My job requires me to sit in front of a computer all day. Can staying stationary at work put me at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

Wake up, make a cup of coffee, hop into your car, fight through traffic, get to work, sit down at your computer, stay there for 8 hours, get up, go home. It’s a routine that thousands of working men experience every day. But just because such work is so commonplace, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good for you. After all, many men find themselves pondering, spending all that time without really moving around can’t possibly be good for the body, right? Worse yet, could a desk job be putting men at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

The human body craves motion; whether it’s a light jog or a simple walk to the water cooler, the body is happier when it is moving. So when the body stays stationary for long stretches of time, it can put functions of the body at risk. Factor in a poor diet and a constant intake of office coffee, and you’re looking at the perfect recipe for erectile dysfunction.

But this doesn’t mean that working a desk job is a guarantee for erectile woes. Thousands of men punch the clock and saddle up to their cubicle every day, and never once experience ED. But it all boils down to how you approach the working day.

When working, take 1-2 minutes every hour to get up and stretch. Take a brisk walk around the office. Find a quiet space and do some light exercise. Keep the cups of coffee to a bare minimum, and go light on the cream and sugar. If you want to go the extra mile, invest in a standing desk, and knock out some squats while you work.

It all boils down to giving your body the motion it craves and making positive lifestyle choices. If you stay fixed to your chair from punch in to clock out, you could be setting yourself up for a plethora of health issues down the line. So take the time to look after your body at work, and erectile dysfunction should be the last thing you have to worry about.

My job requires me to sit in front of a computer all day. Can staying stationary at work put me at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

Wake up, make a cup of coffee, hop into your car, fight through traffic, get to work, sit down at your computer, stay there for 8 hours, get up, go home. It’s a routine that thousands of working men experience every day. But just because such work is so commonplace, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s good for you. After all, many men find themselves pondering, spending all that time without really moving around can’t possibly be good for the body, right? Worse yet, could a desk job be putting men at a higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

The human body craves motion; whether it’s a light jog or a simple walk to the water cooler, the body is happier when it is moving. So when the body stays stationary for long stretches of time, it can put functions of the body at risk. Factor in a poor diet and a constant intake of office coffee, and you’re looking at the perfect recipe for erectile dysfunction.

But this doesn’t mean that working a desk job is a guarantee for erectile woes. Thousands of men punch the clock and saddle up to their cubicle every day, and never once experience ED. But it all boils down to how you approach the working day.

When working, take 1-2 minutes every hour to get up and stretch. Take a brisk walk around the office. Find a quiet space and do some light exercise. Keep the cups of coffee to a bare minimum, and go light on the cream and sugar. If you want to go the extra mile, invest in a standing desk, and knock out some squats while you work.

It all boils down to giving your body the motion it craves and making positive lifestyle choices. If you stay fixed to your chair from punch in to clock out, you could be setting yourself up for a plethora of health issues down the line. So take the time to look after your body at work, and erectile dysfunction should be the last thing you have to worry about.

Can stress from the holidays cause erectile dysfunction?

While the classic carols might tell you that December is the most wonderful time of the year, many would argue that this Winter Wonderland is actually the most stressful time of the year. With decorations to put up, presents to buy, holiday parties to attend, and family to visit, it can all feel like a lot to deal with. And while many men are able to get through this holiday stress with no issues, there are plenty of men that aren’t so lucky. For many men, this holiday stress can leak into other facets of their lives, and can lead to issues achieving an erection.

This is because stress has a way of overriding the brain. When you can’t get the Christmas tree to stand up properly, or you can’t find the right gift for your partner, this stress becomes priority number one for your brain, which can lead to other non-stress related signals being sent to the brain to get lost in the shuffle.

So when you hop between the sheets and your penis attempts to alert your brain that it’s time to supply the blood needed for an erection, this signal could get overlooked, leading to a missed erection. As stress about what you’re going to make for Christmas dinner for your in-laws clouds your brain, your body continues to miss erectile cues, leading to continual missed erections, which can snowball into full blown mentally induced erectile dysfunction.

But all this holiday stress does not have to spell the end for your sex life; rather, if dealt with properly, your sex life should be just fine, no matter what yuletide difficulties you encounter. Work with your partner to deal with stress as a team, or speak to a mental health professional. With help and patience, you won’t have to worry about losing your erection this Christmas season.

Can stress from the holidays cause erectile dysfunction?

While the classic carols might tell you that December is the most wonderful time of the year, many would argue that this Winter Wonderland is actually the most stressful time of the year. With decorations to put up, presents to buy, holiday parties to attend, and family to visit, it can all feel like a lot to deal with. And while many men are able to get through this holiday stress with no issues, there are plenty of men that aren’t so lucky. For many men, this holiday stress can leak into other facets of their lives, and can lead to issues achieving an erection.

