Should I take my erectile dysfunction drug on a full stomach?

When it comes time to finally pop that little blue pill and hop between the sheets, you want to make sure that you’ve done everything right. Running through a mental checklist, you note that you’ve avoided alcohol, took only the prescribed amount, and took it early enough to give your body time to process it. But you suddenly remember that dinner wasn’t that long ago. You certainly ate a hearty meal, and now you’re wondering if those burgers and fries could undo all of your hard work. Is it wise to take an erectile dysfunction drug on a full stomach?

Well, that depends. Like all orally ingested medication, ED drugs such as Viagra and Cialis must first be digested before they can get to work. When the drug reaches your stomach, how quickly it is processed and passed along to the rest of the body is entirely dependent on the contents of your stomach. So, if you take the drug after eating very little all day, it will dissolve faster and you won’t be left waiting around for the drug to kick in.

But if you take the drug on a full stomach, you may find yourself playing the waiting game. Experts say that taking an erectile dysfunction drug after a heavy meal can add an additional 30 minutes to an hour to the processing time of the drug. This translates into more time left waiting for your erection to spring to life, which may lead to your night of lovemaking not going as planned.

So, if you want to delay the effects of your erectile dysfunction drug, yes, take it on a full stomach, and you’ll have plenty of wiggle room before it kicks in. But if you’re looking to get between the sheets sooner rather than later, take your pill on a relatively empty stomach.

What causes premature ejaculation?

Unlike some problems, which have warnings and indicators to give you a heads-up that it’s coming, premature ejaculation strikes suddenly. You won’t know you have it until you have it. You could be a veteran in the sheets, but a single night will shake your sexual bravado to its core. Once you find yourself struggling to last during intercourse, your mind will turn to the why’s and wherefores. After all, this is an embarrassing problem that you’ve never dealt with before; surely, there must be a definitive, easy-to-pinpoint cause of all this suffering?

Unfortunately, when it comes to premature ejaculation, it’s hardly ever a result of a single culprit. Instead, ejaculation issues can be caused by a litany of issues coming together to cause your body to struggle to last during sex. But there is a list of usual suspects when it comes to premature ejaculation. Typical causes of premature ejaculation include:

-Nerves: If you’re with a new sexual partner, or you’re returning to sex after a dry spell, you may find yourself dealing with nerves and jitters. Being nervous for new sexual encounters can lead to your body reaching orgasm quicker.
-Stress: Be it at home, at work, or in your relationship, stress can translate into quick orgasms.
-Erectile dysfunction: If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, and you manage to achieve an erection and engage in intercourse, you may find yourself worrying about lasting, thus leading to early orgasm.
-Physical issues: Internal issues can also lead to premature ejaculation. Abnormal hormone levels, out-of-balance brain chemicals, and abnormal reflex activity within the ejaculatory system can all lead to premature ejaculation.

If you’re dealing with premature ejaculation, don’t waste your time looking for one definitive cause. Odds are, there are several issues that are leading to your current ejaculatory state. Speak with your doctor and work together to determine a way to overcome this issue and get your love life back to normal.

Can depression cause erectile dysfunction?

The brain is a powerful thing. Thoughts and feelings, which seem so abstract on paper, can actually be translated by the body into full-blown physical issues. Sadness can lead to feelings of sluggishness, anger can lead to problems with your heart, and depression can lead to erectile dysfunction. Yes, when you’re feeling down, it may feel as though focusing on anything that isn’t depression can be downright impossible, and it is this mindset that can lead to erectile issues developing.

That’s not to say that general feelings of sadness will lead to problems in the bedroom. Depression is a diagnosable issue, with symptoms that include low self-esteem, fatigue, loss of appetite, and general apathy. These feelings can come together in a perfect storm of feeling crummy, and the brain spends all its time focusing on these issues, which can actually lead to other signals within the body getting lost in the shuffle.

Case in point, your erection. To achieve an erection, blood must be supplied to the penis, and the penis would send a signal to the brain to indicate that it is time to provide this blood to the penis. When you’re depressed, this signal might be missed, or filed incorrectly. This translates to the necessary signals missing their mark, and thus the body does not realize it is time to supply blood to the penis. Thus, missed erections, which leads to feelings of worthlessness and sadness, which simply serves to make the situation worse.

That’s not to say that erectile caused ED is a vicious circle you can’t claw yourself out of. If you believe you’re suffering from depression and you’ve recently found yourself struggling to achieve an erection, speak to a medical professional, whether it be a doctor or a mental health professional. Work with this person to get to the root of the problem, and you should be able to shake off the dark cloud of depression and regain your erection.

Which erectile dysfunction drug lasts the longest?

The decision to introduce erectile dysfunction drugs into your sex life is not a choice that can be made lightly. There are many facets that you may find yourself wondering about, pouring over charts and graphs as you attempt to determine which pill can be taken with dinner. But when it comes to ED drugs, the million dollar question is just how long you should expect the thing to last. After all, you’ve heard there are ED drugs on the market that can last for a mere hour, while others have spoken in hushed whispers about ED drugs that seemingly last for days. But it’s so hard to separate the fact from the fiction. At the end of the day, which erectile dysfunction drug lasts the longest?

