Is it possible to develop erectile dysfunction in your twenties?

Historically, erectile dysfunction has been seen as a problem for men that are “over the hill.” The common conception is that the erection just drops dead after fifty, and there’s nothing you can do about it. But the truth is that hitting a certain age does not guarantee ED; in fact, if a man makes healthy choices and lives well, he might not ever develop erectile issues. But ED isn’t just a problem for men in their golden years, either; in fact, it’s becoming increasingly commonplace for men in there twenties to develop the issue.

At one time, ED among younger men was a criminally under reported issue, but in recent years men have begun to speak out about their erectile issues at a young age. While its true that ED is much more commonplace among older men (case in point, research by the National Institute of Health has found that 75 percent of men over 75 has ED), the amount of younger men afflicted with the problem has begun to climb (with a recent report citing that ED affects 5 percent of men between the ages of 20 and 39.)

So what has caused is causing erectile dysfunction in younger men? Experts attribute the rise to a variety of factors: More stress at work and at home, a rise in depression, drug and alcohol dependence, and rising obesity numbers have all been pinpointed as ED causes among the young.

So, yes, it is very possible to develop ED in your twenties. If you are a young man and you consistently struggle to achieve an erection, speak with your doctor. Work together to get to the root of the problem and, with hard work, you should be able to overcome this issue and get your sex life back on track.

Can anabolic steroids cause erectile dysfunction?

For some men, working out is life. It’s not something you do after work, or something you do on the weekend after dropping off the kids; it is something to be done at all hours of the day, in pursuit of the perfect body. And that’s fine. Everyone approaches life differently, and there is nothing wrong with committing yourself to sculpting your body. Where such a lifestyle becomes problematic is when steroids enter the picture.

Anabolic steroids are utilized by bodybuilders to help build muscle in a way that normal bodybuilding just can’t. Injecting or ingesting steroids helps the body to boost the production of testosterone, which in turn facilitates muscle growth and being able to work out for longer.

But it can also lead to issues within the body, particularly where your erection is concerned. You see, anabolic steroids produce so much artificial testosterone, it causes the naturally produced testosterone in the body to shrink. This naturally occurring testosterone plays a vital role in assisting the body in achieving an erection. Less of this natural testosterone means erections become more difficult to achieve, and the problem will only get worse the longer steroids are used.

So while the journey for the perfect body might seem vital for some, odds are it isn’t worth sacrificing your sex life over. Wean yourself off of the steroids until you’ve managed to cut them out of your life entirely, and your natural testosterone levels should return to normal over time, and with them, your erection.

At what age is it normal to develop erectile dysfunction?

As a man enters his golden years, it is inevitable that the body will begin to change. Previously limber joints will begin to crick and crack, backs that used to be as strong as an ox’s will become brittle and sensitive, and the body will struggle to produce an erection. At least, that’s what the common consensus seems to be. It is an accepted fact of life that old age means the loss of the erection, and men seem to accept this simply as inevitability.

But the truth is that erectile dysfunction is not set in stone; true, it does become more prevalent as a man ages, but it is not guaranteed. ED, like all body ailments, is reliant upon how you live your life. In the same way that your heart will remain strong thanks to consistent exercise and healthy living, the same goes for your erection. By making positive life choices, avoiding vices (over drinking, smoking, etc.), and staying active, experts estimate that it is possible for a man to retain the ability to achieve an erection well into his late 80’s.

But not everyone strives to stay in peak physical condition. For men who live a normal life, the expectancy of ED development rises. Research has found that ED is most likely to develop in men over the age of 60. It can certainly develop before this magical number, but 60 is the most commonly reported age for ED development. From there on in, the chances of erectile dysfunction will only continue to rise.

So, if ED is accepted as inevitable, 60 seems to be the age at which men need to worry about the issue. But it’s never too late to change this; by making positive lifestyle choices, eating well, and getting active, it’s possible to maintain a healthy sex life well into your 80’s. But don’t put these changes off until it’s too late. Make the right choices now, and your erection will thank you.

Can tight underwear cause premature ejaculation?

It’s a debate as old as time: Boxers or briefs? There are men that swear that boxers are the way to go; the loose fabric and the not-too-tight waistband all add up to boxers being the de facto underwear for some men. But some men argue that the snug fit and unobtrusive feeling of briefs make it the supreme underwear choice. But boxer proponents always seem to have a trump all argument when it comes to briefs; tight briefs, they say, can lead to premature ejaculation. According to urban legend, if your underwear is a touch too tight, you’ll find yourself struggling to last in the bedroom for the rest of your days. It’s a rumor we’ve all heard, but is there any truth to it?

