My boyfriend has erectile dysfunction. What should I do?

Relationships and erectile dysfunction can be difficult to balance for two people. You may feel alone when your boyfriend is affected by erectile dysfunction. However, it is estimated more than 30 million men in the U.S. suffer from erectile dysfunction. A question you may ask is can erectile dysfunction ruin a relationship. Following the journey towards understanding erectile dysfunction with your boyfriend will increase the chances of enjoying a healthy relationship in the future.

Do Your Research

The first step towards improving the chances of overcoming erectile dysfunction is research. There are two common reasons why your boyfriend could be affected by erectile dysfunction. These are psychological and physical conditions. Understanding the possible reasons for ED is the first step towards helping him.

Men aged 40 and over are likely to be affected by some form of a physical condition causing their erectile dysfunction. In contrast, physical issues are rare in men younger than 40. The causes of ED are likely to be psychological in younger men. Stress, anger, and other mental problems cause young men to struggle with erectile dysfunction.

The Problem may be Temporary.

Avoiding building up your partner’s erectile dysfunction is a key to making them feel better about themselves. Many problems are temporary and could last for a single day. When your boyfriend is affected by a low libido or an inability to perform, you should try to understand.

Understanding erectile dysfunction can make your boyfriend feel better about what they are going through. Building up the pressure to perform can worsen the problem for your boyfriend. When your boyfriend is struggling to achieve, you can remove the stress by explaining you do not need to have intercourse at that moment.

Remember, it’s Not Your Fault.

Your boyfriend will be feeling pressure and guilt about his erectile dysfunction. You will handle plenty of emotions about the situation, including questioning your attractiveness. It would help if you remembered, the partner of a person affected by erectile dysfunction is rarely to blame for the issue. Learning how to deal with erectile dysfunction in a relationship does not happen overnight. Instead, it would be best if you took some time to come to terms with relationships and erectile dysfunction.

Start the Conversation

The stereotype of a man affected by a medical condition includes an unwillingness to ask for medical help. Spending time at doctor’s appointments with your boyfriend will help him overcome the fear many men have of asking for medical assistance. Start by talking about his erectile dysfunction at home before bringing up the possibility of getting medical help. Learning how to deal with erectile dysfunction in a relationship includes sharing the load of ED.

Change His Diet

The link between heart health and the penis is well-known. Your boyfriend will benefit from a heart-healthy diet when affected by erectile dysfunction. Switching to a heart-healthy diet will not reverse erectile dysfunction, but it has been shown to slow the progression.

Explore Your Options

There are plenty of options for a healthy sex life that does not include your boyfriend performing regularly. Erectile dysfunction pills do work, but these are not foolproof and can be used correctly.

Erectile Dysfunction & Blood Pressure Medications, Which medication to Get to Avoid ED?

Blood pressure medications are an essential part of many people’s lives. These medications can protect the health and wellbeing of people with a wide variety of cardiovascular problems. However, most medications have potential side effects which need to be carefully considered. It’s quite common for lifesaving medications to, in turn, decrease our quality of life. For example, blood pressure medications and erectile dysfunction often pair. 

 Blood pressure medications typically operate by modifying the behavior of our circulatory system. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is often caused by abnormalities in someone’s circulation. It’s easy to see why many blood pressure medications can cause erectile dysfunction. Any time we change the behavior of the circulatory system to be easier on our heart, we run the risk of impacting other systems that rely on it. But are there any blood pressure medications that won’t cause erectile issues?

 Thankfully several blood pressure medications have a lower chance of causing erectile dysfunction. These medications are typically grouped into special classes depending on their mechanism of action. Each of these medication classes lowers blood pressure through less direct means. This means that the medications can often directly act on the causes of high blood pressure rather than specifically regulating the circulatory system as a whole. This helps sidestep many of the issues which trigger erectile dysfunction. 

ACE Inhibitors

 ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors are among the better-known classes of medication which can lower blood pressure without dramatically increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction. ACE inhibitors function by altering the conversion of angiotensin enzymes. 

 Angiotensin- angiotensin II is created from angiotensin when enzymes are converted. Angiotensin II will, in turn, negatively impact circulation in two ways. The first method involves directly causing vasoconstriction within the circulatory system. Its secondary effect comes from increasing the body’s levels of another vasoconstrictor called bradykinin. 

