What are the risks of taking Viagra?

Viagra has been on the market since 1998, and has been taken by tens of millions of men of all ages, all over the world. Its safety and side effect profiles are well-known, and the medical community has plenty of experience in predicting who is most likely to experience side effects, and how to avoid or treat those side effects. For most men who take Viagra, the risks are minor compared to the benefits. If side effects occur, they’re typically negligible.

In other words, there’s a reason Viagra is a household word, and is the first thing most people think of when they think of erectile dysfunction. For the vast majority of users, Viagra works as expected. Follow your doctor’s recommendations, and you could find yourself enjoying your sex life more than you thought possible.

Does ObamaCare Cover ED or Erectile Dysfunction Pills Like Viagra?

Some plans cover a limited supply of erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra per month, and some do not. The first thing to determine is whether your healthcare policy includes prescription drug coverage. If so, you need to search your policy documents (which you can often do online) for its drug formulary. Your insurance policy’s drug formulary is a list of prescription drugs (generic and name brand) that the insurer has identified as offering the greatest overall value.

Formularies often divide drugs into classes, or “tiers” depending on how expensive they are, and limit coverage for drugs that are costlier. If you locate your policy’s formulary online, do a page search for “Viagra” or whichever drug you’re interested in. This way you can find out whether your policy offers any coverage, and if so how many pills in a given time period, and how much of the cost they cover.

Don’t be shocked if your policy does not cover prescription erectile dysfunction drugs. Not all policies do. Those that do generally limit users to a certain number of pills per month. You can get more, if you have a prescription for more, but you’ll be paying for them out of your own pocket.

Can My Sleep Schedule Increase Erectile Dysfunction Risk?

It’s almost a badge of honor to declare yourself sleep-deprived these days. It’s an indication of how busy we are taking care of things, sacrificing our time for our job, or hobby, or kids, for example. But ongoing sleep deprivation affects health in profound ways. We all know how great it feels to wake up after a restful night’s sleep, and how awful it feels to be sleep-deprived.

A good night’s sleep does more than make you feel good, it helps you stay healthy.

Negative effects of sleep deprivation include being cognitively off your game, yawning too much, having trouble remembering things, and being more accident prone. Over time, chronic lack of sleep weakens the immune system, can lead to depression, and even increases risk factors for weight gain, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

And as you might guess (or know from experience), losing sleep affects your erections as well. Here are some frequently asked questions about the relationship between sleep quality, sleep quantity, and erectile health.

What could go wrong if I take Viagra but don’t have erectile dysfunction?

Suppose you don’t have erectile dysfunction, but have an undiagnosed heart problem. Because Viagra works by enlarging blood vessels, it can potentially cause blood pressure to drop. A sudden decrease in blood pressure, as you may know if you ever stood up too quickly, can cause you to faint.

If you take illicit substances along with recreational Viagra, you could be in for an unpredictable experience. That’s because many street drugs cause blood vessels to constrict. It may sound like Viagra would nicely cancel out this effect, but it’s less predictable than that. And if you obtain “Viagra” from sketchy sources, there’s no telling what’s actually in it.

Fake Viagra has been found to contain any number of nasty chemicals, some of which are dangerous on their own, others of which could interact badly with illicit drugs. In other words, you’re taking a big risk with your health for a benefit that might not be worth it.

What are some indirect ways sleep deprivation can affect erection health?

Sleep deprivation is a source of general bodily stress. When the body is under stress, like when you don’t get enough sleep, it increases production of the hormone cortisol. Some cortisol is necessary, but too much cortisol puts a person in a false “fight or flight” state of functioning, at the expense of bodily processes that aren’t necessary to immediate survival (like sex). Excessive cortisol production inhibits production of insulin, narrows arteries, and increases heart rate. None of these phenomena benefits erection health.

Mental aspects of sleep deprivation affect erectile ability as well. When you’re sleep-deprived, it’s harder to relate to people, you’re generally more irritable, and it’s more difficult to get into the mood for sex. If you have problems with erectile dysfunction, insufficient sleep will only make things worse.

Just plain getting along with people is easier when you’re well-rested.

Can I take Viagra with alcohol?

As far as safety, the current consensus is that it’s safe to drink in moderation when you take Viagra. For men, “in moderation” means the equivalent of two drinks. One drink translates as

• One 12-oz. beer (with 5% alcohol)
• One 5-oz. glass of wine (with 12% alcohol)
• One 1.5-oz drink of hard liquor (with 40% alcohol, the equivalent of 80 proof)

It’s important to understand, however, that by consuming alcohol (even in moderation) with Viagra, you’re working against what the drug is trying to do. If you’ve ever been unable to perform sexually after having overindulged in alcohol, you know that alcohol interferes with your ability to have an erection.

