Are there any side effects for erectile dysfunction medication?

You’ve lost the ability to achieve an erection, and you’re willing to do anything to get it back. You’ve heard from friends that medication such as Viagra and Stendra have been known to work wonders, but you’re hesitant to buy medication that you aren’t fully informed about.

After doing ample research on which brand is right for you, what time to take the medication, and generally getting all of your burning questions answered, you’re left with only one more question: Can these erectile dysfunction lead to any side effects?

If you’re scared that popping a Viagra is going to cause your hair to fall out, worry not. Erectile dysfunction drugs are safe, and have been thoroughly tested to ensure they can be taken with no problems.

However, like all medication, ED medication is best when taken under certain circumstances. How much you drink, how much you eat, and your lifestyle choices can all factor into how your ED medication affects you. But ED medication can also be affected by other medication you might be taking.

If you’re looking to avoid side effects, avoid taking ED medication with these medications:

–       Nitrates: Like ED medication, Nitrates cause the blood vessels to dilate. When taken together, this can lead to an unsafe drop in blood pressure.

–       Blood Thinners: Medication such as warfarin and enoxaparin cause the blood in the body to thin. When taken in conjunction with ED medication, which causes blood vessel dilation, you could begin to experience splitting headaches, dizziness, and even blackouts.

–       High Blood Pressure: If you’re on any medication that is used to regulate high blood pressure, don’t mix it with ED medication. When taken together, it can lead to, you guessed it, a drop in blood pressure.

So while erectile dysfunction medication is perfectly safe on it’s own, it can lead to complications when taken with the wrong medication. So be smart and talk to your doctor and make sure you’re in the clear before picking up some Viagra.

Can excessive masturbation lead to premature ejaculation?

We’ve all heard the old wives tales about masturbation before. Do it too much and you’ll grow hair on your palms. Or maybe you’ll go blind. Or maybe your penis will stop working. Obviously, none of those rumors are in the least bit true. But that’s not to say that excessive masturbation can’t lead to issues. In fact, an overreliance on masturbation could very well lead to problems in the bedroom.

No, masturbating won’t cause you to develop erectile dysfunction or anything medically severe like that. But masturbating too much can affect your ability to last in the bedroom.

This is because masturbation can put emphasis on achieving orgasm. If you rush to reach orgasm when masturbating, this can translate to crossed wires upstairs. You see, this “race to the finish” mentality when masturbating will lead to your body and brain associating anything sexual with a quick orgasm. So when it comes time to get down to business between the sheets, your brain will remember that you want to finish quickly, leading to your tryst ending quickly.

Normal masturbation is in no way harmful to your ability to last during sex, but how you masturbate is what matters. If you find that your masturbation is causing you to finish quickly in the bedroom, adjust your masturbation habits. Make it enjoyable instead of a mad dash for the finish.

When you’re able to pace yourself while masturbating, you should see this translate into intercourse. Just take your time, enjoy yourself, and remind yourself that it’s about the journey, not the destination.

Are there any at-home remedies for erectile dysfunction?

If you’ve clicked upon this article, you’re probably desperately searching for something you can implement at home that might help to save your erection. Perhaps you’ve decided that medication just isn’t for you, and you want to work through this the natural way.

But the simple truth is that there isn’t any one exercise, any yoga stretch, any positive thinking affirmations, that will bring your erection back. ED is a serious problem, and it can only be overcome with hard work, dedication, and by admitting that you might need help.

The first step to regaining your erection is making positive lifestyle choices.

-Eat a balanced diet, drop all the sugary soft drinks and teeth rotting candy and stick with healthy veggies and whole grains.

– Get up and get active. Daily exercise will help you to slim down and get healthy.

– Quit your vices. Throw away the cigarettes, cut down on the drinking; anything that could cause you problems in the long term should be dropped.

After taking the necessary steps towards living a healthier, more fulfilling life, it’s time to get your mental headspace in order.

– Find ways to cope with the stress in your life.

– If you’re dealing with depression, seek help from a medical health professional.

– If you constantly feel anxious, figure out the root of the problem and figure out how to deal with it.

Once you’ve gotten your life straight physically and mentally, it’s time to seek help. Speak with a medical professional to determine what might be causing your erectile dysfunction. A doctor can offer medication that can help with health-related ED issues, while a psychologist can help you to overcome your mental-related ED hang-ups.

