How does Viagra work?

You’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and do something about your erectile dysfunction. You’ve done plenty of research and soul searching, and it’s beginning to look like Viagra is your best bet. But while you know that Viagra is designed to help achieve an erection, you’re a little fuzzy on the details. What should you expect when you take Viagra? How exactly does it work?

Viagra is no miracle pill, sent from on high to bring your erection back to its former glory. It is medication, and it requires some help. Popping a Viagra pill does not result in an instantaneous erection. Viagra just helps your body to achieve the erection; to get that erection in the first place, you’ll need to do it the old fashioned way. As such, Viagra is only effective when sexually aroused, so you need to make you’ve got the blood pumping when it comes time to take the pill.

Once ingested, Viagra gets to work on helping your body to coax an erection out. This is accomplished by inhibiting an enzyme known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (or PDE-5, if you’re into the whole brevity thing.) PDE-5 is an important part of the erection process, but too much of it leads to the muscle group in the penis being unable to relax. When this muscle group can’t relax, this prevents blood from being supplied to the penis, which in turn prevents erections.

As such, Viagra works by inhibiting PDE-5 and amping up blood flow. When done in conjunction, this allows your penis muscles to relax and blood to quickly reach the penis, resulting in an erection.

Can medication cause erectile dysfunction?

When you’ve got an issue, it’s not unusual for your doctor to write up a prescription and send you on your merry way. While this new prescription may help you with one issue, it can sometimes lead to entirely different issues developing. These side effects are common, and they can develop in a variety of ways. Some medications will cause you to break out in bumps, while others while lessen your appetite, while others still can actually lead to you developing erectile dysfunction.

Yes, the medication you ingest can actually lead to problems developing with your penis. There is no uniform reason for ED developing from these medications, as some meds might affect the nerves that control the erection, while others may affect blood flow. While the reasons vary, the results are all the same: Your initial issue may get better, but your erection will pay the price.

There are many drugs on the market that can lead to ED, including blood pressure medication, antidepressants, antihistamines, and Parkinson’s disease medication. That’s not to say that getting a prescription for one of these drugs is a guarantee of erectile issues developing. These side effects can affect people for various issues, but they don’t affect everyone.

If you’ve recently started taking a new medication and you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection, talk to your doctor. It’s very possible this new drug is causing issues with your erection, and a simple change of prescriptions can fix this problem.

Can biking too much really lead to erectile dysfunction?

It sounds like an old wives tale, but you’ve heard it so many times that you’re beginning to wonder if the rumor has any truth to it. Word is that bicycling too much can actually lead to a man developing erectile dysfunction. You aren’t quite sure how that would work, but you’ve had several friends swear up and down that regular biking can lead to problems downstairs.

Well, they’re not entirely wrong. Yes, it has been found that biking regularly can lead to erectile dysfunction, but its not like hopping on your bike every so often and taking it for a spin will spell the death of your erection. In fact, even if you bike every day, that doesn’t mean your erection is doomed. When it comes to biking and erectile dysfunction, it’s all about what you’re working with.

When you bike, you bear your weight on a bundle of nerves and arteries that are responsible for carrying blood to the penis. If you have a hard, unforgiving seat, this can lead to this bundle of nerves and arteries becoming damaged, which can affect your body’s ability to supply your penis with blood, which equates to missed erections.

However, if you switch up your hard seat for something softer that conforms to the shape of your body, you can avoid this health hazard. By investing in a seat that doesn’t hurt that vital nerve and artery damage, you can ensure that regular bike riding won’t pose any threat to your erection.

So if you ride regularly, or even if you ride once in a while, invest in a confortable seat that works with your body. Elsewise, you might one day find yourself having issues in the bedroom, and you’ll have nothing to blame but your bike.

Are there any at-home remedies for erectile dysfunction?

When confronted with a sudden inability to achieve an erection, most men will panic. After all, after a lifetime of erections, suddenly struggling to get your little guy to stand at attention is downright scary. After the initial panic wears off, you’ll need to figure out how to beat your newfound erectile issues. While you’ve heard of all the drugs on the market, you’ve always tried to adhere to a “natural” approach to life. After all, why turn to drugs when there’s perfectly good roots, leaves, and herbs that can do the same thing?

Unfortunately, when it comes to erectile dysfunction, the natural solution is kind of off the table. While erectile dysfunction can often be defeated with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and positive lifestyle changes, there doesn’t exist a naturally occurring solution to ED.