When it comes to the major brands of erectile dysfunction drugs, there is one clear winner when it comes to longevity: Cialis. This little yellow pill typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to take effect, but once it’s distributed it can actually stay effective within the body for up to 36 hours. This ensures that sex doesn’t need to simply be a “one and done” deal. With Cialis, the body is capable of producing an erection as many time as needed for a whopping 36 hours.

Comparatively, Viagra tends to last about 4 hours. With such a short time frame, Viagra is the best option should you simply wish to knock boots once and get on with your day. Levitra is up next, with a time of effect clocking in around 5 hours. Rounding out the list is Stendra, which jumps up to 6 hours for effect time.

So, if you’re looking for an ED drug that can give you plenty of wiggle room, Cialis is your best bet.

Can tight underwear lead to erectile dysfunction?

It’s been said that briefs make the man. A man’s choice in undergarments can say a lot about him, and can lead to arguments between men over which undergarment is superior. There are those that swear by boxers, while others cannot imagine life without underwear. But as long as this debate has raged, there have been men claiming that underwear can lead to problems in the bedroom. They say that tighty whiteys can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction, but when pressed most men will admit they don’t know exactly how this happens. Is there any truth to this tall tale? Will men that wear tight underwear develop erectile dysfunction?

Well, men that wear tight underwear, this is kind of a good news/bad news situation. No, wearing tight underwear cannot cause erectile dysfunction, no matter how tight those undies are. But tight underwear can lead to other issues downstairs; namely, it can seriously affect your sperm count.

Yes, while tight underwear may not lead to ED, it can wreak serious havoc on your testicles. This is due to the fact that underwear brings the genitals closer to the body. Normally, this isn’t a terrible thing, but the testacies prefer to situate themselves away from the body. This is because the body produces heat, and prolonged exposure to this heat inhibits the testacies ability to regulate internal temperature for sperm production. As the temperature rises, sperm essentially gets cooked and dies, and the body will struggle to produce sperm in this new found environment.

So, while tight undies won’t lead to erectile dysfunction, they will most certainly lead to sperm count issues. That’s not to say that you need to give up on your trust tighty whiteys just yet. Just invest in a pair that’s not quite so snug and your testes should be okay.

I think I have premature ejaculation. How long is normal to last in bed?

There was a time when you prided yourself on your ability to last for a long time between the sheets. Your lovemaking sessions seemed to be hours long sessions, and you didn’t consider the job done until you felt as if you had competed a triathlon. But lately you’ve found that your time in the bedroom has taken a serious dip, going from hours to mere minutes. You’re worried that you may be dealing with premature ejaculation, but you also wonder if this is just a temporary change. After all, a change in lovemaking time isn’t necessarily something to worry about, right? So, you find yourself thinking, just how long is it normal to last in bed?

The answer is that there really isn’t anything resembling a “normal” time for sex. Every man is different, and coitus time is something is unique for every man. Some may last second, some may last minutes, and some may last hours. While there isn’t a normal time, there is a medically accepted “good” time for a man to last.

Sexual health experts tend to agree that around 2-3 minutes is the optimum time for a man to last during sex. That’s not to say that falling outside of this time frame makes you weird; rather, it’s just the average time a man lasts before reaching his tipping point. However, if you consistently fall short of this time, that could suggest that your body is having difficulty lasting during sex. The occasional short bedroom tryst shouldn’t be cause for concern, but if you find yourself lasting seconds time and again, this could be an indicator of an issue.

Talk to your doctor about your lovemaking time, and get an opinion if this should be cause for concern. Again, that’s not to say that short sex definitely indicates premature ejaculation, but it could. Better to be safe than sorry and just talk to a medical professional.

Can chocolate really help me to overcome erectile dysfunction?

It sounds like a bad joke; What food can help you with erectile dysfunction? Lots of chocolate. Yes, so the story goes, that eating enough of the sugary, gooey confection can apparently help your erection to spring back to life and turn you into sexual tyrannosaurus rex. But despite the spread of this old wives’ tale, most men wouldn’t give it a second thought. After all, how could something so chock full of sugar and fat possibly help your erection? If anything, you would think it would make your erectile dysfunction worse. Well, you’re right, in a sense. Too much chocolate and you will see your ED worsen. But it is also true that chocolate can help with your erectile woes.

That’s not to say that you should run down to the store and scoop of dozens of Hershey’s bars. No, the kind of chocolate that can help with erectile issues is very specific. If you’re looking to help your erection, it’s raw chocolate that you need to be introducing into your diet.

Processed chocolate bars are produced by heating up the chocolate, which causes the antioxidants found within chocolate to wither and die, turning the cocoa from a healthy snack into a belly busting sugar treat. But raw chocolate is an entirely different animal. Loaded with antioxidants and nitric oxide boosting compounds, raw chocolate can help to encourage improve blood flow within the body. In fact, studies have found that consuming a single raw chocolate bar can lead to a 5-1 point drop in blood pressure, which translates into expanded arteries and better blood flow.