This is because stress has a way of overriding the brain. When you can’t get the Christmas tree to stand up properly, or you can’t find the right gift for your partner, this stress becomes priority number one for your brain, which can lead to other non-stress related signals being sent to the brain to get lost in the shuffle.

So when you hop between the sheets and your penis attempts to alert your brain that it’s time to supply the blood needed for an erection, this signal could get overlooked, leading to a missed erection. As stress about what you’re going to make for Christmas dinner for your in-laws clouds your brain, your body continues to miss erectile cues, leading to continual missed erections, which can snowball into full blown mentally induced erectile dysfunction.

But all this holiday stress does not have to spell the end for your sex life; rather, if dealt with properly, your sex life should be just fine, no matter what yuletide difficulties you encounter. Work with your partner to deal with stress as a team, or speak to a mental health professional. With help and patience, you won’t have to worry about losing your erection this Christmas season.

Can the “squeeze method” really help me to last longer in bed if I have premature ejaculation?

For men afflicted with premature ejaculation, managing to squeeze in a couple more seconds to your lovemaking can be a real struggle. While no man wants their sexual encounter to be over in a matter of seconds, premature ejaculation makes it almost impossible for a man to last between the sheets. And while many men have resigned themselves to their one-and-done sex life, there are plenty of men with premature ejaculation looking for a solution. And for many of these men, the term “squeeze method” keeps getting tossed around. But can the squeeze method really help men with premature ejaculation last longer in bed?

How the squeeze method works is simple: During sex, when you feel yourself reaching the point of no return, pull out and immediately disengage. Using one hand, lightly squeeze the base of the penis and practice calming breathing. According to experts, this combination of pressure and breathing can help the body to delay an orgasm, allowing a men to collect himself and then get back to work.

So, yes, the squeeze method can prove quite helpful for men with premature ejaculation, but it will take work to use it efficiently. If the squeeze is delivered too early, it won’t make a difference to the orgasm; too late, and it won’t be able to stop the orgasm. With time and practice, you will need to be able to read your body and determine the perfect time to deliver the squeeze.

If you struggle with lasting between the sheets, the squeeze method could be the solution you’re looking for. You may not get it right the first time, but remember, practice makes perfect.

Can the “squeeze method” really help me to last longer in bed if I have premature ejaculation?

For men afflicted with premature ejaculation, managing to squeeze in a couple more seconds to your lovemaking can be a real struggle. While no man wants their sexual encounter to be over in a matter of seconds, premature ejaculation makes it almost impossible for a man to last between the sheets. And while many men have resigned themselves to their one-and-done sex life, there are plenty of men with premature ejaculation looking for a solution. And for many of these men, the term “squeeze method” keeps getting tossed around. But can the squeeze method really help men with premature ejaculation last longer in bed?

How the squeeze method works is simple: During sex, when you feel yourself reaching the point of no return, pull out and immediately disengage. Using one hand, lightly squeeze the base of the penis and practice calming breathing. According to experts, this combination of pressure and breathing can help the body to delay an orgasm, allowing a men to collect himself and then get back to work.

So, yes, the squeeze method can prove quite helpful for men with premature ejaculation, but it will take work to use it efficiently. If the squeeze is delivered too early, it won’t make a difference to the orgasm; too late, and it won’t be able to stop the orgasm. With time and practice, you will need to be able to read your body and determine the perfect time to deliver the squeeze.

If you struggle with lasting between the sheets, the squeeze method could be the solution you’re looking for. You may not get it right the first time, but remember, practice makes perfect.

Can drinking too much soda cause erectile dysfunction?

Whether it’s time to sit down for a delicious meal, or you’re looking for a beverage while you’re on the go, it’s easy to decide to skip water and reach for a soda. After all, we all know that water can be good for the body, but soda has the flavor that people crave. And while the occasional soda isn’t the end of the world, there are plenty of men that opt to enjoy soda on a much more frequent basis. For these men, soda isn’t just a beverage to be enjoyed occasionally with dinner; it is a necessity. And when you become too dependent on sugary sodas, it’s your erection that pays the price.

The root problem with soda is the same ingredient that makes soda so good in the first place; The sugar. Sodas are chock full of teeth rotting sugar, and all this sugar can cause havoc in the body. Sugar has been found to cause the body to pack on the pounds, and has been linked to clogging up the arteries. When these two issues are combined, it’s the perfect combination for erectile issues.

