What Could Be Causing My ED? Need Help ASAP!

Question :

Hello my name is Marty, have been dealing with ED in one way shape or form for 15 years and no one can tell me why. It started at around age 29. Cialis is the only think that work for a very short period of time. I only get partial erections. The shaft gets erect but the head stays soft consistently. my wife is beyond frustrated and I can’t blame her . She has even almost strayed. I have tried everything with multiple urologists.. ED pills, two prostate biopsies (clean), electrical stimulation, low T pills, direct injection medication, vacuum pumps. Nothing is resolving the issues. It’s destroying my self esteem, destroying my marriage.

I have no sensation in the head of my penis. It’s utterly devastating. My wife doesn’t want to be near me. She demands satisfaction or some sort of endurance and meaningful erection and I have tried everything. These doctors have poked and prodded me to no end with no answers. Because of this problem I have a shell of a marriage. An angry, resentful, frustrated wife who offers no assistance or support and the only way to test these various treatments is to attempt sex but it leads to failure, disappointment, and truckload of anxiety and more anger and venom from her. I am trying everything in my power to fix this and feel as though I am running out of hope . Is there anything I can try that I haven’t. Should I be looking elsewhere in my body? There has to be a reason for only a partial erection because the head of the penis stays soft.. I’m desperate!!!


Hello Marty,

I’m very sorry to hear that. I understand your frustration.
As you might already know, Erectile dysfunction could be due to many underlying causes. For the best treatment option, we need to identify the cause first. It could be due to causes, such as; Anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, alcoholism and smoking tobacco, acute stress disorder,…etc

It’s also important to mention that this stressful life you are having with your wife is putting you in a vicious cycle, and it would be probably the reason why most of the treatments didn’t work for you. With that being said, I strongly recommend psychosexual therapy (for you and your wife as a couple of therapy). You both need support during ED rehabilitation program.

Also, making good lifestyle choices is a very important factor along with the medical treatment, and that should include:
• Quit smoking because it can lead to or worsen erectile dysfunction.
• Lose any excess weight. Being overweight can cause or worsen erectile dysfunction.
• Include physical activity in your daily routine. Exercise can help with underlying conditions that play a part in erectile dysfunction in a number of ways, including reducing stress, helping you lose weight and increasing blood flow.

Now regarding the medical treatment, many options are available, but first I would suggest a complete assessment of your overall health and other health problems/current medications which may affect sexual function.
You should know it may take time and that’s why it is a rehabilitation program. The use of a vacuum erection device (VED) along with Viagra or Cialis before sexual activities usually gives the best results. However, if that doesn’t work, we then consider adding a daily low-dose of Viagra or Cialis for at least 12 weeks (it shows some benefits in some cases), if it doesn’t work, we then consider alprostadil pellets, injections or topical alprostadil, and lastly a penile implant.

There are also other options such as Venous constriction devices, shockwave therapy, but again it all depends on your overall health and any medical conditions you may have, and it should be included as part of a systematic treatment program under the supervision of your doctor and not randomly tried.

I hope this helps.

Does Needing To Pee Smooth Over ED?

Question :

Hi, my name is Mark, I had ED about 5 years ago- after a few sessions using Viagra and Cialis- I didnt need it anymore. My marriage is sexless because my wife doesn’t like physical contact. I lost some weight from 90 to 85 kg and gained muscle. I had ED when seeing a prostitute once 9 years ago. Am I still likely to have ED when I see a prostitute? I drink a lot of water as I have kidney stones- does needing to pee smooth over ED?


Hello Mark,

Erectile dysfunction could be due to many underlying causes, such as; Anxiety, diabetes, high blood pressure, alcoholism and smoking tobacco, acute stress disorder, etc…
What happened with you previously could be a one-time temporary issue or simply a psychological effect.
It’s good you lost some weight, but a while healthy lifestyle should be maintained (getting regular exercise, maintaining low blood pressure, eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes …). If you have these aspects under control, I see no reason for you to encounter any erectile problems again.
For your kidney stones, yes you must keep hydrated, and if you have been prescribed medications (e.g. Tamsulosin) you should know that sometimes these drugs cause Retrograde ejaculation due to Bladder neck opening, so it may affect your sexual life temporary.

