Are there any teas that can help with my erectile dysfunction?

For almost as long as there has been people on this big blue marble we call “Earth,” there has been tea. Both delicious and nutritious, tea is one of the oldest beverages in the world, dating back to the Shang Dynasty in China. While many see tea as a tasty alternative to coffee, there are those that espouse tea’s medicinal purposes. For almost as long as there has been tea, there have been proponents that tout tea as a refreshingly natural way to fight back against illness. Tea, these proponents claim, can help the body to overcome ailments, all thanks to a carefully cultivated collection of herbs dunked in some hot water. But while tea might pair wonderfully with a sweet snack, can this beloved beverage help a man to overcome erectile dysfunction?

While it has been proven that herbal teas can help the body in a litany of ways, the science behind the healing components of tea are shaky. What this means is that while consuming specific teas can certainly aid the body in the battle against ED, simply consuming tea will not stop erectile dysfunction. But if you’re looking for a leg up in the battle against ED, consider investing in these herbal teas:

Ginseng- Touted as “Nature’s Viagra,” ginseng has been found to open up blood vessels, which can translate into easier-to-achieve erections.

Yohimbe- Cultivated from the bark of an African tree, this herb also helps to facilitate healthy blood flow.

Ginger- The well known herb has been found to, you guessed it, open up blood vessels and facilitate healthy blood flow.

Remember: Tea alone will not defeat erectile dysfunction. But by making healthy lifestyle choices, taking erectile dysfunction medications, and enjoying in the occasional cup of a healthy herbal tea, you should be able to overcome ED in no time.

Can erectile dysfunction drugs help me to last longer in bed?

Sex, much like life, isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. While many men would prefer to just get in and get out, lovemaking is meant to an intimate, fun encounter for both parties where everyone walks away satisfied. But while many men are eager to see to it that their partner gets satisfaction from sex, sometimes the body has other ideas. These men, try as they might, cannot seem to last very long between the sheets, and their body isn’t helping. But is there a way to skip the frustration and just last for as long as needed? Could taking a popular erectile dysfunction drug, such as Viagra, help a man to last longer in bed?

Rumors have persisted among men for years that ED drugs not only cause rock hard erections, they apparently turn men into sexual dynamos. The drugs, the rumors say, lets men last for hours and gives them the stamina of a porn star. After all, if these well-known drugs can help to produce an erection, surely they can help with the activity that comes after the erection has been achieved?

But this is not the case. Despite reoccurring rumors, erectile dysfunction drugs do not offer any additional benefits in the bedroom. When an ED drug is taken, it will simply assist the body in achieving an erection. This is accomplished by opening up blood vessels and facilitating healthy blood flow, which plays no part in a man’s stamina or ability to keep an erection.

So erectile dysfunction drugs aren’t some miracle sex pills. If you have no problem achieving an erection, you can’t pop a Cialis and suddenly find yourself ready to go for hours. Ultimately, ED drugs are good for one thing: Achieving an erection.

How long does it take the major brands of erectile dysfunction drugs to start working?

You know the saying: Time is money. But when it comes to your sex life, the more accurate phrase would be “Time is vital.” During intercourse, the difference between a couple seconds and a couple minutes can mean either a night of passionate lovemaking, or a night of disappointment and arguing. Thus, it is vital that both parties are ready and raring to hop between the sheets at the same time, lest the moment passes and sex goes from wild to mild. For men that struggle with erectile dysfunction, timing is even more important, as ED drugs often require some time to kick in, leading to a delicate balancing act of keeping the eroticism going while waiting for the drug to get to get to work. This is why it is vital that the correct ED drug is selected, to ensure that the timeline for effects is right for you. So how long does it take the various ED drugs to start working?

If time is of the essence, there’s one clear winner: Stendra. This little pill has the quickest activation time of any ED drug on the market, taking only around 15 to 30 minutes to take effect. After Stendra has gotten to work, its effects should be felt for another 6-12 hours.

Behind Stendra would be Cialis, which takes a little longer. For Cialis, results will begin to show within 30 to 45 minutes of ingestion. While Stendra has Cialis beat in speed, Cialis would take the crown for duration, as this little yellow pill tends to stay in the body for around 24-36 hours.