Viagra works by allowing more blood to flow into the penis during sexual stimulation, but it’s not magic, and how well it works can be affected by how much you drink. The safest thing in terms of sexual performance would be to abstain from alcohol while drinking Viagra. Otherwise, be sure that you drink in moderation, or you take all sorts of risks, including the risk of the medication not working very well.

How does sleep deprivation directly affect erections?

Most of a man’s testosterone is produced during sleep, with the highest amounts of testosterone being produced during REM (dreaming) sleep. And yes, scientists have determined that when men are deprived of sleep, their testosterone levels fall. A study of military recruits who were subject to major sleep deprivation reported testosterone levels falling by as much as 70%.

In most men, erectile dysfunction is caused by impaired blood flow rather than low testosterone levels, but low testosterone certainly doesn’t help matters. And plain old “being too tired for sex” is a real phenomenon, so don’t think of doing without sleep as a heroic thing.

Will loose underwear help Viagra work better?

No. Viagra is going to do its thing regardless of your choice of underwear. Therefore, you can wear whatever you want and be confident that it’s not affecting your ability to have erections and enjoy sexual activity.

There are plenty of myths surrounding sexual and erectile functioning, and while there’s a grain of truth in some of them, many are simply myths.

Tight underwear, over time, can result in lower sperm counts, but it doesn’t affect your ability to have erections. Therefore, if you experience erection problems, don’t blame your underwear, because the problem lies elsewhere.

Doctors know far more about erection health than ever before. In the years before discovery of Viagra, many doctors thought of erectile dysfunction as primarily a psychological problem, or simply “part of getting old.” But the men who first took the drug that would become Viagra, and who reported that while it didn’t help with their heart problems (angina in particular), it did help them have great erections, helped put medical science on the right path. For most men, erection problems are circulatory problems, and anything you do to improve circulation will ultimately affect erections as well. Tight underwear, while it can cause problems with sperm count, is not to blame for erectile dysfunction.

Can I Take My Erectile Dysfunction Medication with Alcohol?

Alcohol and seduction have a long and storied history together. It can be an uneasy alliance, since the same drink that functions as “liquid courage” can also impair numerous physiological systems, including the one that produces erections.

Alcohol and erectile dysfunction medications can go together if you are careful.

What should men know concerning alcohol when they take erectile dysfunction drugs in the PDE-5 class (which includes Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Staxyn)? Can he drink as usual? Is drinking a bad idea altogether with erectile dysfunction drugs? Here are some common questions and answers about taking erectile dysfunction drugs with alcohol.

Viagra New Possible Treatment for Sciatica UK Researchers Find

Millions of people worldwide suffer from back stiffness. In the UK alone, about 1 million men and 400,000 women suffer from back stiffness. The stiffness is a painful condition called Sciatica which inhibits mobility. The condition results from having too much pressure on the sciatic nerve. Doctors recommend gentle exercise and anti-inflammatory pain relievers for treatment. Where these treatment methods do not bear any results, surgery may be necessary.

Research findings on Viagra effects on people suffering from Sciatica

Researchers in Malatya, Turkey, carried out tests on 30 rats and discovered that Viagra had the ability to provide relief for sciatica. Viagra commonly used to provide help to people with erectile dysfunction, but a daily dose has been found to accelerate recovery for sciatica patients. Taking it for a month heals damaged nerves and improves movement.

The researchers divided the rats into three groups. One group was given Viagra dose daily for a month; another got it on varying days while the last cluster got nothing. Findings showed that the rats in the first group had more vigorous movement than the rest. The other rats seemed to be less energized, and their movement was low.

Scans showed great nerve regeneration which means the drug improves the healing mechanism of the body. Thus, any damaged cells are quickly repaired making it easy for new ones to grow and reinstate the natural condition in the body. The body’s healing mechanism may not work efficiently if the blood supply is not sufficient.

The drug enhances blood supply to damaged body parts. Improved blood circulation means the body gets all the nutrients required for the repair of damaged parts. These results provide backing to an earlier research conducted in Mississippi, USA.

Although this report is encouraging to sciatica patients, taking the drug without the advice of a physician can be dangerous as is the case with other medicines. However, it is warm news for people who become immobilized by back stiffness.