I hope this answers your question.

Is it Possible to do The Shockwave Therapy at home to Help With ED?


Hi, my name is Dick, is it possible to do the shockwave therapy at home or has someone some experiences with shockwave therapy machines for home use? And can you recommend a shockwave device? Shockwave therapy is something like gains wave. its especially useful for vascular erectile dysfunction. Others I don’t know. Maybe.


Hello there,

Generally, we recommend the use of low-intensity shock wave therapy in mild organic erectile dysfunction patients or poor responders to ED medications (Viagra, Cialis,…), because until now research suggests that men with vasculogenic ED are among the most ideal candidates for shock wave therapy and are the ones to see actual results, on the other hand, It did not affect men with severe erectile dysfunction resulting from diabetes or in those who had undergone prostatectomy, cystectomy, or radiation.
There are two types of shock wave machines, one of them can be used at home, but I would recommend class 2, which is used in clinics and under the supervision of the physician because those are the real machines that actually deliver shocks.

I hope this answers your question.

What Blood Pressure Medication Doesn’t Cause Erectile Dysfunction?


Hi my name is Akhtar, which B.P medicine has zero chance of causing erectile dysfunction?


Hi Akhtar,

First, you need to know that high blood pressure itself damages the lining of blood vessels and causes arteries to harden and narrow overtime (atherosclerosis), which decreases blood flow to the penis, leading to ED.
On the other hand, high blood pressure medications also can cause erectile dysfunction, interfere with ejaculation, and reduce sexual desire as side effects.
However, some high blood pressure medications are less likely to cause sexual side effects, such as:
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
• Calcium channel blockers
• Angiotensin II receptor blockers
Please ask your doctor about other medication options. It needs a complete assessment of your overall health and your current blood pressure condition to decide which medication would help you control your BP with a less negative impact on your sexual life. Your doctor also may recommend using sildenafil or vardenafil as needed.
I hope this answers your question.

How to Deal With ED Linked to Psychological Problems


Hello, my name is Sam I have been dealing with this really bad insomnia for some time now but I always had insomnia and even a sleep study done with no problems. Now with that said I usually masturbate before bed time to relax and help with sleep. A few days ago I jerked one off and went to bed and awoke an hour or so later. This has happen before so I went to jerk one out again in hopes to elevate the stress but my member was completely limp. It had no reaction whatsoever to any stimulus. This has never happened before in my life in either masturbation or sexual encounters, I always had a strong libido and would always get an erection when I wanted. This sudden impotence continues to today. My sleep is still bad but I can’t get my member up at all I don’t know what to do. It feels like I literally lost the connection from my brain to my penis. I do want to note that today at least I woke up with a morning wood. My penis was completely erect but went away extremely fast when I noticed also It didn’t “feel” like an erection. With that said I’ve been told that means that the problem is most likely not physical and more psychological. I’m just in distress over this as I have no idea why. Even when I think of or try to stimulate my member is completely dead. Please would like some advice and help.


Hello Sam,
Erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of the aspects that many people overlook is the physiological aspect, and it can be in form of anxiety or pressure, anxiety, or acute stress disorder. Your sleep problem is putting a lot of stress on your body physically and mentally.
Poor sleep (less than 8 hours asleep nightly) changes the hormonal balance in your body (causing low levels of testosterone) over time, which leads to ED.
The key in dealing with ED is understanding the cause and dealing with it, in your case, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some tests to exclude any medical/physical concerns that could be behind this issue, and if all tests come up negative then you can focus on practicing better sleep hygiene such as; fixing regular times for going to bed and for getting up, no alcoholic beverages four hours before bedtime and don’t smoke at all, no caffeine beginning six hours before bedtime (not only coffee and tea, but many soft drinks and chocolate as well), avoid heavy, spicy, or sugary foods starting four hours before bedtime, regular exercising, but not right before bed.
I hope this helps.