 ACE inhibitors are sometimes used to treat erectile dysfunction in people without any issues with their blood pressure. ACE inhibitors can reduce vasoconstriction by simply interfering with the conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II. This restores blood pressure to a healthier level while also reducing heart strain. And all of this will typically help decrease the risk of erectile dysfunction. 

 Of course, it’s essential to keep in mind that specific medications within any of these groups can act differently from each other. For example, one ACE inhibitor, lisinopril, was once suspected of causing erectile dysfunction. But on investigating these events, it was found that erectile dysfunction and lisinopril only occurred in about one out of every hundred patients. 

Calcium Channel Blockers

 We all need calcium as part of a healthy diet. However, calcium can also harm our cardiovascular system. Your heart and arteries reject calcium due to calcium channel blockers. By doing so, the calcium channel blockers can prevent calcium from causing vasoconstriction and other unwanted effects. But at the same time, this method of helping the circulatory system won’t negatively impact a man’s reproductive health. 


 ARBs, also known as angiotensin II receptor blockers, target the same general areas as ACE inhibitors. The main difference is that ARBs directly halt the body’s response to angiotensin II rather than reducing its creation. This produces an effect quite similar to ACE inhibitors. And like ACE inhibitors, ARBs don’t increase our risk for erectile dysfunction. They can even help treat the condition. 


 Cialis, also known as tadalafil, is best known as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. But it also has a limited but still notable effect on high blood pressure. Does Cialis lower blood pressure? It doesn’t typically lower blood pressure enough to rank it with the most popular options listed so far. But at the same time, Cialis can typically be combined with blood pressure medications with little to no risk of severe side effects. This makes it a solid option to further help a man’s reproductive health while fighting high blood pressure.

Young men are increasingly picking Porn over Women.

It may seem simple. Internet pornography is not dangerous unless you abuse it. But, given the prevalence of internet pornography-related issues, it is clear that we do not know quite where to draw the line. The problem is international. French and Japanese studies show that young men are increasingly disinterested in sex with a partner. In Italy, one study shows that excessive internet porn usage begins at age 14. In the United States, 17% of internet porn users now meet the current criteria for compulsivity.

Understanding Porn Addiction

The good news is that it is treatable. There are several support websites for men who have quit, or wish to leave, internet pornography and regained their sex drive and potency. The bad news is that as a society, we are probably a long way from figuring out how much internet pornography is “too much.”

Young men are increasingly picking Porn over Women.

It may seem simple. Internet pornography is not dangerous unless you abuse it. But, given the prevalence of internet pornography-related issues, it is clear that we do not know quite where to draw the line. The problem is international. French and Japanese studies show that young men are increasingly disinterested in sex with a partner. In Italy, one study shows that excessive internet porn usage begins at age 14. In the United States, 17% of internet porn users now meet the current criteria for compulsivity.

Understanding Porn Addiction

The good news is that it is treatable. There are several support websites for men who have quit, or wish to leave, internet pornography and regained their sex drive and potency. The bad news is that as a society, we are probably a long way from figuring out how much internet pornography is “too much.”

ED in Young Men Caused by Internet Porn Can Be Treated

Online Porn Causing Young Men to Have Erectile Dysfunction, but It’s Treatable!

The idea that pornography might be harmful to the viewer is a hard pill to swallow, but more studies suggest just that. Erectile dysfunction is rapidly becoming an ailment of the masses. Whereas a decade ago, older men struggled with impotence, research shows that erectile dysfunction is now so joint that men in their twenties think that an inability to perform sexually is perfectly normal. The common link is, more often than not, internet pornography.

Man watching porn on his pc

The otherwise healthy young men seeking impotence treatment today come “from various cultures, with different levels of education, religiosity, attitudes, values, diets, marijuana use, and personalities,” says Marnia Robinson, who recently presented a collection of studies on the topic online with Psychology Today. “They have only two things in common: heavy use of today’s Internet porn and increasing need for more extreme material.

Doctors find men perfectly healthy, ED caused by Porn and Performance Anxiety.

Many have visited doctors only to find out that they are healthy and there is no reason why they can’t perform. Doctors often tell them that they suffer from performance anxiety, lacking any better diagnosis. But when even masturbation without porn or porn-induced fantasies is brutal, performance anxiety is hardly the problem.

Treating ED Caused By Performance Anxiety In Young Men

Experts say that it is not the pornography itself that is harmful; it’s the availability. With the growth of the internet, porn is never more than three clicks away, and the variation is endless. Users quickly and unknowingly train their brains to expect new partners, new positions, and more titillating scenarios. Like a drug addict, the internet pornography addict needs to continue upgrading to bigger and better porn to keep getting erections and ejaculations. In the end, no honest woman can compete; the libido drops, and impotence sets in.