The erection depends on steady blood flow to function properly. Regular soda consumption can put strain on the heart and on blood output. As the heart struggles to put out the blood the body needs, the blood runs into issue in the arteries, with the stuffed-up arteries slowing blood flow, preventing blood from reaching the penis quickly. With the body struggling to supply the penis with the blood it needs, this leads to missed erections. As the problem worsens, the issue could snowball from occasional missed erections into full blown erectile dysfunction.

So while the occasional soda won’t spell the end for your sex life, a dependence on soda could put your body on the fast track to erectile dysfunction. Like all things in life, enjoy soda in moderation. By cutting down on soda and making positive health choices, your erection should have nothing to fear.

Can having too much sex cause premature ejaculation?

Since time immemorial, man has wondered: Is there such a thing as having too much sex? The very concept of “too much sex” would sound like a good problem to have to most men, but there are plenty of men who experience this very problem. Whether it’s due to a partner with a higher sex drive, or a tendency to perpetually look for new sexual partners, there are men having more sex than they actually feel comfortable having. And, odd as it might sound, this issue of “too much of a good thing” could actually lead to premature ejaculation.

How the brain interprets sex ultimately depends on how a man approaches sex. If a man sees sex as a passionate act of lovemaking and stimulation that should take several hours, the brain can assist the body in lasting longer in bed. But if a man approaches sex as a means to an end for achieving an orgasm, as is often the case for men having “too much sex,” this can cause the brain to interpret sex as a race for pleasure, making it harder for a man to lat between the sheets.

As the brain and body are conditioned to interpret sex as a means of achieving satisfaction, orgasms will come easier, but lasting long during sex will become difficult.

But that’s not to say that having “too much sex” will put a man on a fast track to developing premature ejaculation. Everyone has different sex drives, so what qualifies as “too much sex” varies from person to person. But if you are finding that your constant sexual conquests are making it difficult for you to last in bed, cut down on the sex, work to recondition your body and brain for lasting pleasure instead of a quick orgasm fix, and you should be able to fix your sex life.

Is It Common for Men Age 50 to Have Erectile Dysfunction?

There are many joys that come with growing older: Gaining wisdom, seeing the younger generation grow, getting the senior discount at restaurants. But there is a big downside for aging men: The risk of developing erectile dysfunction. To many men, erectile dysfunction is seen as an inevitability that kicks in around age 50; not a potential issue, but rather a definitive one. But there are plenty of men in their 50’s with perfectly healthy sex lives. So that leaves men wondering: Just how common is erectile dysfunction at age 50?

Here’s the facts: While it is true that erectile dysfunction becomes more prevalent around age 50, it is not as widespread as idle talk might have you believe. Research has found one-third of men between 50 and 64 suffer from erectile dysfunction. While this is certainly a larger percentile then the amount of men dealing with ED in their 20’s, this is to be expected as the body ages.

But that still doesn’t mean that erectile dysfunction is set in stone. Further research shows that 44% of men between the ages of 65 and 85 develop ED, leaving a whopping 56 percent erectile issue free.

So, rest assured, erectile dysfunction is not an inevitable issue waiting to strike. If you should develop erectile dysfunction, there are plenty of solutions that can be explored with a medical professional that will allow you to continue to have a happy and fulfilling sex life. But erectile dysfunction is not set in stone, so don’t live your golden years thinking that it is.

Can eating too large of a meal cause temporary erectile dysfunction?

As the nation gears of for Thanksgiving, men everywhere are loosening their belts and unbuttoning their pants in anticipation of a large Turkey Day meal. But after the turkey has been devoured and the mashed potatoes have been demolished, many couples might want nothing more than to throw on some sweatpants and take a nap in the recliner. But other couples might feel like working that meal off with some physical activity in the boudoir. But after filling up on stuffing and green beans, could a man be at a higher risk of dealing with temporary erectile dysfunction?

Silly as it might sound, the answer is “Possibly.” The mere act of eating a lot of food won’t affect your ability to achieve an erection; rather, it’s how your mind perceives all of that food that can make the difference.

If you eat to the point of physical discomfort, you might struggle to engage in any strenuous activity. If your brain interprets the fullness in your stomach as a roadblock, it might focus the body on dealing with this pressing issue first, which could theoretically cause erection signals to get lost in the shuffle, leading to a missed erection.

And it gets worse: While many opt to go all out on Thanksgiving, men that consistently eat heavy meals stand a risk to pack on the pounds, which could lead to weight gain-induced erectile issues.

But a day of heavy eating likely won’t be the end of the world for your erection. If you struggle to achieve an erection after your Turkey Day meal, put a pin in your time between the sheets and focus on getting your body comfortable first. Or take it easy on the casserole and rolls this Thanksgiving, and your erection should be a-okay after the meal.