While Stendra and Cialis take top spots in speed, Viagra and Levitra would be tied neck-and-neck. This is because both of these well known erectile dysfunction drugs are clocked in at around 30-60 minutes to take effect. The two drugs are also tied in the duration category, as both brands tend to stick around for 4-5 hours.

While some men might be eager to dive right into intercourse, others would rather engage in some foreplay or cuddling before hopping between the sheets. As such, each major ED drug offers something different, so when its time to decide which is right for you, keep these times in mind.

Can jealousy cause erectile dysfunction to develop?

A relationship is a fragile game of give and take. Both partners want to feel satisfied, and this takes sacrifices and concessions. But couples aren’t always willing to meet halfway on every little thing. Sometimes, partner A might enjoy spending time with a certain friend, while partner B might not care for this friend, but partner A isn’t willing to end the relationship. As partner A spends more and more time with this friend, partner B begins to become jealous. Situations such as this, along with other social scenarios, can lead to the development of jealousy. Jealousy, if left unchecked, can begin to affect the relationship, each partner’s social life, and even their sex life. Yes, jealous really can lead to erectile dysfunction.

This is because the erection is dependent upon the brain, which handles sending out the proper signals for providing the penis with enough blood to achieve an erection. The brain also handles feelings of arousal, which it translates into various signals that eventually culminate in an orgasm.

But if the brain is pre-occupied with other, more consuming thoughts, such as jealousy, these functions can get lost in the shuffle. While the brain is a complicated command post for the body, it is still reliant upon unconscious signals from you to get tasks done. If your body is sending arousal signals, but you are focusing on your feelings of jealousy, the brain will prioritize the jealousy, causing the sexual signals to get lost in the ether.

So, in the end, your ability to achieve an erection can often hinge entirely on your brain. If you’re preoccupied with jealousy, this can lead to issues in the bedroom. So rather than letting feelings of jealousy build up, ultimately cultivating in erectile dysfunction and relationship issues, confront that jealousy head on. Sit down with your partner, talk about your feelings, and work together to reach an amicable resolution for the matter. Together, you can find a way to deal with these feelings, and together you can get your erection back on track.

Can stress about money lead to erectile dysfunction?

There’s a famous song that tells listeners “Don’t worry, be happy.” And while we all strive to stay happy, money, and the numerous headaches that go with it, sometimes make staying happy easier said than done. Whether its fretting about the kids’ college fund, or woes about making car payments, or even worries about being able to make rent, money troubles tend to loom over people like a big, black cloud that you can’t shake off. For some men, money worries are just a bump in the road, but for others, money problems can become so consuming that worries about cash begin to rule everything around them, including the ability to achieve an erection.

When you break it down to its base elements, an erection depends on brain signals and blood. The signals translate sexual feelings into feelings of arousal, which then alert the brain that its time to supply steady blood to the penis to allow it to engorge and achieve an erection. But when the mind is pre-occupied, these vital signals can often go missing in the ether, leading to the brain missing sexual cues and not preparing the body for an erection. And worries about money can be so pre-occupying for a man’s brain that it can consistently lead to missed erections, and eventually erectile dysfunction, if not kept in check.

This is because men that struggle with money issues will find themselves constantly worrying about the issue, even fretting about finances during intercourse. The mind becomes consumed with these worrisome problems, leading to good feelings, such as those from sex, getting lost and missed.

So, yes, men with money worries actually can begin to experience erectile issues if they devote too much time to fretting. Thankfully, the solution is simple: Relax. Learn how to address stress, and understand that stress doesn’t always have to be on your mind. Eventually, the money problems will be resolved, and your mind will be free to settle down and get back to focusing on helping you achieve an erection.

Is developing erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?

Getting older brings with it many joys. Watching your children grow. Seeing the world change. Finally getting that senior’s discount. But for every good thing, it seems as though the aging process balances it out with a litany of bad things. Back pain. Hearing problems. Falling asleep at 7 o’clock. But while issues such as these are an inevitable part of growing old, what about erectile dysfunction? Men around the world have heard that losing the ability to achieve an erection is just a downside of making it into your golden years, but is that true? Is erectile dysfunction just a normal part of the aging process?

