Viagra New Possible Treatment for Sciatica UK Researchers Find

Millions of people worldwide suffer from back stiffness. In the UK alone, about 1 million men and 400,000 women suffer from back stiffness. The stiffness is a painful condition called Sciatica which inhibits mobility. The condition results from having too much pressure on the sciatic nerve. Doctors recommend gentle exercise and anti-inflammatory pain relievers for treatment. Where these treatment methods do not bear any results, surgery may be necessary.

Research findings on Viagra effects on people suffering from Sciatica

Researchers in Malatya, Turkey, carried out tests on 30 rats and discovered that Viagra had the ability to provide relief for sciatica. Viagra commonly used to provide help to people with erectile dysfunction, but a daily dose has been found to accelerate recovery for sciatica patients. Taking it for a month heals damaged nerves and improves movement.

The researchers divided the rats into three groups. One group was given Viagra dose daily for a month; another got it on varying days while the last cluster got nothing. Findings showed that the rats in the first group had more vigorous movement than the rest. The other rats seemed to be less energized, and their movement was low.

Scans showed great nerve regeneration which means the drug improves the healing mechanism of the body. Thus, any damaged cells are quickly repaired making it easy for new ones to grow and reinstate the natural condition in the body. The body’s healing mechanism may not work efficiently if the blood supply is not sufficient.

The drug enhances blood supply to damaged body parts. Improved blood circulation means the body gets all the nutrients required for the repair of damaged parts. These results provide backing to an earlier research conducted in Mississippi, USA.

Although this report is encouraging to sciatica patients, taking the drug without the advice of a physician can be dangerous as is the case with other medicines. However, it is warm news for people who become immobilized by back stiffness.

Illegal Generic Viagra Counterfeit Bust WARSAW, Poland Police Seized 100,000 Fake Viagra Pills

On Wednesday, Polish police ended up announcing that a factory raid ended up producing a bunch of counterfeit pills for steroids and erectile dysfunction. This raid was just one of the strikes they are taking to help put a stop to counterfeit drug trafficking. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to prosecute or track these individuals down since they tend to do most of their work online.

The factory had a stockpile of 43,000 steroid vials and 100,000+ Viagra-like pills when the police burst in. The drugs confiscated were valued at more than $4M, which made it one of the largest seizures yet. All of the products used to manufacture the drugs were imported in from China, but they were shipped in from various countries, such as Greece, Romania and Great Britain. Sadly, this was the largest factory in the entire world creating these anti-impotence drugs based on information from representatives from the four main companies whose products ended up being counterfeited.

Counterfeit drug production is on the rise. The majority of drugs that are purchased online end up coming from illegal plants producing drugs ranging in quality. 77 percent of all online Viagra purchases made from 22 different websites weren’t the real thing. There is also a lot of fake Viagra offline as well. Many convenience stores and other entities are selling these products to unknowing consumers.

While they might not be any less effective than their legitimate counterparts, that doesn’t mean people should end up paying for one thing and getting another. This makes it hard for legitimate product companies to produce their products and get them into the hands of consumers worldwide. In fact, these counterfeit products could be made with dangerous and harmful chemicals. This puts the consumers at risk for illness and all sorts of harm.

In April, 19 people along the west coast ended up being poisoned by these painkillers that claimed to be the real thing when in fact they were not. Several people have been arrested, but that doesn’t stop the crime from happening.

Viagra Overdose: Potential Danger Erectile Dysfunction Little Blue Pill Per Day

Men who are not able to get an erection and sustain one use Viagra (sildenafil). Proper use of the drug helps men with erectile dysfunction enjoy a better sex life. The drug works by accelerating blood flow into the penis. The abuse of Viagra leads to an erection that lasts longer than normal. The condition is very painful and can damage the penis or cause other adverse health conditions.

Viagra users were mostly senior men, but gradually, much younger in their mid-fifties are using it. According to Pfizer, most people use the blue pill because sexual performance is vital to them. The pressure to perform can lead to abuse or overdose.

To have a healthy sexual experience, you should take only the required dosage. Overuse leads to priapism, an exaggerated erection that lasts close to four hours or longer. Priapism may cause permanent damage to penile tissues.

Viagra inhibits phosphodiesterase type 5 leading to more relaxed penile muscles and an increased blood flow. The result is an erection hence, better sexual performance. However, when there is an overdose, too much blood flows into the penis making it swollen and engorged. People who abuse Viagra may need to undergo surgery to bring the swelling down.

Viagra also enhances nitric oxide, a vasodilator which causes low blood pressure. When produced in excess, the compound can cause cardiovascular difficulties. The individual will as a result experience decreased or low hearing ability, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, dizziness among many other symptoms. People who experience these symptoms must immediately seek medical attention.

These bad symptoms only manifest in cases of abuse and overdose. Viagra remains a popular solution to men having ED and also among those who are only looking to have a better sexual performance. Doctors recommend that individuals only take one blue pill a day as Viagra stays in the blood for at least 24 hours.

Viagra Overdose: Potential Danger Erectile Dysfunction Little Blue Pill Per Day

Men who are not able to get an erection and sustain one use Viagra (sildenafil). Proper use of the drug helps men with erectile dysfunction enjoy a better sex life. The drug works by accelerating blood flow into the penis. The abuse of Viagra leads to an erection that lasts longer than normal. The condition is very painful and can damage the penis or cause other adverse health conditions.

Viagra users were mostly senior men, but gradually, much younger in their mid-fifties are using it. According to Pfizer, most people use the blue pill because sexual performance is vital to them. The pressure to perform can lead to abuse or overdose.

