Adderall 25 mg and Erectile Dysfunction

Adderall and ED QUESTION:

I take Adderall 25 mg twice daily. I can’t get hard and if I do it doesn’t stay hard. My gf thinks it’s her and it not. How can I fix this problem before I lose the love of my life?

Thanks Justin


Hi Justin,
Erectile dysfunction is a well-known side effect for men taking Adderall, mainly because the medication is constriction of certain blood vessels in the body, directing blood away from the extremities, and increasing the blood supply to other parts of the body, which means that there is a decrease in blood flow to the penis. However; this is temporary.

Typically, once the effects of the medication have worn away, sexual desire and performance return to what was normal for you.

Kindly check with your doctor, because here you have 2 options, either changing the Adderall dose or replacing it with another medication that is unlikely to affect your sexual life, OR trying one of the oral ED medications (like Viagra or Cialis).

I hope this answers your question.

Adderall 25 mg and Erectile Dysfunction

Adderall and ED QUESTION:

I take Adderall 25 mg twice daily. I can’t get hard and if I do it doesn’t stay hard. My gf thinks it’s her and it not. How can I fix this problem before I lose the love of my life?

Thanks Justin


Hi Justin,
Erectile dysfunction is a well-known side effect for men taking Adderall, mainly because the medication is constriction of certain blood vessels in the body, directing blood away from the extremities, and increasing the blood supply to other parts of the body, which means that there is a decrease in blood flow to the penis. However; this is temporary.

Typically, once the effects of the medication have worn away, sexual desire and performance return to what was normal for you.

Kindly check with your doctor, because here you have 2 options, either changing the Adderall dose or replacing it with another medication that is unlikely to affect your sexual life, OR trying one of the oral ED medications (like Viagra or Cialis).

I hope this answers your question.

Are penile implants safe and satisfying?

Penile Implants QUESTION:

I was thinking about having penile implant surgery, are they safe and will sex be satisfying?

Thanks, Mark


Hello Mark,
The penile implants usually used when there is a clear medical cause for ED and when the problem is not improving naturally or with other medical treatments.

There are 2 main types of these implants; semirigid and inflatable. Each type works differently and has various pros and cons.
In most cases, patients report a satisfaction rate of 80%-90% with penile implants as they have erections suitable for intercourse.

However, the placement of penile implants requires surgery, and no surgery is totally free of possible complications or risks, and in this case, they may include:

• Uncontrolled bleeding after the surgery possibly leading to re-operation
• Infection
• Scar tissue formation
• Erosion (tissue around the implant may break down)
• Mechanical failure (The implants consist of many parts that could malfunction, however, the 10-year device survival is between 60 and 80 percent)

I hope this answers your question.

Klonopin and Suffering from ED for the first time ever


I’ve been on Klonopin, 2 MG twice a day, since October and suffering from ED for the first time ever. I’m 46. I take Viagra but it seems to do very little. Are there any other options? I’ve been in several romantic settings and couldn’t perform. Very frustrating because that’s never happened before.


Hello Zane,
Erectile dysfunction is more common when taking Klonopin. Kindly check with your doctor, because here you have 2 options, either changing the Klonopin dose or replacing it with another medication that can be known to cause less effect on ED, OR trying a higher dose of the oral ED medications (like Viagra or Cialis). It can help in this case by increasing the blood flow to the penile tissue thus leading to a better erection. For example, if you tried the dose of Viagra -25 mg and it didn’t cause much success then you may try a dose of 50mg.

Yes, there are other ED treatment options but, in your case, you won’t need that since most probably your issue is related to the medication you are taking (Klonopin)

I hope this answers your question.

Will My Hypertension Eventually Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?

Plenty of adults suffer from hypertension. Statistics show that one of every four American adults suffers from the condition. Unfortunately, it is closely linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). Bringing your blood pressure to a normal level may help you to have a healthy sex life.

Testosterone hormone is responsible for sex drive in men. High blood pressure may lead to a reduction in the production of the hormone which may lead to low sex drive.

The flow of blood and blood pressure has a significant impact on your ability to get and maintain an erection. Hypertension and ED have endothelium dysfunction in common. They both cause a disturbance of endothelium and the result is an increased contraction of the vascular smooth muscle. There has been some evidence to suggest that erectile dysfunction is an early sign of high blood pressure. PDE-5 inhibitors which are used to treat erectile dysfunction may be useful in improving blood pressure. It is, however important to note that the connection between the two conditions is not entirely clear.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction occurs when there is an increase or an unhealthy response to contractile stimuli including ET-1 and Ang II. It may also occur when there is low production or response to the stimuli that is responsible for promoting penile VSM relaxation. Other factors include high sensitivity to vasoconstrictor molecules and poor responsiveness to vasodilatory mediators.

If you use β-blockers in the treatment of hypertension, they may cause ED. According to studies, treating hypertension with β-blockers is likely to cause ED and impotence.