How to Treat a 21 year old With ED?


Hello, my name is Justin I’m reaching out because I really don’t know what the hell has happened to me. I’m a 21 year old male and I haven’t had ED until this month. I’ve always been pretty sexually active and I’ve never really had that much of a problem with porn. I would usually only masturbate like 1-2 times a week and it was never really a problem getting hard. I recently tried nofap for a couple of weeks with success and when I met my goal, I tried and I couldn’t even get hard and virtually no sexual desire. I’ve been googling so many forums and I’m honestly the healthiest I’ve ever been, food and physical fitness. I’m on a vegetarian diet, I don’t consume much sugar, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t have a stressful job. I wouldn’t consider myself depressed or anxious at this point. There are not any signs of low T. I have fatigue some days, but I exercise almost every day and sometimes I am tired. I made an appointment with my doctor, but I really just don’t know what to do/ where to turn to. Any advice?


Hello Justin,
Erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of the aspects that many people overlook is the physiological aspect.
A physiological aspect can be in form of: anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to an underlying cause (e.g. a previous relation).
On the other hand, watching pornography and masturbation frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction and it’s kind of connected to the first reason.
The key in dealing with this situation is understanding the cause and dealing with it, in your case, I can see you have a healthy and active lifestyle, which would help you overcome this problem quickly actually.
There is a decent chance that this could be a temporary reaction to your NOFAB achievement, and it will resolve on its own during a normal and healthy actual sexual relationship.
But In the meanwhile, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some test to exclude any medical/physical cause behind this issue, and if all tests come up negative, then it would confirm the above assumption.
I hope this helps.

How Can I Get An Erection After Treatment For Prostate Cancer?


My name is Mathan and I’m 63 years old. I have undergone the brachy and external (Beam) Radiation Therapy for prostate cancer six months ago. I have lost my erection completely after the treatment. Tried with Viagra (from 50 mg to 100 mg 3 hours before sex ) with no avail. Using the pump is also unsuccessful. The pump I used is ebay available one, not the prescribed. When masturbated without erection a tiny bit of semen seeps through. Can my problem be fixed? Please answer.


Hello Mathan, I’m very sorry to hear that.
First of all, you should know that up to 85% of men receiving External beam radiotherapy or brachytherapy suffer from ED because these treatment methods lead to structural changes in the penile tissue, however early ED rehabilitation after radiotherapy can help restore erectile function. The success of ED rehabilitation depends on a good assessment of overall health condition (other health issues, medications than cause ED, etc…)

The use of a vacuum erection device (VED) along with Viagra or Cialis before sexual activities usually gives the best results. However, if that doesn’t work, we then consider adding a daily low-dose of Viagra or Cialis for at least 12 weeks (it shows some benefits in some cases), if it doesn’t work, we then consider alprostadil pellets, injections or topical alprostadil, and lastly a penile implant. But it’s also very important to include an exercising program, a healthy lifestyle for eating and sleeping, pelvic floor exercises, and Psychosexual therapy.

The ED rehabilitation after radiotherapy is a complete rehabilitation program and it may take longer for some men to see good results. Please discuss with your doctor the next step of treatment, I can’t recommend a certain step for you now because I’m not fully aware of your overall health status. I hope this helps.

How Many Cialis Pills Should I Take?


Cialis last 36 hours so why would we take another one after 24 hours if it is still in effect? Well for me at least it works more than 2 days. I can take 3 Cialis a week and I would be fine.


It looks like Cialis is offering the pill in a lower-dose form – 2.5mg & 5mg.
The Cialis pill now is in the 10mg & 20mg dose.

The price is cheaper if you order the daily Cialis Vs the 36-hour Cialis.

You could probably actually save money by ordering the daily Cialis. How many of us have sex every day? Probably not that many. I bet the daily Cialis could last us about 3 months.