Well, that depends. Like all things related to your body, how your erection performs as you grow older is entirely related on how you treat it when you’re younger. Much like how men take up yoga to ensure a strong, healthy back as they age, men must look after their erections if they intend to keep it around long into their seniors.

But unlike yoga as a deterrent for back problems, there aren’t any exercises or methods to be utilized to keep the erection healthy and strong. Instead, men need to turn their attention to their heart.

The erection requires ample amounts of blood to function properly, and it is the heart’s job to get this blood to the right place. By regularly exercising, eating heart healthy foods, and abstaining from heart-harming activities such as smoking, the heart can continue to do its job as the body ages, ensuring the erection always has the blood it needs to get to work, even as a man enters into his 80’s and 90’s.

But if a man opts to eat poorly, skip exercise, or generally make heart-harming choices, erectile dysfunction will eventually come. For men that do not look after their hearts, erectile dysfunction can pop up as early as the 50’s, while other men will begin to develop ED in their early-60’s. While the age that ED will strike is not set in stone, men that do not look after their body will likely develop erectile issues at some point.

So make positive choices, eat well, and look after your heart, and erectile dysfunction should never be a concern. Growing old doesn’t mean the end of your sex life, as long as you look after your erection now.

I ride my bike to work every day. Can bike riding really cause erectile dysfunction?

More and more men are relying upon bikes to get from point A to point B. While biking was seen by many as a leisure activity or a fun way to get some exercise, a new breed of urban man is substituting the dreaded bumper-to-bumper morning commute for a brisk bike ride. For these men, biking is a way to avoid the monotony of driving to work, while simultaneously helping to keep muscles active and healthy. But could all this biking be leading to problems downstairs? Do men who constantly bike have to worry about developing erectile dysfunction?

To put male bike enthusiasts minds at ease, biking is not a guaranteed death knell for your little guy. Plenty of men bike every single day of their lives and never once encounter a problem in the bedroom. But men who bike regularly and aren’t mindful of what they’re sitting on are another story entirely. For these men, biking day in and day out on a hard, unforgiving plastic seat, erectile dysfunction might be just around the corner.

This is due to the fact that biking puts a very specific bundle of nerves and blood vessels located conveniently between the buttocks and the penis. This area, scientifically known as the “perineum,” is responsible for getting the requisite pleasure signals and blood to the penis to encourage an erection. As such, it is a vital part of the erection process.

By using a hard, non-confirming seat, pressure is applied to this area, and over time this constant pressure can cause these nerves and vessels to become damaged. A damaged perineum means the penis will struggle to get the requisite signals and blood, which translates to erectile dysfunction.

But bikers worry not: Biking-induced ED is very easy to avoid. Simply invest in a soft seat that conforms to your body, and you’ll sidestep any potential erectile related issues. Biking can be a healthy, fun way to transverse the world, but if not done properly, you could be trading a neat way to get to work for your ability to perform in the bedroom.

I’ve recently entered into a new relationship, and I’m scared my erectile dysfunction will affect our sex life. How can I regulate my ED and keep a healthy sex life with my new partner?

Dealing with erectile dysfunction is scary. It can often feel like your own body is betraying you; after all, even if you’re with the most beautiful person in the world, in the most erotic situation possible, your little guy might not give you as much as a wiggle. So while you try your best to stay on top of your erectile issues, dealing with ED on your own or with a longtime partner is one thing; dealing with erectile dysfunction with a brand new partner can be downright terrifying. So how do you deal with ED and continue to have a healthy, fulfilling sex life with your new partner?

First and foremost, it’s important to explain your situation to your partner. While it might be difficult to talk about, this is a person you’ll be spending a lot of intimate moments with. Stress to your partner that ED doesn’t mean the end of sex, nor does it mean that you aren’t attracted to them. ED is simply a biological, or sometimes mental, block that makes it hard to get erect. Reaffirm that you want to engage in intercourse, but remind your partner that sex will take a little more work.

