What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

As of late, you’ve begun to notice that your trysts in the bedroom is getting shorter and shorter. While you used to be able to last for hours, you’ve been reaching your peak within a couple minutes. You’re disappointed in yourself, and your partner isn’t too pleased about it, either. You may be afflicted with premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation could drastically affect your love life, preventing you from getting physical with your significant other. To overcome your premature ejaculation, it’s important to figure out what’s causing it. Here are some possible culprits behind your premature ejaculation.

Psychological: A mental hang-up could be to blame for your newly developed problem. It could be depression, anger, guilt; your emotional and psychological state could weigh heavily on your bedroom performance. For instance, if you’ve been feeling guilty over something, you may rush through sex, causing your body to throw in the towel quicker. To shake off your premature ejaculation, you need to work to get into a more positive mental headspace. See a psychologist or mental health expert to discuss your feelings, and you can come up with ways to overcome your problem.

Erectile Dysfunction: If you feel anxious about potentially losing your erection, your body may take this as a sign to get through sex quickly to avoid potential embarrassment. If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, worrying about it may lead to premature ejaculation. Speak with a doctor about your ED, and he can give you medication, tips, and tricks to last longer in the bedroom.

Physical: Low hormones, nerve damage, prostate inflammation; there are a litany of physical problems that could potentially lead to premature ejaculation. Consult a doctor to get to the bottom of any underlying problems that could potentially be causing your premature ejaculation.

What are some natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

If you’ve found yourself lacking between the sheets as of late, you could be afflicted with erectile dysfunction. Losing the ability to regularly achieve an erection can be scary, but there are plenty of ways to overcome this problem. While medication and guidance from a doctor is the best way to fight ED, it never hurts to give yourself a little help. Here are some natural treatments you can do around the house to help combat your problem.

Panax Ginseng: A herb native to China, Panax Ginseng (or red ginseng) is commonly seen as nature’s Viagra. Research has found that daily dosages of the herb to immensely helpful in fighting the effects of ED. While it won’t cure your problem outright, it could definitely help you to overcome ED.

Acupuncture: Though the science behind acupuncture as an ED remedy is shaky, recent research has found that the art of acupuncture can help to improve the quality of your erection. Do not rely on acupuncture alone to fight your ED, but it may prove helpful.

L-Arginine: An amino acid that naturally occurs in the body, L-Arginine helps to product nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is the body’s way of relaxing the blood vessels. By taking L-Arginine pills, you can aid your body in relaxing your blood vessels, which can facilitate better blood flow, improving your erection.

What are the differences between Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis?

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, the three biggest brands are Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. While other ED drugs clamor for attention, these three remain the top of the top, the best of the best. But because they’re all so good, it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. Here’s a breakdown between the differences of these three pills, so you can better decide which to go with.


– Takes about 30 minutes to an hour to take effect

– The effects last about 4-5 hours

– Taking Viagra on a full stomach will slow the effects of the drug. If taken on a full stomach, Viagra will take effect in about 1-2 hours.


– Takes about 30 minutes to an hour to take effect

– The effects last about 4-5 hours

– Like Viagra, Levitra should not be taken on a full stomach. If ingested after eating, Levitra will take longer to kick in (about 1-2 hours).


– The quickest of the bunch, Cialis typically takes effect in about 15 minutes

– Cialis also lasts the longest, with the effects lasting over 36 hours

– While Levitra and Viagra are taken before sex, Cialis is taken daily to ensure you will be prepared if you should decide to have sex

– A full stomach has no effect on Cialis, so the drug can be taken regardless of when you ate

What age is it normal to develop erectile dysfunction?

Historically, erectile dysfunction has been seen as a problem for men in their golden years. The common conception is that erectile dysfunction is an inevitable problem for older men, as unavoidable as back problems and wrinkling skin.

While it’s true that erectile dysfunction may one day strike as you age, it’s a serious misconception that ED is only a problem for the elderly. Extensive research has found that ED is becoming more and more commonplace amongst the younger generation, and the median age for ED is lowering.

A study published in the July 2013 issue of Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that ED is on the rise amongst younger men, with researchers finding that ED affected 26 percent of adult men under 40. After 40, the percentage of men affected by ED rose, with 50% of men in their 50s reporting ED, 60% in their 60s, and so on.

Researchers attribute this rise in ED prevalence to various factors, including more stressful lifestyles, higher rates of alcohol consumption, and depression.


While erectile dysfunction has commonly been seen as a problem exclusive to older men, the simple fact is that it’s affecting more and more young men every day.

Making positive lifestyle changes, eating better, and getting active can help you to avoid becoming a statistic as a younger man with ED.

Talking to Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction Problems

Learn answers to the most asked questions about Talking to Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction Problems. Video by Dr. Daniel Williams M.D. ED Questions.

Here are the transcripts from Dr. Williams Talking to Your Doctor About Erectile Dysfunction Problems?:
Today I am going to talk to you about a very alarming statistic, there was a multinational study done in the United States, UK and Canada involving over 27,000 patients. The results of this study really got my attention, I would like to share it with you. They reported over 58% of patients with symptoms of erectile dysfunction never told their doctor. This is an alarming number, there is not a lot of data or research on this subject, other then some studies that show that erectile dysfunction hurts relationships and that silence in a relationship about sexual problems also hurts the affected person.

A more alarming statistic to pay attention to is how many times you personally are able to satisfy yourself or your significant other in a sexual way. The reason is, that this could also be a sign of early, severe coronary artery disease. Many people don’t understand the link between vascular disease and all of the organ systems. We are used to hearing about strokes, we are used to hearing about heart attacks, where the arteries get clogged with cholesterol and plaque and that sort of thing. We have known about this for quite a while but it also happens in the penis, and you can have, you know you can double or triple your risk of coronary artery disease if you experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction at a relatively younger age.

