, in and out, and all done. What used to take an hour now takes minutes. It’s made one of your favorite activities downright boring. Could this be a sign that your partner is losing interest in you?

Not quite. If your partner is struggling with premature ejaculation, do not take it as a personal affront.

Often times when a man is afflicted with premature ejaculation, he may try to find a way to hide the problem. His “straight to business” approach in the sheets isn’t because he’s no longer attracted to you; it’s simply to get it over with and hide his embarrassing problem.

Premature ejaculation is a deeply personal issue for a man, and can lead to feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy. When you’re robbed of being able to pleasure your partner, it can be embarrassing.

So if you find your partner is rushing through sex, talk to him about his problem. Don’t point fingers, and be open to conversation. Let your partner know that he’s not alone, and that you can address this problem as a team.

There are plenty of workarounds to this problem, and a doctor could help you to get to the root of the issue. Your partner is going to need you during this difficult time. Be strong together and, after a while, your sex life should be back to normal.