So there isn’t any miracle workout that’s going to eliminate your ED, unfortunately. But with hard work, dedication, and smart choices, you can beat ED and get your erection back to normal.

Could stress be causing my erectile dysfunction?

You’ve got a major report due Friday, and your computer just crashed on Thursday. The boss has been in an out of your office all week, emphasizing that he’s depending on you. Your partner isn’t able to pick up the kids from school, so you need to leave early to get them. Also, your in-laws are coming to stay with you for a while.

When you’re feeling stressed, it can be difficult to focus on anything else. You can feel like your obligations are mounting, and there simply isn’t enough time in the day to take care of everything.

Stress can become so all-consuming that it can begin to leak into other aspects of your life. You may struggle to fall asleep at night, or maybe you aren’t as hungry as you used to be. Stress can even invade the bedroom.

When a man has a head full of stress, it can become distracting. So distracting, in fact, that your body can opt to focus on the stress instead of achieving an erection. Yes, your stress can become so overwhelming that it can actually begin to physically affect your body.

What’s worse, stress induced ED is a slippery slope. When a man finds he can’t achieve an erection, this can lead to more stress, which can just cause the problem to get worse.

If stress is affecting you in the bedroom, you must find a way to cope with the stress. Find a way to prioritize your tasks, relax, and get your mental headspace in order. Everyone copes with stress differently. It’s important to find a way to overcome these feelings, especially if your erection starts to suffer because of it.

Can premature ejaculation affect my testosterone levels?

Back in your glory days, your bedroom trysts seemed to last for hours, becoming a blur of fun and satisfaction. But as of late, your time between the sheets seems to be… shorter. You can’t put your finger on it, but something is causing you to reach your breaking point quickly. That results in a disappointed you, a disappointed partner, and stress galore.

So you might have premature ejaculation, you think. You recall a friend at the gym telling you that premature ejaculation can lead to your testosterone levels plummeting. When your testosterone takes dip, he’d say, it’s all over. You won’t want to have sex anymore, your beard will fall out, and you’ll lose your muscles.

But don’t let this idle talk get to you. While you’re sure you’ve seen a beard hair or two fall out, it’s all in your head.

The simple fact is: Premature ejaculation does not cause lowered testosterone levels.

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation, you won’t have to worry about insult being added to injury. Studies have found no connection between premature ejaculation and testosterone levels, so worry not.

That’s not to say that premature ejaculation isn’t worrisome. If you suddenly find it difficult to last in the bedroom, talk with a doctor. Together, you can figure out the cause of this issue, be it physical or psychological, and devise a way to overcome it.

But if you finish a little quicker in the sheets, at least you’ll know your beard isn’t going anywhere.

Is it true that bicycling can lead to erectile dysfunction?

You might have heard this old wives tale before: If you bike too much, you’re going to develop erectile dysfunction. While this may sound absurd, don’t be so quick to write this rumor off entirely. Turns out, there’s a kernel of truth hidden in this tall tale.

While biking in and of itself won’t lead to your erection withering, ED can develop if you bike incorrectly. Specifically, if you don’t have the right kind of seat on your bike, you can truly develop erectile dysfunction.

Yes, the seat on your bike could play a major factor in your erectile health. This is because the seat of your bicycle comes into close contact with very sensitive areas of the body.

When you sit on your seat, you put a large percentage of your weight on the perineum, which is the soft area located between the scrotum and the anus. This section plays a vital part in erectile function, due to the fact that a large cluster of nerves and arteries leading to the penis are found in the perineum.

When you put weight on the perineum for long periods of time, you’re compressing this jumble of nerves. Long term pressure on the perineum can lead to permanent damage in the arteries and nerves. When these arteries and nerves are damaged, that prevents blood from getting to the penis, which causes, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

But you don’t need to throw your bike away just yet. If you’re an avid bicyclist and you want to prevent ED, trade up your hard, narrow seat for something softer and wider. A seat that conforms to your body and offers more sitting room will relieve pressure from the perineum, ensuring that your hobby won’t lead to the loss of your erection.

Can poor dental hygiene lead to erectile dysfunction?

You know the old song that lists what bones are connected to what? Knee bones connected to the leg bone and whatnot? Well, it turns out that there are parts of your body that are connected to each other that didn’t make it into that catchy tune.

For instance, your mouth and your penis. They’re pretty much on opposite ends of the body, but it turns out they are more connected than you would suspect.

In a study published in the online compendium Journal of Sex and Medicine, researchers revealed that a link had been found between poor dental hygiene and erectile dysfunction.