So when you put the two statistics together, that first of all, the 58 percent of men never tell their doctor, and the earlier these symptoms hit you, the more at risk you are for severe coronary artery disease, and I would extend and add on to that list, of plausibly stroke, and every other thing, like kidney failure and everything involved with vascular disease as we know it. You know don’t take it lightly, as guys, we joke about these sorts of things, if you really experience these sort of symptoms, its very important to talk to your doctor.

Who can I talk to about my erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is an intensely personal problem, so it’s not unusual that most men aren’t too keen on talking openly about it. Losing your erection can make you feel like less of a man, which can be hard to convey to others. But if you don’t open up and talk about your problem with someone, you may find it difficult to shoulder your burden. If you’re looking for someone to talk to about your problem, here are some options.

Your doctor: When discussing your diagnosis with your doctor, express how you’re feeling. Your doctor may be able to put your fears at ease, or offer some insight into how to deal with these feelings.

A therapist: It may be awkward to talk about your bedroom problems with a therapist, but they are there to listen. Talk about how your ED is making you feel, and they can help you to develop methods and solutions for overcoming these feelings.

A close friend: Your friends may be the last people you want to know about your ED, but get past this fear and talk to a close friend. With a friend, you can have a frank, open discussion about what’s causing your ED.

Your significant other: If you’re in a relationship, you aren’t the only person the ED is affecting. If your love life has grown stagnant because of your affliction, talk openly with your partner. Together, you can come up with ideas and strategies to fight your ED and keep the spark in your relationship.

Should I get a penile implant for my erectile dysfunction?

Penile implant: The last ditch erectile dysfunction cure. If you haven’t had results with medication, haven’t seen results with lifestyle changes, and have all but given up hope of ever being able to achieve an erection again, a penile implant may be right for you.

If you’re considering getting a penile implant for fight your ED, you should talk to your doctor after doing extensive research into what might be best for you. There are two types of penile implants: semi-rigid and inflatable. 

The semi-rigid implant is a series of rods that are put into the erection chamber. Because these rods are non-inflatable, the penis is always in a semi-erect state. Using these rods, the penis can be bent into position for sexual intercourse.

On the other hand is the inflatable implant. Just like the name implies, this is an inflatable cylinder that is placed in the erection chamber. A pump that fills this cylinder with saline is installed in the scrotum. When the man wishes to achieve an erection, he simply pumps the implant until he has reached an erect state.

Both implants have pros and cons. If you’ve found no luck in any other forms of ED treatment, penile implants could be your best option. 

Could my erectile dysfunction be all in my head?

If you find that stress, depression, or anger have been weighing heavily 0n your mind as of late, you could find these feelings slipping into your everyday life. You may not want to get out and be social, or you’ll suddenly find yourself snapping at your loved ones over seemingly meaningless things. These intense feelings can also begin to affect you physically. You might not eat as much, or you’ll find yourself getting tired. You can also lose the ability to achieve an erection.

It’s true. Your feelings play a big part on your physical wellbeing, and when they’re out of whack, your body can pay the price. Experts have found that intense feelings of depression, stress, and anger can lead to erectile dysfunction. This is due to the fact that your blood vessels contract when you’re feeling certain ways. This contraction slows the flow of blood through the body. When blood flow is slowed, the body struggles to provide the penis with a steady stream of blood, which can lead to lost erections.

If your erectile dysfunction is caused by your feelings, see a professional. A therapist or psychiatrist can help you to get to the root of your problem, and they can concoct ways for you to overcome these issues. Once you have tackled your mental hang-ups, you could see your erection return to its former glory.

What are the warning signs of erectile dysfunction?

When it’s time to get down to business between the sheets, you find you’re not able to rise to the occasion. When it happened the first time, you just wrote it off as a fluke. But this problem has become a little more common. You find yourself unable to achieve an erection from time to time, and you’re worried. To ensure you catch your erectile dysfunction before it becomes a serious issue, here are some warning signs that you could be developing erectile dysfunction.

Growing waistline: If you’ve been packing on the pounds lately, this could be the culprit for your newfound erectile dysfunction. Weight gain can lead to a narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to erectile complications. Get active, eat better, and your erectile problems should disappear.

New medication: Did your erectile problems strike soon after your started a new medication? Your medication could be to blame. Speak with your doctor about your problem and together you can determine what medication would work best for you without affecting your erection.

Feeling stressed: If you’ve been feeling extra stressed lately, this could be the reason behind your lost erection. It’s been found that stress can lead to erectile problems. Get to the root of your stress, find a way to overcome it, and your erection should return to normal.

How do I stop my premature ejaculation?

If you find it difficult to last between the sheets, you could be afflicted with premature ejaculation. While this can be an embarrassing problem, there are ways to rid yourself of the affliction. Here are some methods you can utilize to shake off your premature ejaculation.

Kegel exercises: Commonly reserved for pregnant women, it’s been found that kegel exercises can be immensely helpful for men. Kegel exercises help to strengthen and tone the pelvic muscles. By working these muscles, you can improve your pelvic control, which can help you to last longer in bed.

Deep breathing: Engaging in some light meditation may help your premature ejaculation. By regulating your breathing and focusing on the task at hand, you can control the arousal and tension that typically leads to an early finish. Practice breathing exercises outside of the bedroom, and then slowly introduce it into your love life.

Stop-And-Start: When making love, get all the way to the precipice of orgasm, but pull out. Bring your chin down to your chest and take deep, calming breaths. This will stop your orgasm dead in it’s tracks, allowing you to last longer. Whenever you feel yourself nearing an early completion, simply use this technique and you should be back in the game.