I prefer underwear to boxers. Is it true that tight underwear can cause erectile dysfunction?

Underwear versus boxers: The ultimate argument between men. For some men, the tightness of underwear is preferred, while other men tend to favor the loose fit of boxers. But while both varities of undergarments come with their pros and cons, there is one big purported con that has kept thousands of men away from underwear: Legend has it, if you wear tight underwear consistently, you can develop erectile dysfunction.

While this old wives tale has persevered over the years, men seem torn on the truth: Can tight underwear really affect your erectile health?

Here’s the truth: Tight underwear, no matter how tight, has zero bearing on your ability to achieve an erection. The penis is made to be bent and twisted and stored in tight spaces; as a result, wearing undies that happen to bring your member in closer to your body is not ultimately going to affect your erectile chances.

But your sperm count is another matter entirely, and this is where tight underwear can be damaging. Your testicles are made to hang loosely from your body, allowing them to maintain the optimal internal temperature for the creation and sustaining of sperm. When you wear tight underwear, your testicles are brought up close to the body, which causes the internal temperature of the body to affect the internal temperature of the testicles, slowly leading to heat death for your sperm.

That’s not to say that consistently wearing tight underwear will render a man impotent. But it has been found that tight undies can drastically affect sperm count, so it could put your ability to reproduce in jeopardy.

So, if erectile dysfunction is your primary concern, feel free to wear underwear as tight as you want. But if you worry about a dropping sperm count, skip the tightey whities and stick with boxers.

I struggle to achieve an erection during sex, but I constantly wake up with erections. Do I have erectile dysfunction?

The brain is a powerful thing. It controls your loves, your hates, and everything in between. In addition to playing a deciding factor on your feelings on Law and Order and Scandal, it can ultimately affect various aspects of your body including, yes, your erection. As a result, when a man struggles with erectile issues, the root cause isn’t always physical in nature; rather, it could be caused by a hang-up in the old grey matter. But how do you determine if your erectile issues are caused by physical or mental issues? Easy: Take note of when you achieve an erection.

For physically induced ED, you’ll likely to struggle to achieve an erection at all times. If you find you cannot achieve an erection during sex, but you also find that you no loner wake up with erections occasionally, this is a solid indicator that your erectile issues come from a physical issue; i.e., heart issues, recent weight gain, blockage in your arteries, etc.

But if you find that you can occasionally achieve an erection with a partner or by yourself, this indicates that your erectile woes stem from a mental issue. As the body is known to subconsciously produce an erection while a man is sleeping, if you wake up with erections, this proves that everything internally is working as it should and that your ED is all in your head.

Be it depression, anxiety, anger, or stress, your feelings can sometimes override your brain and present your brain from pursuing certain functions, such as the achieving an erection.

So yes, if you can achieve an erection unconsciously but struggle to achieve an erection in a sexual situation, you are dealing with erectile dysfunction, albeit ED that is all in your head.

Work with a mental health professional to get to the root of your ED, work together to confront these feelings, and you’ll be ED free in no time.

Can penis enlargement pills cause erectile dysfunction?

We all know the old saying: “It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean.” But while some men are perfectly happy with the size of their boat, others find that the motion of the ocean just isn’t enough; no, for these men, it’s all about boat size. Thus, thousands of men turn to penis enlargement drugs, little pills that purport to add length and girth to any penis. As these men turn to suspicious brands bearing dubious ingredient lists, they may believe they are working towards a larger penis, but could they actually be putting themselves on the fast track to erectile dysfunction?

Thankfully for men loading up on penis enlargement pills, the answer is no. No studies have found a link between the usage of penis enlargement drugs and erectile dysfunction.

But it isn’t because penis enlargement drugs are safe for the erection; rather, penis enlargement drugs won’t cause ED because they just don’t work.

While there might be thousands of pills, creams, and potions said to increase a man’s penis size, the honest truth is that none of these cure-alls have been found to permanently increase penis size.

These drugs work by engorging the spongy erectile tissue within the penis with blood, which causes a man to achieve an erection faster. From there, the mind takes over: With their newly achieved erection, men convince themselves that their penis appears bigger.

But there isn’t a single over-the-counter penis enlargement drug on the market that will actually increase the size of your penis. While it’s certainly a relief that these drugs don’t cause erectile dysfunction, they also don’t cause bigger penises.

So instead of fretting about the possibility of shady penile enhancement drugs causing ED, learn to love what you’ve been given and avoid the snake oil penis growth market.

Is it safe to take erectile dysfunction drugs if I don’t have erectile dysfunction?

For many men, erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra and Cialis are not wanted, but needed. For these men, the little extra push that these pills give them is what stands between a happy sex life and feelings of self-doubt and depression. But thanks to ED drugs seemingly mythical properties, more and more men are coming to view these drugs not as sex assistors but as sex boosters. To these men, these little pills are seen as a way to become a sexual Superman; if you were to ask these men, they would tell you that Viagra instantly makes you rock hard, helps you to last for hours, and gives you the best orgasm of your life.

But this isn’t true. Despite popular misconception, erectile dysfunction drugs do not enhance a man’s sexual performance. Rather, ED drugs simply help a man to do what once came natural but now requires a little assistance. ED drugs open up the arteries in the body, enhancing blood flow, which makes it easier for the penis to take on blood and achieve an erection.

But this erection still needs to be achieved the old fashioned way. Once achieved, the man will only be able to last as long in bed as he normally would. Viagra and Cialis won’t turn him into a sexual dynamo; instead, it will just let him get down to business.

As such, erectile dysfunction drugs are supremely helpful to men that struggle with ED. But for men with perfectly fine erections that are simply looking for an enhancer, erectile dysfunction drugs aren’t the solution you are hoping for. Taking ED drugs without ED certainly isn’t dangerous; but it really doesn’t prove any purpose.

Can I take Viagra with alcohol?

Alcohol. The great social lubricant. Whether it’s a fancy get together, a wild college party, or just a dinner with your partner, alcohol has a way of getting people to loosen up and get out there. While many men simply use alcohol as a way to get themselves talking at social gatherings, many men find themselves arm in arm with a pretty person after a few drinks, whispering about where they should go next. And while men want these spontaneous, sexually-charged conversations to move into immediate sex, many men have erectile dysfunction to worry about. Which begs the question: “If I’ve been drinking, is it safe for me to take Viagra?”

Unfortunately for Viagra-reliant men that enjoy a few libations before knocking boots, the answer is a resounding “No.”

Like many things in life, Viagra and alcohol just don’t mix. The reason is simple: Both Viagra and alcohol affect your blood pressure, albeit with different end results. When you use both Viagra and alcohol, your blood pressure can drop to dangerous levels, which can cause dizziness, headaches, light-headedness, fainting, or, in worst-case scenarios, heart palpitations that can turn deadly.

In addition to potentially putting your body at risk, Viagra and alcohol don’t work together for one simple reason: Combined, they do not improve your sexual performance. Whether you’re seeing double, or fighting off the light-headedness feelings of taking Viagra after a swig of beer, you’re likely going to struggle to focus on the task at hand, leading to issues achieving an erection and getting down to business.

That’s not to say that alcohol should be avoided at all cost when using Viagra; rather, enjoy alcohol in moderation, and make sure you flush your body of the booze before you pop a Viagra. If you don’t, you could be putting your body, and your sex life, at risk.

I am a man that regularly views pornography. Is it true that constantly watching porn puts me at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation?

It’s a tale as old as the pornography industry itself: According to legend, men that tend to watch and, ahem, “enjoy” porn more are putting themselves on the fast track to developing issues in bed. The old wives’ tale purports that the consistent viewing of porn causes the development of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and, eventually, the loss of use of the erection entirely. But this legend can’t possibly be true, right? After all, a rumor this ridiculous has to be entirely fictional, right?

Well, you’d be 2/3 right. While watching pornography of course can’t cause erectile dysfunction or the complete loss of erectile control, it can in fact put men at a higher risk of developing issues with premature ejaculation.

But it isn’t the porn itself that causes the PE; rather, it’s how your body interprets porn and your enjoyment of it.

When a man masturbates to porn, it is typically not a sensuous, drawn-out affair; rather, it’s all about quick pleasure. Men treat masturbation as a race to the finish line, and your brain will pick up on this and translate this feeling into the bedroom.

As men rush to reach orgasm while masturbating to porn, the brain will begin to sense this habit and will bring it into intercourse. Thanks to the brain, men that regularly masturbate to porn will find it harder to last in bed. The brain will no longer interpret sex as a loving, time consuming activity; instead, thanks to constant masturbation, it will see the act as a means to reach orgasm quickly.

So, yes, constant exposure to porn and masturbation really can put your sex life at risk. It won’t cause your erection to up and stop working, but it will cause you to struggle to last between the sheets.

There is nothing wrong with the viewing of pornography or the act of masturbation, but like all things in life, it’s all about moderation. Enjoy these activities once in a while (experts suggest that once or twice every week or two is healthy), and your bodies ability to last in intercourse should come roaring back.

I am a man that regularly views pornography. Is it true that constantly watching porn puts me at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation?

It’s a tale as old as the pornography industry itself: According to legend, men that tend to watch and, ahem, “enjoy” porn more are putting themselves on the fast track to developing issues in bed. The old wives’ tale purports that the consistent viewing of porn causes the development of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and, eventually, the loss of use of the erection entirely. But this legend can’t possibly be true, right? After all, a rumor this ridiculous has to be entirely fictional, right?

Well, you’d be 2/3 right. While watching pornography of course can’t cause erectile dysfunction or the complete loss of erectile control, it can in fact put men at a higher risk of developing issues with premature ejaculation.

But it isn’t the porn itself that causes the PE; rather, it’s how your body interprets porn and your enjoyment of it.

When a man masturbates to porn, it is typically not a sensuous, drawn-out affair; rather, it’s all about quick pleasure. Men treat masturbation as a race to the finish line, and your brain will pick up on this and translate this feeling into the bedroom.

