You’ve lost the ability to achieve an erection, and you’re willing to do anything to get it back. You’ve heard from friends that medication such as Viagra and Stendra have been known to work wonders, but you’re hesitant to buy medication that you aren’t fully informed about.
After doing ample research on which brand is right for you, what time to take the medication, and generally getting all of your burning questions answered, you’re left with only one more question: Can these erectile dysfunction lead to any side effects?
If you’re scared that popping a Viagra is going to cause your hair to fall out, worry not. Erectile dysfunction drugs are safe, and have been thoroughly tested to ensure they can be taken with no problems.
However, like all medication, ED medication is best when taken under certain circumstances. How much you drink, how much you eat, and your lifestyle choices can all factor into how your ED medication affects you. But ED medication can also be affected by other medication you might be taking.
If you’re looking to avoid side effects, avoid taking ED medication with these medications:
– Nitrates: Like ED medication, Nitrates cause the blood vessels to dilate. When taken together, this can lead to an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
– Blood Thinners: Medication such as warfarin and enoxaparin cause the blood in the body to thin. When taken in conjunction with ED medication, which causes blood vessel dilation, you could begin to experience splitting headaches, dizziness, and even blackouts.
– High Blood Pressure: If you’re on any medication that is used to regulate high blood pressure, don’t mix it with ED medication. When taken together, it can lead to, you guessed it, a drop in blood pressure.
So while erectile dysfunction medication is perfectly safe on it’s own, it can lead to complications when taken with the wrong medication. So be smart and talk to your doctor and make sure you’re in the clear before picking up some Viagra.