Scientists studied rats with periodontitis, which is a severe inflammation of the gums. This gum disease leads to increased inflammation within the body, which can lead to various health conditions, such as heart disease. Heart disease can lead to complications with blood flow, which can lead to, you guessed it, erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, it was found that periodontitis lead to decreased levels of the enzyme eNOS in the rats. This enzyme is responsible for producing nitric acid, which helps to regulate blood flow. If eNOS decreases, blood flow slows, and erections become difficult.

While the lead researcher on the study stressed that these findings are so far only conclusive in rats, the team intends to follow up the study with an investigation into the effect of periodontitis on the erectile ability of human men.

So if you’re looking to protect your erection, make sure to keep your chompers looking nice. Brush twice every day, floss, practice good dental hygiene, and your erection will thank you.

Could my erectile dysfunction be a sign of something worse?

For most people, erectile dysfunction is commonly associated with growing older, a natural part of the aging process. For others, it’s the occasional missed erection after a few drinks too many.

But the stark truth is that erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter. Capable of striking at any moment, ED is a serious affliction with serious consequences. Losing your erection can be a deeply embarrassing problem, but ED can be even worse than simply losing your erection.

In fact, ED can oftentimes be an indicator of something much, much worse.

While many men would be quick to write off a bout of erectile dysfunction as being caused by a poor diet or stress at the office, it would be wise to not be so flippant about your ED.

ED has been linked to a litany of health problems. Research has found that ED can be a byproduct of serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and even prostate cancer. Experts have found that ED can even be an early warning sign for developing neurogenic diseases such as Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

Bottom line: ED isn’t always dangerous, but it could be. While the occasional missed erection is no reason to start drafting out your will, it would still be wise to speak to a medical professional about your problem. While talking to a doctor about losing your erection can be embarrassing, it could very well save your life.

How can I last longer in bed when I have premature ejaculation?

When you find yourself suddenly unable to last very long in bed, it can be deeply embarrassing. Premature ejaculation can feel like an unbeatable affliction, but the truth is quite the opposite. With healthy living, consultation with a doctor or a mental health expert, and resilience, you can overcome this problem.

But what do you do in the interim? Sure, you’re making all the changes you need to make, but it’s not like your premature ejaculation is going to disappear overnight.

While you work to get rid of your premature ejaculation once and for all, here are some handy methods to help you last a little longer in bed. These aren’t permanent solutions, but they can help.

Stop and Go: The Stop and Go technique will not only help you to stop from finishing too early, it may also add an exciting spark to your love life. It works like this: When you or your partner feels an orgasm approaching, stop cold turkey. Disengage, step back, and catch your breath. Your body will come back from the orgasm precipice, and after taking a moment or two to collect yourself, you’ll be ready to go again.

Squeeze Technique: The squeeze technique can be a little more hit or miss than the Stop and Go, but it’s a method worth trying. When you feel like you’re about to reach your peak, squeeze the head or the base of the penis. This pressure will disrupt your excitement, and will prevent ejaculation. It can be difficult to time your squeezing perfectly, but you’ll get better at it with time.

What can I do to prevent erectile dysfunction if I have diabetes?

For those afflicted with diabetes, the condition can already feel like a full time job. You have to watch what you eat, you have to keep a close eye on your blood glucose level; Diabetes can really feel like a handful.

To add insult to injury, diabetes is one of the most commonly linked ailments to erectile dysfunction. Research has found that about 35%-75% of men with diabetes will experience some degree of erectile dysfunction during their lifetime. Additionally, it has been found that men with diabetes typically develop ED about 10 to 15 tears before men without diabetes.

No matter how you cut it, if you’re a man with diabetes, you are at an increased risk for erectile dysfunction.

But having diabetes doesn’t mean you’ll inevitably lose the ability to achieve an erection. In fact, by living healthy, you won’t have to worry about losing your erection for many, many years.

So how does a man with diabetes prevent ED from developing? Simple: It’s all about your blood sugar. That magic little number you get when you test yourself relates to your glucose levels. For men with diabetes, your glucose levels can play an integral part in just about every aspect of your body.

If you want to prevent erectile dysfunction, you need to control your blood sugar. Eat healthy, slim down your portion sizes, cut out sugary sodas, and get active.

By living well, you’ll find your glucose levels will consistently be good. With good glucose levels, you’ll be able to live a happy, erectile dysfunction life for many, many years.