Desensitizing the brain by watching porn

Some researchers have stressed that porn is just a masturbation aid and has been around for decades. We agree on that, but in the past there were only magazines such as playboy which is considered soft-core porn. The internet has not been around for this long and now that men can watch streaming video, any fantasy is just a few clicks away. Men are constantly browsing the web looking from harder and more extreme types of porn, something they have not seen before. Each time they are doing this they are causing brain chemistry desensitization, to the point where they have developed a dependency on porn and without it they cannot get aroused and therefore no erections.

Read More on Internet Porn and Find Out How Much Is Too Much?

Unlike several types of erectile dysfunction that are not reversible, porn induced ED can be. For men who have diabetes, erectile dysfunction is a condition that will need to be treated with meds. Those who have ED because of excessive porn viewing HAVE TO QUIT WATCHING PORN! We have read e-mails of some men who were able to balance both, watching a little bit of porn and still being able to get erections. However, in most cases the only way out is to STOP WATCNING PORN for at least 3 months, then check to see if things have improved and take it from there.

Once you stop watching porn you can get your erections back.

Here is an e-mail we received from a man who was able to get his erections back by slowly reversing what he had done. Very interesting testimonial, he actually did everything backwards, by going from Extreme porn, back to hardcore, then to soft core and then NONE:

I am probably one of the biggest porn addicts online. I started at the age of 16 and am now 29. I have been a virgin for the most of my twenties and practically never had sex, except with a prostitute at the age on 24, but this was only possible with the help of a cialis pill I had.

I want to share my story of how I got severe ED by only watching porn. Hopefully my story can inspire others to follow my tracks.

I started by checking out nude playboy pics online, through the yahoo images search (turning off the safe search feature). This went on for a few weeks until I discover several free hardcore porn sites (did not have a credit card at 17 LOL, free was the only way). Once I was at hardcore, playboy was a joke and I needed something more extreme. I spent at least 3 years on one particular site which updated its movie clips daily, so I always got something fresh, but that got old fast.

After time flew by I went on the search for something I had never seen before, I am not going to mention it but if you do enough research you will find whatever sexual fantasy you have, on the internet. It gets to the point where you run out of places to look. By the time I was 27 I was masturbating 3 times a day and had no social life with girls what so ever. If I saw an Asian girl at the mall or wherever, I just got home and starting looking at Asian porn, problem solved right? Wrong!

To my surprise I met a great girl at friend’s graduation and she actually asked me out. To make a long story short, we fell in love and dated for 2 months until we finally tried to get intimate. I was not expecting to get erection trouble when she stripped for me, but I was as soft as can be! This went on happing at least 3 times and I was still watching porn during all of this. After doing my research, I came to the conclusion it was the porn. I do not have much will power but was willing to do anything to keep this girl. She was at the point of breaking up with me, so I had to act fast.

I grabbed my balls and started reversing what I had done. For a whole week I first started on the initial hardcore site I used years ago, which was extreme but not as others I use to visit. I then gradually scaled back done to playboy, where I was able to get erections again no problem, after the week was over I decided, that’s it, no more porn for me. It was hard and I almost budged a few times but I was able to go for 7 more weeks with NO porn.

It did work just as I had planned, I was able to get an erection when my girl and I started making out, and the rest came naturally. I was no longer dependant on porn and am still porn free.

If you want my honest advice, then step back from porn or it will ruin your chances of ever starting a family or being intimate with girls. Gradually roll back what you have put your mine through and get back to those erections you use to get when you saw a girls thong or even a boob.

It takes time, but give your self at least 2 months and you will notice the difference.”

Can Watching a Lot of Porn Result in Erectile Dysfunction?

This is a question we have heard many times over lately. If you are a new reader and have never been to our website before, then let us start by saying Porn is not or niche, and EDG focuses on helping men find a proper treatment for erectile dysfunction. But wait, what about Porn and ED?

Over the past year, we have been seeing an increasing amount of searchers in our logs; one of the most common questions men are searching for is: “Can watching too much porn give you Erectile Dysfunction.” Although there has been little research or studies done on Porn and ED, many are convinced that being addicted to Porn can affect your erections when it comes down to the real thing. What we mean by this is you can only get erections by watching Porn. If you want to have casual sex, sleeping with your partner or wife can cause your erections not to function as they do with Porn.