Many all-natural proponents will tell you that Mother Nature produces different potential solutions for ED, the truth is that these natural solutions are not fully understood. Proposed natural solutions such a yohimbe bark and stinging nettle root may offer temporary help, but they won’t outright fix your issue.

When dealing with erectile dysfunction, tried and true medication and positive lifestyle changes are your best bets for beating the issue. Feel free to incorporate natural solutions into your regiment, but remember that natural solutions alone won’t help you to buck ED.

Can younger men get erectile dysfunction?

When you hear the term “erectile dysfunction,” most men would think of older men in their golden years fighting tooth and nail to coax an erection out. Erectile dysfunction is commonly seen as an issue reserved for the elderly; after all, senior men have a litany of other health problems to deal with, so it would make sense that their erection would kick the bucket too, right?

But erectile dysfunction is not a health issue reserved for the over 75 crowd. In fact, it has been found that erectile dysfunction numbers are on the rise in men under 40. While men under 40 suffering from ED used to be a small percentage, a recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that 1 in 4 men under 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction.

While ED numbers are certainly high in the senior crowd, this ED rise in younger men is raising plenty of eyebrows. Experts contribute this rising percentage to younger men dealing with more issues that can lead to erectile dysfunction: stress at work, stress at home, anxiety about changes, and a higher reliance on tobacco and alcohol.

While older men afflicted with ED can oftentimes be a little too late to undo their erectile woes, this isn’t the case with younger men. While ED is becoming increasingly commonplace in the younger crowds, younger men can undo this damage before it become permanent. By coming up with ways to deal with stress and anxiety, getting active and avoiding high fat foods, and cutting out tobacco and alcohol, younger men can shake off ED and bring their erection back to its former glory.

Can jealousy lead to erectile dysfunction?

When you’re in a relationship, it’s a balancing act of keeping a life together but also making sure that you both have lives of your own. But sometimes these separate lives will begin to bleed together, seeping into your “together” life. Friends that you normally hang out with alone might suddenly become buddy-buddy with your significant other, or your partner’s friends may begin to join you for a couple drinks every now and again. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and can prove beneficial for the relationship, sometimes this “cross pollination” can lead to feelings of jealousy developing.

While seeing your partner get more friends is never a bad thing, it can be upsetting when it’s your friends. If your partner begins to spend more time with people within your friend group, even when you’re not there, it can lead to feelings of resentment and jealousy. While these feelings can be easily overcome by addressing your grievances with your partner and coming up with a solution together, if left unchecked, these feelings can build and lead to issues downstairs.

Yes, odd as it may seem, jealousy from your partner making new friends can lead to erectile issues. According to a study published in the American Journal of Sociology in 2011, seeing your partner cozy up to your pals can actually lead to erectile dysfunction. While more common amongst older men, men of all ages can experience issues in the bedroom when your partner suddenly begins hanging out regularly with your friends.

So, yes, jealousy can lead to erectile issues. But by being honest with each other, it can be avoided. Have a discussion about what is and what isn’t appropriate with your friends, and work together to determine how both parties can feel satisfied with the decision. Remember, no matter who hangs out with whose friends, at the end of the day you have each other. Don’t let jealousy ruin your sex life or, worse yet, your relationship.

How common is premature ejaculation?

You’ve crunched the numbers, and nothing makes sense. You’re young, you’re healthy, and life is good; then why are you struggling with premature ejaculation? You suddenly find yourself fighting to last mere minutes at bed, and it’s got you worried. Is something wrong? Is this normal for someone your age?

Despite the public consensus that premature ejaculation is an issue that should not be discussed, don’t let this fool you. Premature ejaculation is a very common issue, and it affects men of all ages, health backgrounds, and walks of life. In fact, a recently conducted survey found that 1 out of 3 men have dealt with premature ejaculation issues at one point in their life.

While premature ejaculation can affect men at any age, the average age of men afflicted with premature ejaculation tends to be around 35. Researchers attribute this younger age skew due to younger men typically having to deal with new situations more often. Younger men have to deal with job changes, new bosses, new houses, new girlfriends; all this new-ness can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.

But premature ejaculation can affect older men, too. These same psychological factors can affect men of any age, so it’s not unusual for a man over 40 to struggle with premature ejaculation as a result of psychological factors.