The most significant link between high blood pressure and ED is endothelial dysfunction. They may be different conditions but they are closely connected. Most factors that cause hypertension also cause ED. If you suffer from either of them, consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

Middle 50’s Male Increasing Difficulty in Getting and Keeping an Erection Should I Try Viagra?

Viagra Question

As a man in my mid-50s, I’ve experienced increasing difficulty in getting and keeping an erection. I think it’s only a matter of time before I will be dependent on an ED drug to get an erection hard enough for sex. I know that there are variations from one ED drug to another. Can I buy a single tablet of Viagra to see how it works for me? I don’t want to buy a number of pills, only to discover that they don’t work well or have bothersome side effects.


For the last few years, Pfizer has offered Viagra in single packs, which allow men who have not previously tried the drug to see how it works for them without paying for multiple pills that may not produce the desired results. Until recently, Viagra was the biggest selling erectile dysfunction drug worldwide, a clear indication that it works for the vast majority of men who are suffering from impotence caused by insufficient blood flow to the penis.

However, the fact remains that because of subtle differences in their active ingredients, some PDE5 inhibitors work better for some than others. And while the more common side effects of all ED drugs are generally mild, an individual might find that one drug causes more side effects than another.

So it pays to give all the ED drugs a chance before deciding which one works best for you.

Does an Occasional Problem Getting an Erection Mean I Need Viagra?

Viagra Question

Does an occasional problem getting an erection mean that it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be unable to get one on my own? Is Viagra the only answer to my problem?


Almost every man experiences occasional difficulty in getting an erection, and the inability to rise to the occasion every once in a while has no permanent implications unless it becomes part of a consistent pattern. Too much stress in the workplace or on the homefront, overindulgence in alcohol, and occasional bouts of anxiety can all lead to erection problems from time to time. Don’t assign too much significance to these incidents unless they are occurring regularly.

While it’s possible that Viagra could help you get and keep an erection when you’re unable to do so on your own, it probably is better to recognize that external or psychological factors are temporarily interfering and then tell your partner that you’re just not up to it at the moment.

It is always possible, of course, to become obsessed with these occasional bouts of impotence to the extent that your fears of impending ED become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Face it, none of us is ready for sex all the time, regardless of the male myths to the contrary.

Does an Occasional Problem Getting an Erection Mean I Need Viagra?

Viagra Question

Does an occasional problem getting an erection mean that it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be unable to get one on my own? Is Viagra the only answer to my problem?


Almost every man experiences occasional difficulty in getting an erection, and the inability to rise to the occasion every once in a while has no permanent implications unless it becomes part of a consistent pattern. Too much stress in the workplace or on the homefront, overindulgence in alcohol, and occasional bouts of anxiety can all lead to erection problems from time to time. Don’t assign too much significance to these incidents unless they are occurring regularly.

While it’s possible that Viagra could help you get and keep an erection when you’re unable to do so on your own, it probably is better to recognize that external or psychological factors are temporarily interfering and then tell your partner that you’re just not up to it at the moment.

It is always possible, of course, to become obsessed with these occasional bouts of impotence to the extent that your fears of impending ED become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Face it, none of us is ready for sex all the time, regardless of the male myths to the contrary.

What is a Nocturnal Penile Tumescence Test or Stamp Test?

Viagra Question

For the last year or so, I’ve been having increasing problems getting and keeping an erection. I went to the doctor to see about getting a prescription for Viagra, but he insisted that I first take something he called a nocturnal penile tumescence test or stamp test. It was actually a series of tests, which showed that I was still getting erections while sleeping and upon waking in the morning. The doctor said this proved that my erection problems were not physiological in origin. Is that true and wouldn’t Viagra help anyway?


While Viagra might give you a temporary psychological boost that would allow you to get and keep an erection, it would stem largely from a phenomenon known as the placebo effect. You think it will help, and so it does, but only for a while.

Your doctor has determined that there is no physiological issue, so that indicates that your erection problems are almost certainly of psychological origin. Such difficulties can arise from anxiety, including performance anxiety; stress; depression; and relationship problems.

Medication can sometimes clear up such issues, but those drugs can also interfere with normal erectile function. The key to overcoming ED of a psychological nature is to identify the underlying causes and then address them. This can usually be achieved through psychological counselling.

Drinking Alcohol and Taking Viagra


What will happen if u drink alcohol and take Viagra? Will it still work?


Drinking more than one or two units of alcohol for long-term can compromise erections and eventually lead to erectile dysfunction. And it also will make Viagra less effective. Simply because drinking alcohol decreases the blood that stays within your penis, which makes it harder for you to get or maintain an erection.

Also, Viagra lowers your blood pressure, as does alcohol, and If your blood pressure level gets too low, you may experience dizziness, light-headedness, fainting, headache and even heart palpitations.

So, it is important that you limit your alcohol intake while you are taking Viagra.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes