Can I take Viagra with alcohol?

Sex can often be a very spur-of-the-moment activity. One moment, you’re sitting and chatting with an attractive person, and the next you’re slinging your clothes around the room as you jump between the sheets. Oftentimes, this spur-of-the-moment activity can be brought on by alcohol. After a drink or three, people tend to throw their inhibitions to the wind, leading to impromptu boot knocking. But for men that suffer from erectile dysfunction, alcohol-induced intercourse can be a little trickier. After all, how is a man reliant upon ED drugs such as Viagra supposed to get ready? Is it safe to have another drink while popping one of those little blue pills? Men everywhere want to know: Can Viagra be taken with alcohol?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Definitely no. While it is true that drinking can lead to sexual situations, utilizing ED drugs while drinking is unwise. This is because erectile aids such as Viagra is still a drug, and drugs, be it over-the-counter or prescription, are not intended for consumption with alcohol.

This is due to the fact that both booze and Viagra lower your blood pressure. If you were to take Viagra while consuming alcohol, your body’s blood pressure levels could drop to a dangerous level. When a man’s blood pressure levels drop too low, he can begin to experience headaches, light-headedness, fainting, and even potentially deadly heart palpitations.

So if it comes time to get down to business in the boudoir after a few drinks, leaving Viagra and other ED drugs out of the equation. It might improve your sexual function, but it could also prove very dangerous.

Can consuming Yohimbe bark really help with erectile dysfunction?

As long as there has been erectile issues, there have been those that turn to Mother Earth to fight back. Before the rise of erectile drugs, natural solutions such as leaves, roots, and teas were offered by healers that promised to solve men’s erectile woes and make them dynamite in bed. While we now know that natural solutions to ED aren’t foolproof, there are still many that swear by a natural remedy for this age-old problem derived from the bark of a tree. Yes, there are many that claim the bark from the Yohimbe tree is the perfect natural solution for ED.

For a little backstory, the Yohimbe is found primarily in Central Africa. With a full name of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree, healers and shamans have been turning to the bark of the Yohimbe tree for generations, marketing the rough bark as a cure-all for everything from baldness to weight gain. But in recent years, yohimbe has caught on as a supplement for sexual function. The bark of the tree is ground up and sold at health stores around the world, but as marketing yohimbe as a sexual aid is illegal in the United States, it is marketed as a dietary supplement.

“Wait,” you might be saying, “it’s illegal to market yohimbe for sexual aid? Why’s that?” Despite many swearing by the bark, extensive research has found insufficient evidence in yohimbe’s effectiveness at treating erectile dysfunction.

Proponents for the bark point to the yohimbe bark’s ability to open up blood vessels, which assists the body in achieving an erection. But thorough research has not found any connection between the consumption of yohimbe supplements and improved erectile function.

So, despite all the hoopla, yohimbe is not a miracle ED curing natural supplement. If you want to beat ED, it’s best to stick with eating well, staying active, and good, old-fashioned modern medicine.

I struggle with controlling my bladder. Lately, I’ve also had problems with premature ejaculation. Could these two issues be related?

Imagine the body as a giant, complex machine. Much like a machine, the body is made up of thousands of tiny parts, each tasked with a job that helps the bigger picture. But, much like a machine, should one small part in the body experience issues, it can lead to larger problems. If a cog were to falter, this could lead to a grandfather clock becoming unable to toll it’s bell; in the same way, if your urethra begins to experience issues, it can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, is an issue commonly associated with older men, but it actually affects men of all ages. While many mark incontinence as an issue that develops with aging, the truth is that urinary leakage is not a result of getting a little grayer; rather, it all boils down to the urethra.

The urethra regulates all output related to the penis. In simple terms, think of the urethra as the doorman of the penis. When needed, it will open the doors and let whatever needs to go out go out. But if the urethra experiences issues, it will begin to struggle to keep things in; instead, it will begin to just let everything out, regardless of the timing. This leads to urine being released at inopportune times, but it can also lead to premature ejaculation.

The urethra also plays a vital part in the ejaculation process. When needed, the urethra will utilize a set of muscles to pump semen out, thus allowing the erection to meet its needs. But when the urethra is having issues, the urethra will often pump semen early, much in the same way as urine.

So, yes, if you struggle with incontinence, the chances of developing premature ejaculation are high. Like a machine, one problem can often lead to other problems; that is, unless that first problem is fixed. So if you struggle with incontinence, work with your doctor to overcome this issue, before premature ejaculation becomes a serious issue.

Can kegel exercises really help me to avoid erectile dysfunction?

When pregnant women aren’t craving mint chocolate ice cream covered in anchovies, they’re working on ways to prepare their bodies for the coming baby. Thousands of women turn to kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, ensuring that childbirth will be easier and less time consuming. But while these kegel exercises are great for expectant mothers, what can they do for men? Is it possible that working the pelvic floor can actually help a man to avoid erectile dysfunction?

While most men would scoff at the idea of busting out a few kegel reps, the truth is that strengthening the pelvic floor really can help the body ensure that the erectile process stays healthy and strong.

This is because these pelvis-targeting workouts strengthen a muscle within the body known as the bulbocavernosus muscle. This muscle is responsible for allowing the penis to engorge with blood, it assists the penis in pumping during ejaculation, and it is responsible for emptying out the urethra after urination.

As a result, working this muscle ensures that the main muscle responsible for the erection stays good and healthy, which translates into less erectile problems and stronger erections.

Thankfully, kegel exercises are remarkably easy to do. While urinating, clench and unclench the muscles that stop your urine stream. This is the muscle group you’ll be working out. To perform a rep of kegel exercise, squeeze this muscle group tight, hold the squeeze for five seconds, and then relax. Repeat this process 10 to 20 times, for two to three times a time.

After you master kegel exercises, you’ll be able to knock out a couple reps in meetings, driving to work, or while sitting around watching TV. Make kegel exercises a reoccurring process, and your erection should be safe for many years to come.

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I want to eat better in order to regain my erection. What is the best diet for treating erectile dysfunction?

Once a man begins to notice issues regarding his ability to achieve an erection, overcoming those erectile dysfunction issues becomes priorities one through ten. While most men will begin to research ED drugs, many men turn to beating the issue through better living. One of the most common ways to fight back against ED is by changing up your diet; after all, for many men their diet is what got them to erectile dysfunction in the first place. But debate has raged on what food groups are best for overcoming ED. Is it a diet rich in grains? Should men eat more vegetables? What is the best diet for beating erectile dysfunction?

Turns out, for a diet best suited to dealing with ED, you need to look across the Mediterranean. Yes, it’s true: The best way to defeat ED is to eat like the Greeks.

Researchers attribute a rich Mediterranean diet for helping men in the Grecian Isles to avoid ED. This is because Mediterranean food places an emphasis on natural foods, such as nuts and olive oil. Additionally, many Mediterranean foods are chock full of healthy fats, which help the body to clear out clogged blood vessels and facilitates the production of nitric oxide, a compound the body utilizes when achieving an erection.

And it doesn’t stop there: Experts agree that Grecian food is healthy for the heart, which translates to improve blood output and reduced risk of heart attacks.

But that’s not to say that men should stock up exclusively on hummus. Eating a balanced Mediterranean diet is vital, so make sure to invest in plenty of pita and lean fish.

Of course, Mediterranean food is only the first step to overcoming erectile dysfunction. Get active, make positive lifestyle choices, and eat heart-healthy Mediterranean meals, and you should see your ED issues clear up in no time.

I’ve heard that specific states, such as Arizona, have a higher rate of erectile dysfunction. Why?

When it’s time to move, its wise to keep that old saying in mind: Location, location, location. Whether you’re moving for the first time or the hundredth time, you want to consider just where you want to move up. And while you might be more concerned about how close your new home is to the grocery store, you might also want to find out how likely you are to develop erectile dysfunction.

You read that right. While ED is typically caused by factors such as stress at work, depression, or a poor diet, it seems that location can also enter into the equation when it comes to your erection. That’s not to say that certain geographic areas are known to cause erectile dysfunction; after all, it’s not like simply being in North Carolina will cause your little guy to stop working. But it is true that ED is much more prevalent in certain places in the United States.

In a recently conducted survey put together by, it was found that men that live in Arizona, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were more affected by erectile dysfunction than men living in states such as Virginia and Georgia. The reason: The ED-prone states had a high population of men over 60.

While it is true that older men are more prone to developing erectile dysfunction, age isn’t the only factor that puts these states at ED risk. Health challenges prevalent in these states, such as obesity, can also lead to the development of erectile dysfunction. Thus, with a big population of older men and men affected with health issues, the ED rates rise.

That’s not to say that you should pick up and move if you find out your state has high numbers of men suffering from ED. Rather, be conscious of the health issues affecting your state, and take precautions to avoid them. Young or old, men can make positive lifestyle choices to stave off ED. Otherwise, they risk becoming another statistic in their ED-riddled state.

Can thinking about sex too frequently lead to premature ejaculation?

A famous bowler once said “If you will it, it is no dream, dude.” Using this rationale, most men spend every waking moment thinking about sex, hoping to will sex into their lives by having the act of knocking boots on the brain. The truth is that all men think about sex, but some tend to take it to the extreme. After all, devoting all that brainpower to thinking about hopping into bed can’t possibly be good for a man, right? But on the other hand, thinking about something you enjoy is totally normal, so concentrating on sex might be healthy, right? So does thinking frequently about sex put a man at a higher risk of developing premature ejaculation?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, but probably not for the reason you think.

You see, while sex is innately physical in nature, it is also a decidedly cerebral activity. After all, for everything to work properly your brain has to send the right signals at the right time. If your mind is unclouded, the right signals are sent, everything works as you should, and both partners can get down to the task at hand.

But if the brain is preoccupied, things can get a little problematic. If a man opts to focus on other things during sex, such as stress at work or money issues, the brain might essentially prioritize these thoughts, leading to signals for the erection to get to work to get lost in the shuffle.

The same principal applies to sexual thoughts, but in reverse. If the brain devotes so much time to thinking about sex that it becomes all-consuming, sex can prove to be too much for the brain, causing your grey matter to send the signals downstairs for an orgasm quickly. As the brain associates sex with excitement, it reacts by pushing the man to pleasure quickly, similar to masturbation.

So, yes, having sex on the brain can contribute to issues in the bedroom. It can be hard to control your thoughts, but try not to have carnal pleasures on your mind all the time. Instead of thinking about sex, just enjoy the sex when it comes.

I drink a lot of soda. Can sugary drinks cause erectile dysfunction?

Sometimes, all you want is a crisp, ice-cold soda. Sure, its well documented that these delicious beverages are packed with enough sugar to melt the teeth out of your head, but sometimes the siren call of a Coke or a Pepsi is too much to ignore. But while the occasional soda doesn’t mean the end of the world, what of people that enjoy soda regularly? There are plenty of men who polish off a 2-liter of Mountain Dew every day, while other men opt to have a Coke with dinner every other night. Can all of this sugary soda be good for the body? What does it mean for the erection?

It’s true: men that would rather knock back a can of root beer than a bottle of water are potentially putting themselves at risk for erectile woes. In fact, the American Journal of Epidemiology published a report that found that men that consume more than 8 ounces of soda each day have a significantly higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction then men who enjoy soda occasionally or don’t drink it at all.

The report pinpoints the connection between soda and ED to one thing: Sugar. Soda is chock full of sugar, and all of that sugar can cause issues internally. The high levels of sugar in soda have been found to disrupt normal blood flow within the body, which can make it difficult for the body to supply the penis with the requisite blood needed for an erection.

In terms of long-term damage, excessive soda consumption can also lead to the development of type-2 diabetes. Type-2 diabetes, aside from significantly impacting a man’s diet, prevents the spongy tissue found in the penis from engorging properly with blood to achieve an erection.

So, whether its short-term or long-term, drinking lots of soda can lead to the same fate: Erectile dysfunction. Like all things in life, enjoy soda in moderation, and make sure to make healthy diet decisions.