Ultimately, premature ejaculation is an extremely common issue for men. If you find yourself struggling with premature ejaculation, talk to your doctor and work out a way to overcome it and get back to lasting between the sheets.

I think I have premature ejaculation. How long should I last in bed?

Lately, you’ve found it difficult to last between the sheets. You could have sworn that your love making sessions used to last for ages, but now you struggle to last mere minutes. This sudden inability to last might have you worried, and that worry might lead to terms like “premature ejaculation” getting thrown around. But when you think premature ejaculation, you were under the impression that this indicated a man would instantaneously reach orgasm when beginning sexual intercourse. While there are men that suffer from instantaneous orgasm, that isn’t the only form premature ejaculation comes in.

When determining if you’ve got premature ejaculation, it can feel like a real numbers game. You’ll find yourself thinking about how long you used to last, comparing that to how long you recently lasted, and crunching the numbers to find out how much time you lost. But the amount of time you last in bed can vary wildly, and a shorter love making session is not always an indicator that you’ve developed premature ejaculation.

According to researchers, the average time it takes for a man to reach orgasm after penetration is between 3 to 5 minutes. If you typically last for 30 minutes, but now find yourself lasting 5, worry not, as you are still within the national average.

The typical definition of premature ejaculation is reaching orgasm between 1 to 2 minutes after penetration. If you typically last 5 minutes, and you’re down to 1 minute, that could be the indicator of an issue.

At the end of the day, while 3 to 5 minutes as seen as the average, there really isn’t a “normal” time for how long it should take you to reach orgasm. Everyone is different. But if you’ve found you’re struggling to last in bed, talk to your doctor, because you could have premature ejaculation.

What causes premature ejaculation?

When it comes to premature ejaculation, you’ve managed to stay relatively ignorant on the subject. This isn’t an insult, mind you; premature ejaculation is just an issue that isn’t commonly discussed, so most men don’t fully understand premature ejaculation. If you were to ask any men what premature ejaculation, they could easily tell you that it is an issue wherein you reach orgasm too quickly. But if you were to ask them what actually causes premature ejaculation, you’d probably get a lot of blank stares and shoulder shrugs.

So, what exactly causes premature ejaculation? Well, the answer is complicated. Premature ejaculation isn’t a medical issue with one clear-cut cause. Much like erectile dysfunction, there are a variety of factors that can lead to premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation can be brought about by psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, guilt, and depression, or can be caused by physical issues such hormonal imbalance, injury, or medicinal side effects. To complicate matters, it can hard to pinpoint the exact cause of premature ejaculation, which can oftentimes make it difficult to treat.

But at the end of the day, there is something that is causing your premature ejaculation. You simply need to figure out what it is. Talk to your doctor, talk to your psychologist, talk to your partner; get to the root of the issue, and you should be able to devise a plan to overcome it. There are plenty of potential causes of premature ejaculation, so it’s important to figure out what’s causing yours.

Is erectile dysfunction permanent?

Due to the stigmas attached to sexual issues, erectile dysfunction is a problem that isn’t regularly discussed in polite conversation. As such, it is a medical problem with lots of tall tales and incorrect assumptions associated with it. Erectile dysfunction does not mean you’re no longer attracted to your partner. Erectile dysfunction does not mean that you are now sterile. Erectile dysfunction does not develop exclusively from watching too much porn. But there is an old wives tale that, unfortunately, has some legs to it: When you develop erectile dysfunction, it may be permanent.

The truth is that ED comes in many forms. There are varieties of ED that are relatively benign, only popping up when mental factors weight too heavily on the mind. There are also varieties of ED that can only be overcome with exercise and positive lifestyle changes. And there are, in fact, varieties of ED that are permanent.

Permanent ED is always health based, typically caused by internal issues with the heart or by botched surgery. When your body physically can’t supply the penis with enough blood, that makes erections impossible, and, unfortunately, that’s an issue you can’t really overcome with medication and perseverance.

If you find yourself unable to achieve an erection, and you’ve got a hunch that’s health-related, consult a doctor. If it turns out to be irreversible ED, don’t lose hope just yet. There are surgical methods to circumventing erectile dysfunction, so you don’t have to say goodbye to your erection just yet. But if you’re consistently unable to achieve an erection, don’t wait to see your doctor; set an appointment, find out your erectile health, and work towards beating the problem.