Well, sort of. In actuality, tight underwear does not cause premature ejaculation, nor can it cause erectile dysfunction to develop. What it can cause, however, is a lowered sperm count, which can lead to a whole new set of issues. Yes, tight underwear can actually cause your sperm count to drop, and if you don’t switch up your underwear, this affect may be irreversible.

This because briefs bring your testicles up close and personal to your body. The testicles hang away from the body to allow them to regulate their own temperature; when brought up to the body, this can lead to an internal temperature change within the testes. This temperature change causes the testicles to heat up, effectively causing the semen within to “cook” and whither up. Should the testes remain close to the body and continually be exposed to heat, this will cause the sperm to continue to disappear and the testicles will not be able to replace them, effectively permanently shrinking your sperm count.

So while your favorite pair of tighty whities might not cause premature ejaculation, they can still lead to issues within the testicles. You don’t need to ditch briefs, but switch to pairs that aren’t quite so constrictive and you should be able to avoid this issue.

Are there any medications that can cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect?

Think of the body as one complex machine. Like any machine, it is the sum of its parts, and it lives and dies by these parts ability to perform. Should one of these parts begin to falter, we introduce medication into the body designed to help that part get back to normal. Medication is a vital part of the road to recovery, allowing the machine that is your body to overcome issues and run efficiently. But, sometimes, introducing medicine to help with one problem only leads to the development of problems elsewhere.

As the body is so complex, introducing foreign elements like medication can often lead to unforeseen complications within the body. A drug designed to clear up your sinuses might affect your sleep schedule, or a pill to improve heart health might cause your hair to fall out. And sometimes, a drug that can help other aspects of the body can lead to erectile issues.

Yes, there are plenty of drugs on the marketplace that have been found to cause erectile dysfunction in some men as a side effect. That’s not to say that any man that takes one of these drugs will experience ED; instead, these side effects only crop up in specific men. Thus, if you find you’ve been struggling with erectile problems since introducing one of the following drugs into your life, consult your doctor:

– Parkinson’s Disease medication (i.e. Akineton, Cogentin, Artane)
– Antihistamines (i.e. Benadryl, Dramamine, Vistaril)
– Antidepressants (i.e. Prozac, Zoloft, Norpramin)
– Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (i.e. Anaprox, Naprelan, Indocin)
– High blood pressure medication (i.e. HydroDIURIL, Maxide, Tenormin)

It’s my first time taking Levitra. How much should I take?

The erectile health medication market is a crowded one, with plenty of pills jockeying to be the one to revive your sex life. When it comes time to pick an erectile dysfunction drug, it’s important to pick the one that will best suit your needs. You’ll need to weigh the pros and cons, you’ll need to consider how long you want the pill to last; there are plenty of tiny factors that will ultimately play a vital role in deciding on the perfect ED drug.

If you’ve decided that Levitra is the best choice for your sexual needs, you may find yourself wondering just how to get the best bang for your buck from this little orange pill. Thankfully, taking Levitra properly isn’t rocket science. To ensure that your first time taking Levitra is a pleasant one, just remember these tips.

For men who are trying Levitra for the first time, experts recommend starting at a dose of 20mg. This is the most commonly prescribed amount, and has been found to be the most efficient in men with mild to severe erectile dysfunction. However, if your ED is classified on the lower end of the severity scale, it might be wise to step down to a 10mg tablet.

When it comes time to pop the pill, you need to be sure your body is ready for it. Like most medications, the effects of Levitra will be slowed if the drug is taken on a full stomach. Be sure to take your pill either on an empty stomach or after a very light meal. Once you’ve consumed the pill, it takes about 30 minutes for the pill to get to work and produce an erection. But remember, Levitra isn’t a miracle pill that can just coax erections out of your body; it simply makes it possible for your body to produce an erection. To achieve the erection, you’ll have to go about it the old fashioned way.

Once taken, Levitra will take effect. From there, the drug will stay in the body for about 4 hours. As such, you’ve got plenty of time to get down to business.

If you keep these tips in mind, your first time with Levitra should be a pleasant one. Just remember to not hang yourself up on the details and just focus on having fun.

Can having a diet rich in leafy greens help prevent erectile dysfunction?

By now, it’s pretty much established that there is no miracle food that is capable of staving off erectile dysfunction single handedly. ED experts have combed the Earth in search of a naturally occurring food that can keep erectile issues at bay, only to come up empty handed time and time again. But that’s not to say that there aren’t certain foods that can help turn the tides against erectile dysfunction.

Case in point: Leafy greens. No, that doesn’t mean you can eat all the iceberg lettuce wedges you want and hold onto your erection. This refers to leafy green veggies such as celery and spinach. This little wonder foods are chock full of nitrates, which have been found to facilitate a healthy erection.