As men rush to reach orgasm while masturbating to porn, the brain will begin to sense this habit and will bring it into intercourse. Thanks to the brain, men that regularly masturbate to porn will find it harder to last in bed. The brain will no longer interpret sex as a loving, time consuming activity; instead, thanks to constant masturbation, it will see the act as a means to reach orgasm quickly.

So, yes, constant exposure to porn and masturbation really can put your sex life at risk. It won’t cause your erection to up and stop working, but it will cause you to struggle to last between the sheets.

There is nothing wrong with the viewing of pornography or the act of masturbation, but like all things in life, it’s all about moderation. Enjoy these activities once in a while (experts suggest that once or twice every week or two is healthy), and your bodies ability to last in intercourse should come roaring back.

What causes premature ejaculation?

For men that pride themselves on their ability to last between the sheets, there might not be a scarier combination of words in the English language: Premature ejaculation. This embarrassing sexual issue can pop up unexpectedly, leaving men that could formerly last hours struggling to last a couple minutes. What’s worse, it can affect men of all ages, races, and creeds, and it doesn’t have any warning signs. So while you might never know when it will hit, many men find themselves wondering: “Well, just what exactly causes premature ejaculation?”

While sexual issues such as erectile dysfunction can often develop due to a litany of physical or mental issues, the root cause of premature ejaculation is a little more straightforward: That is, PE is always mental in nature.

It’s true: There isn’t a physical ailment that can cause men to struggle to last in bed. Rather, premature ejaculation is brought on by mental hang-ups.

But what mental hang-ups are causing the PE can definitely vary. Be it depression, guilt, or anxiety, there are a variety of feelings that can cause premature ejaculation to develop.

While developing sexual issues thanks to your feelings might be embarrassing, there is a trade-off: Sine PE is always mental in nature, this makes it easier to overcome.

By working with a mental health professional, you can work to determine the root cause of your ejaculation woes. By determining the feelings that are causing your sexual issues, you can work out how to confront and overcome these feelings.

With work, dedication, and lots of patience, you can beat this mental stumbling block, and get your sex life back on track.

I tend to drink 2-3 cups of coffee every morning. Can too much coffee cause erectile dysfunction?

For some men, the morning simply cannot be faced until coffee has been consumed. While many have no problem rising from slumber to face the day, many men turn to the dark, caffeinated pleasures of coffee to get adjusted to the day. And while many are perfectly fine with a single cup of coffee, others require multiple cups to make it through the day. For these men, coffee is a delicious, totally required step to taking on the day. But could all of this coffee be putting men at risk of developing erectile dysfunction?

While many men think that regularly consuming coffee increases a man’s chances of developing erectile issues, extensive research has found the opposite to be true: In fact, men that drink coffee often may actually be at a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

According to a study published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, researchers revealed that extensive research has linked regular coffee intake is linked to reduced chances of developing erectile dysfunction.

In the study, researcher fond that men that consumed the equivalent of 85-170 mg of caffeine (the equivalency of 2-3 cups of coffee) a day were 42% less likely to develop erectile dysfunction. But in a surprise revelation, research found that men who drank between 171-303 mg of caffeine (the equivalency of 5-6 cups of coffee) were only 39% less likely to develop ED.

So while coffee and the caffeine it contains might be helpful to staving off erectile dysfunction, too much of a good thing can actually decrease a man’s chances of avoiding ED.

So, no, regular coffee consumption does not spell death for your sex life. Rather, a cup or two of black coffee a day may just make the difference in saving your erection.

I’m a 60 year old man that has recently started dating again. How do I tell my new partner about my erectile dysfunction?

As men age, their bodies tend to encounter a litany of problems: Creaky joints, stiff back, diminished hearing, and, yes, erectile dysfunction. It’s true: Research has found that men over 40 are 3 times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction then their 18-29 year old counterparts. As ED becomes more prevalent in aging men, conversations concerning erectile woes also become more common. But just because it’s a necessary conversation doesn’t make it any easier to have; after all, talking with anyone, regardless of age, about ED can feel very embarrassing. So how is an older men supposed to tell a new partner about his erectile dysfunction?

Dating is hard enough without bringing erectile dysfunction into the mix. But for many older men, ED is a fact of life, and must be discussed with possible new sexual partners.

As such, follow the following tips when telling your new partner about your ED:

Don’t beat around the bush: Instead of holding off on telling the truth about your ED, but straight forward and honest. Discuss how often you deal with ED, and discuss how you tend to handle ED when it occurs.

Remember there are workarounds: Stress that ED doesn’t mean no sex at all; rather, you’ll just have to follow some guidelines when engaging in sexual activity. Ask your partner to be patient and understanding.

Discuss options: From pills that get to work immediately to pills that take a while to kick in, there are plenty of drug options for addressing ED. Talk frankly with your partner about how you can address ED and sex.

Remember: It can be awkward to discuss ED, but for older men, it’s a necessary evil. Be open, be honest, and be understanding, and you and your new partner should have no problem working around your ED to achieve a wonderful, fulfilling sex life.