The more Porn you watch, the worse it can get; you are unknowingly training your brain to only get aroused around images you like to see while watching Porn, be it hardcore, fetish, lesbian, etc.… Whatever you want to see is available just a few clicks away, and this is the wrong way to approach masturbation and sex. The good news is there is a way to reverse Porn induced erectile dysfunction, which we will discuss at the end of this article.

Can Red Wine Be A Future Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction?

Can Red Wine Help Erectile Dysfunction?

Researchers at Osaka University have isolated Resveratol (a polyphenol found in red wine) to determine whether it could treat erectile dysfunction.

At the moment, the test subjects are rats. These research rats have been induced with diabetes, which is a significant cause of erectile dysfunction. These diabetic rats were then fed a powdered form of Resveratol for four weeks.

Red wine and couple hugging

After the four weeks, the rats were then stimulated to achieve erections; without the Resveratol treatment, rats lost over 95% of their ability to achieve an erection with diabetes. The ones that did take the Resveratol regained 80% of the blood flow back to their erogenous zones. Resveratol helped the rats to produce more Nitrogen Monoxide, which helps widen the blood vessels in the penis, allowing more blood flow.

Testing the treatment on Men

The next step would be to start testing the treatment on humans. The Osaka researchers in Japan already admitted they knew the therapy was a bust on humans that drank the red wine with Resveratol, to get the proper quantity in the system by drinking red wine inhibited the erection factor, due to the alcohol intake, in men whether they had diabetes or not. And who said researchers had no sense of humor? They added women trying to keep up going to sleep.

Don’t put away the Viagra just yet; however, these researchers are nowhere close to clinical stages yet, but there is hope on the horizon.

Can Cialis Help Men Who Suffer From Muscular Dystrophy

Regional Deficiencies in Blood Supply

Did you know that Viagra was actually under clinical trials for being a potential treatment for angina? The drug known then as UK-92,480 was under clinical supervision and the researchers found the test subjects reporting erections.

Intrigued by these reports. They launched a new study using a Rigiscan device to measure erections. These are loops placed over the erection to gauge how hard and erect the penis’s got during sexual stimulation.

Man rubbing muscles

Sildenafil (Viagra) is also marketed under the name Revatio for the treatment high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs called pulmonary hypertension.

Sildenafil has also showed that men with angina can prolong their time exercising thus decreased the loss of muscle tissue. Could this suggest other uses for ED medication such as congestive heart failure, stroke, hypertension, and certain lung disorders?

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center researchers are currently testing Cialis (tadalafil), another erectile dysfunction drug, on men with Becker Muscular Dystrophy. This is one of the nine forms of muscular dystrophy, which is a group of muscle wasting diseases. Since tadalafil dilates blood vessels, and muscular dystrophy seems to be related to a lack of blood supply, the idea seems natural.

Dr. Ronald G. Victor of Cedars and his colleagues want to try this, which is being funded by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. They plan on testing 24 men with Becker’s, who will receive either a placebo or tadalafil, and then they will measure the amount of blood flow to the muscles while exercising.

This follows research on animal types of muscular dystrophy on mice. The research showed that the mice that had taken the drug could exercise much more vigorously with less muscle damage.

Vitaros Could Be Getting Approved In Switzerland Thanks To Apricus

Vitaros is a cream designed to be applied directly to the tip of the penis with a single-use applicator. The active ingredient of the cream, alprostadil, also known as PDE1, has been combined with specially developed high absorption molecules that allow the alprostadil to penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream quickly. Because the cream uses an active ingredient different from such popular erectile dysfunction therapies as Viagra or Cialis, it may very well be a good alternative for those who have had limited success with pills. It is also associated with fewer and less severe side effects. The downside is that it must be stored in a refrigerator.

MORE ON VITAROS: A Drop of Vitaros PDE1 Applied Topically Can Help ED Fast

Apricus has applied for approval from Swissmedic for marketing Vitaros as an erectile dysfunction therapy in Switzerland. What has happened now is that Swissmedic has posed some additional questions. Apricus has filed an official response, thus starting Swissmedic’s 90-day review process. Suppose the answers filed by Apricus are found acceptable. In that case, a preliminary approval may be given, further questions may be asked, and Apricus would have to send in final labeling and pricing information, after which follows another 90-day review process and, hopefully, an approval. As for how many Swiss francs Apricus thinks Vitaros should sell for, they have not said, and previous statements have suggested 10-12 American dollars per dose.