This is because the nitrates found in leafy greens are vasodilators. Vasodilators have been found to open up the blood vessels within the body, which helps to improve blood flow. When these vasodilators go to work, they tend to affect the smallest arteries in the body first, which includes the bundle of arteries that lead into the penis and are responsible for providing the blood necessary for an erection. Thus, the more leafy greens you incorporate into your diet, the better your blood flow, thus improving your chance of avoiding erectile dysfunction.

That’s not to say that subsisting entirely off of spinach will ensure that you’ll never have to worry about ED. Be active, avoid vices such as cigarettes, and eat plenty of the leafy greens, and your erection should be safe for years to come.

Can seasonal depression cause erectile dysfunction?

For many, this is the most wonderful time of the year. For others… not so much. While many associate November and December with happy memories and beloved traditions, there are plenty of people that find the holiday season a big downer. But it isn’t the cold weather that gets these people down; it’s actually a diagnosable mood disorder known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” SAD, as its appropriately known, causes the affected to become depressed around this time of the year. Unfortunately, as is often the case with depression, the feelings you can’t shake can often creep into other aspects of your life, including your love life.

Experts believe that SAD is tied the lack of sunlight associated with this time of year. As the sun begins to appear less and less, the body increases the production of the body chemical melatonin, which regulates your sleep cycle and can cause symptoms of depression. When the melatonin levels within the body are in flux, your body will struggle to focus on completing other tasks, including producing an erection.

Depression can hold sway over the brain, causing other important signals to get lost in the rabble. The erection is dependent upon the brain giving it the word on just when its time to get to work. If SAD is directing your thoughts elsewhere, these signals get missed, your erection doesn’t get directions to spring to life, and you find yourself wondering why you can’t achieve an erection.

So, yes, SAD-associated ED is very real. Speak to a mental health expert about how SAD is affecting other aspects of your life, and together you can work up a solution to make sure your love life doesn’t get affected by your feelings for these next couple of months.

Can lower testosterone levels cause erectile dysfunction?

Whenever you’ve looked at an attractive person and pictured what a night together might be like, or whenever you’ve waited until you’ve had the house to yourself and then fired up the computer for some “personal time,” it was your testosterone that was responsible. This little hormone plays a vital role in a man’s body by helping to regulate the sex drive. The testicles secrete it, and it helps to keep everything relating to sex within the body working and in check.

But your testosterone levels aren’t always going to be through the roof. Inevitably your testosterone levels will begin to falter, and your sex drive will feel the effect. The testosterone levels within the body begin drop at 40, with experts finding that a man’s testosterone tends to drop about 1.3% every year after 40.

If you find that sex has suddenly become less interesting, or that you often feel tired, or if your moods have been all over the place, this might be a result of low testosterone levels. In addition to throwing moods and sexual feelings into flux, low testosterone levels can also make it difficult for the body to achieve an erection.

The erection depends upon testosterone, with the hormone alerting the penis when it’s time to get to work. But if your testosterone levels dip, your penis might get the wake up call it needs, which translates into missed erections.

If you’re dealing with low testosterone levels, talk to your doctor about how this issue can properly be addressed. With medication, you should be able to get your testosterone back to a normal level, your sex drive should return, and your erection will be ready to get back to work.

Can frequent drinking contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction?

After a long day at work, sometimes the best solution is to plop down in your favorite chair, throw up your feet, and enjoy a frosty beer. Other times, after plodding through a long weekend, it’s perfectly understandable to want to go out with friends and have a drink or four. Drinking can be a stress reliever, it can be a social activity, but if done too much, it can also spell trouble for your erection.

Like all good things in life, consuming alcohol should be done in moderation. But an overreliance on booze can lead to issues within the sheets. While men have certainly heard of temporary erectile issues developing from having one too many to drink, consistently drinking too much can move that ED from “temporary” to “permanent.”

This is due to the fact that constant drinking reeks havoc on your liver. The liver is a power organ within the body, playing a vital role in the metabolic process of the body. This means the liver helps to regulate blood clotting, along with being responsible for getting rid of old or damaged blood cells to clear the way for new, healthy cells.

But when damaged by alcohol, the liver’s functions go into flux, which negatively affects the blood cells of the body, allowing damaged blood cells to hang around and impede the flow of blood. Additionally, a damaged liver can lead to hormone distribution within the body getting thrown into whack. These hormones help to alert the brain when its time to put the sexual organs to work, and when they are affected, the brain ends up not getting the proper signals, leading to missed erections.

This isn’t an issue that only a small amount of heavy drinkers suffer from, either. Surveys have found that alcohol dependent men have a 60 to 70 percent chance of suffering from sexual issues.

Either cut down or the drinking or cut out the drinking all together, and your sexual prowess should recover. But depending upon alcohol will only lead to issues down the line.