To have a healthy sexual experience, you should take only the required dosage. Overuse leads to priapism, an exaggerated erection that lasts close to four hours or longer. Priapism may cause permanent damage to penile tissues.

Viagra inhibits phosphodiesterase type 5 leading to more relaxed penile muscles and an increased blood flow. The result is an erection hence, better sexual performance. However, when there is an overdose, too much blood flows into the penis making it swollen and engorged. People who abuse Viagra may need to undergo surgery to bring the swelling down.

Viagra also enhances nitric oxide, a vasodilator which causes low blood pressure. When produced in excess, the compound can cause cardiovascular difficulties. The individual will as a result experience decreased or low hearing ability, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, dizziness among many other symptoms. People who experience these symptoms must immediately seek medical attention.

These bad symptoms only manifest in cases of abuse and overdose. Viagra remains a popular solution to men having ED and also among those who are only looking to have a better sexual performance. Doctors recommend that individuals only take one blue pill a day as Viagra stays in the blood for at least 24 hours.

What are some of the known causes of premature ejaculation?

Sometimes premature ejaculation occurs because of biological issues, and sometimes it occurs due to psychological issues. A combination of psychological and biological conditions can cause it too.

Biologically, premature ejaculation can be caused by abnormalities in hormonal levels, imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters, or problems with the prostate or urethra (such as inflammation or infection). Somewhat paradoxically, erectile dysfunction can be a cause of premature ejaculation due to psychological anxiety about maintaining an erection, followed by rushing to ejaculate.

Premature ejaculation may result from psychological problems, including those that arise from sexual experiences at a young age, or sexual abuse.

Sometimes poor body image can contribute to premature ejaculation, as can depression. Guilt, including religious guilt, can cause a man to inadvertently rush through sexual activity. And finally, worrying about premature ejaculation can become a self-fulfilling prophecy that feeds on itself.

Do certain risk factors put me at higher risk for premature ejaculation?

According to the Mayo Clinic, two major risk factors for premature ejaculation are erectile dysfunction and stress. Fear of losing an erection can cause some men to hurry through sexual activity, either deliberately, or subconsciously. Emotional stress, even when completely unrelated to sex, can limit a person’s ability to relax and enjoy sexual encounters.

Stress over premature ejaculation can cause it to worsen.

How did doctors come around to the term erectile dysfunction?

As you may know, the blockbuster drug Viagra only came about because of a happy side effect of a drug called sildenafil that scientists were studying as a possible treatment for a heart condition called angina. The drug didn’t do much for angina, but the men involved in the original clinical trials reported that when they took sildenafil, it was easier to have an erection. In some cases it allowed men who were incapable of having sex to once again enjoy physical intimacy.

Doctors took these reported “side effects” seriously and ended up discovering a wealth of new insights about the causes of erection problems.

Maybe these problems weren’t “neuroses” after all, but the result of vascular issues that could be addressed with medication. Once researchers figured out why sildenafil (Viagra) helped men have stronger erections, other drug developers started working on their own versions of the drugs.

All the drugs commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction belong to a drug class called PDE-5 inhibitors. By inhibiting the action of an enzyme called PDE-5, the medications allow the smooth muscle cells lining blood vessels to relax. Hence in the presence of sexual stimulation, more blood could flow to the penis, and men who previously had difficulty with erections got their sexual functioning back.

Erectile dysfunction can be medically addressed in the vast majority of cases.

How do I bring up the topic of erectile dysfunction with my doctor?

It’s perfectly understandable that you might be hesitant to bring up such a sensitive and personal topic with your doctor. But it’s important to remember that it takes much more than a common problem like erectile dysfunction to faze the typical doctor. In fact, if you have an older male doctor, there’s a chance he’s experienced it himself.

Drugs like Viagra have been taken by tens of millions of men around the world, and erection problems are not nearly the taboo a topic they used to be. It’s sad to think that generations of men had no choice but to go along with the old conventional wisdom that “impotence” was a sign of personal failure. The good news is that today’s doctors are far more educated on what really causes erection problems, and they have more options than ever for treating it effectively.

How do I bring up the topic of erectile dysfunction with my doctor?

It’s perfectly understandable that you might be hesitant to bring up such a sensitive and personal topic with your doctor. But it’s important to remember that it takes much more than a common problem like erectile dysfunction to faze the typical doctor. In fact, if you have an older male doctor, there’s a chance he’s experienced it himself.

Drugs like Viagra have been taken by tens of millions of men around the world, and erection problems are not nearly the taboo a topic they used to be. It’s sad to think that generations of men had no choice but to go along with the old conventional wisdom that “impotence” was a sign of personal failure. The good news is that today’s doctors are far more educated on what really causes erection problems, and they have more options than ever for treating it effectively.

Can I continue to consume my normal junk food diet and trust pills to cure my erection problems?

You can try, but you won’t get optimal results. Erection health and overall health are so closely intertwined, that expecting pills to do all the work is really short-changing yourself. Unfortunately, despite what lots of websites would have you believe, there’s really no such thing as “natural Viagra.” And many of the products that claim to be are either inert or downright dangerous.

“Healthy” and “all natural” sometimes go together, and sometimes do not. Plenty of research backs up the health benefits of simpler, less processed foods in the diet, and the “natural” health-promoting practices of giving up cigarettes, consuming alcohol only in moderation, consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, getting regular physical exercise, and getting regular, adequate sleep will all help you have the most enjoyable sex life, whether or not you take prescription medications like Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or Staxyn.