Additionally, raw chocolate is filled with flanavols, which has been found to improve the body’s production of circulating angiogenic cells (CAC). CAC are the cells linked to the care of your endolithium, which is the lining found in your blood vessels. With CAC production doubled, your vessels get stronger, which means blood can flow easier, which means blood can reach your penis quickly and produce an erection.

Like all things, raw chocolate should be enjoyed in moderation. But if you’ve been struggling with ED, the blood vessel boosting powers of raw chocolate may be the food you’ve been praying for.

I suffer from premature ejaculation. Can numbing cream help me to last longer in bed?

You’ve always enjoyed sex, but lately you’ve found that your romps between the sheets are getting shorter and shorter. In an effort to prolong your lovemaking sessions, you’ve turned to the Internet to investigate all manner of workarounds for men that struggle to last. You’ve heard about psychotherapy, you’ve heard about hypnosis, you’ve heard about acupuncture, but you’re looking for something a little more immediate. You keep hearing about topical creams that are said to lessen feelings down below, which are said to help a man last longer between the sheets. But are these creams all smoke and mirrors, or can a topical numbing cream really help a man with premature ejaculation to last longer?

When it comes to reaching orgasm, it all boils down the science. With enough pleasurable contact, the body converts these feelings into an alert to the body that its time to ejaculate, which leads to a man blowing his top. For some men, these feelings get passed along to the brain quickly, leading to short sessions. But if the penis can be numbed so that it isn’t overcome with pleasurable feelings, it truly can lead to longer trysts between the sheets.

So, yes, if you struggle to last during sex, numbing cream may be the answer to your prayers. Simply apply the cream once an erection has been achieved, and the cream will go to work numbing the various nerves found within the penis. This allows the penis to take more pleasure before reaching its peak, while also ensuring that sex remains enjoyable. There are a variety of creams on the market, to it’s important to determine which cream works best for you.

That’s not to say that numbing cream will magically cure your premature ejaculation. After repeated usage, the cream may begin to lose strength. But it’s a good workaround to utilize while you get to the root of your ejaculation woes.

Can yoga help me overcome erectile dysfunction?

Yoga is seen as the ultimate melding of mind, body, and spirit. With these simple stretches, the belief is that you will become more centered as a person, allowing you to shake off the mental cobwebs and become more attuned to the world around us. While that’s all well and good, many forgo the spiritual aspect of yoga and opt to focus on its health benefits, and proponents for the exercise method swear that yoga can help people to overcome all manner of ailments. But can these ancient poses and stretches help a man to recover from erectile dysfunction?

While there are plenty of yoga devotees that sing yoga’s healing powers, the truth is that no studies have found a conclusive link between yoga and erectile dysfunction recovery. But that’s not to say that yoga can’t help you with your ED. Erectile issues can often develop as a result of a lack of physical exercise, and these issues can be overcome by introducing exercise into your daily routine. Yoga helps to stretch and mend various muscle groups within the body, and have the added benefit of increasing blood flow. Thus, taking up yoga might not fully fix your ED, but it will definitely help.

While general yoga will help you to stay active, yogis recommend on focusing on yoga that specifically targets the pelvis. By engaging in pelvis-specific yoga poses, this can lead to improved blood flow, which could help to make erections easier. The five best pelvic-focused yoga poses for men suffering from ED are:

– Seated forward bend
– Plank pose
– Raised legs pose
– Boat pose
– Bow pose

Again, yoga won’t be a cure-all for your erectile issues. But by getting up, getting active, and focusing on stretches that help to promote healthy blood flow downstairs, it will got a long way towards helping.

Can masturbating too much lead to erectile dysfunction?

We’ve all heard the phrase “Use it or lose it,” but when it comes to your erection, should it instead be “Use it too much and lose it”? Men across the globe live in fear of developing dreaded erectile dysfunction due to one too many nights alone in front of the computer screen. The common thought is that regular masturbation can actually lead to the nerve endings in the penis becoming dull, translating into the penis not being able to get aroused. While the logic is sound, there’s still the lingering thought if whether or not the old wives’ tale has any validity. Can too much masturbation really lead to erectile dysfunction?

Men, worry not. When it comes to masturbation, no matter how often you engage in the act, it won’t cause your erection to kick the bucket. Extensive research has found absolutely no connection between the frequency of masturbation and the development of erectile dysfunction. But that’s not to say that excessive masturbation can’t lead to issues in the sheets.

While you won’t have to worry about developing erectile dysfunction from masturbation, your ability to last in the bedroom is an entirely different story. Chronic masturbators are more likely to struggle to achieve an orgasm, and it’s easy to understand why.

When a man masturbates frequently, he becomes used to the sensation and begins to prefer his own method. When it’s time to get down to business with your partner, the man might find that sex is not as enjoyable as his method of masturbating, which can make it difficult to reach orgasm.

That’s not to say that every man that masturbates regularly is going to struggle in the bedroom. But it is an issue that affects some. If you’re finding it difficult to reach orgasm with your partner, and you masturbate frequently, cut down on the masturbation. Pace yourself, and your penis should return to its normal rhythms, allowing you to reach orgasm during sex.