Which leads to the most important aspect of having sex with a new partner while struggling with ED: Patience. Both parties need to realize that sexual intercourse is going to take a bit more work, but by working together, sex can remain fun and interesting. Men that deal with erectile dysfunction typically rely on erectile aids to produce an erection, and this requires pre-planning, as this drugs typically take some time to get working. As such, plan ahead for intercourse, but take it slow. Focus on foreplay and enjoying each other’s company, and your erection will be ready and raring in no time.

So yes, engaging in sex with a new partner while dealing with ED is going to take a bit more work. But by tackling the problem together, your ED should be nothing more than a hiccup in a wonderful, fulfilling relationship.

I only seem to struggle with erectile dysfunction when I’m with a new partner. Could my new partner nerves be causing my erectile issues?

Sexual intercourse is supposed to be a fun, intimate moment shared between two people; two people who are slowly learning more about each other through exploration, bouts of laughter, and in-depth conversations while snuggling. Engaging in sex with someone new can be an exciting proposition, as this means getting to know a new person in an entirely different light. But, for some men, the prospect of jumping between the sheets with someone new can be downright terrifying. Where some men see a fun learning experience, these men see a potentially humiliating tryst. The man may not even be cognizant of it, but the nerves surrounding a sexual encounter with a new person are definitely there. And if left unchecked, those nerves can lead to a development of erectile dysfunction.

The brain is a powerful thing. While the erection is dependent upon a steady stream of blood and hormones to do its thing, it is the brain that signals when its time for your erection to go to work. But when the brain is distracted, this can lead to vital signals getting lost in the shuffle.

For men that struggle with new partner nerves, the feelings of anxiety and dread can overwhelm the brain, causing the sexual signals necessary for an erection to miss their mark. Thus, even if a man wants to achieve an erection, the negative feelings he has associated with the act will override any feelings of desire, leading to temporary erectile dysfunction.

But should this problem become reoccurring, what was once temporary can spiral into something much more permanent. If the brain is constantly being taught to ignore sexual signals, it can become a sort of learned skill. Thus, your brain will begin to ignore these signals on purpose, leading to the inability to achieve an erection and thus erectile dysfunction.

So when hopping between the sheets with a new person, there’s one word to live by: Relax. Don’t get caught up in your own head about the situation; rather, roll with the punches, take deep breaths, and don’t focus too much on the task at hand. Not only will it make the encounter that much more enjoyable, but it just might save your erection.

I only seem to struggle with erectile dysfunction when I’m with a new partner. Could my new partner nerves be causing my erectile issues?

Sexual intercourse is supposed to be a fun, intimate moment shared between two people; two people who are slowly learning more about each other through exploration, bouts of laughter, and in-depth conversations while snuggling. Engaging in sex with someone new can be an exciting proposition, as this means getting to know a new person in an entirely different light. But, for some men, the prospect of jumping between the sheets with someone new can be downright terrifying. Where some men see a fun learning experience, these men see a potentially humiliating tryst. The man may not even be cognizant of it, but the nerves surrounding a sexual encounter with a new person are definitely there. And if left unchecked, those nerves can lead to a development of erectile dysfunction.

The brain is a powerful thing. While the erection is dependent upon a steady stream of blood and hormones to do its thing, it is the brain that signals when its time for your erection to go to work. But when the brain is distracted, this can lead to vital signals getting lost in the shuffle.

For men that struggle with new partner nerves, the feelings of anxiety and dread can overwhelm the brain, causing the sexual signals necessary for an erection to miss their mark. Thus, even if a man wants to achieve an erection, the negative feelings he has associated with the act will override any feelings of desire, leading to temporary erectile dysfunction.

But should this problem become reoccurring, what was once temporary can spiral into something much more permanent. If the brain is constantly being taught to ignore sexual signals, it can become a sort of learned skill. Thus, your brain will begin to ignore these signals on purpose, leading to the inability to achieve an erection and thus erectile dysfunction.

So when hopping between the sheets with a new person, there’s one word to live by: Relax. Don’t get caught up in your own head about the situation; rather, roll with the punches, take deep breaths, and don’t focus too much on the task at hand. Not only will it make the encounter that much more enjoyable, but it just might save your erection.