Ever since the first man slipped into his first pair of tighty whities, there was someone assuring him that his briefs were going to give him erectile dysfunction. Tight underwear causing ED is one of the oldest misconceptions about erectile dysfunction, an old wives tale that has been passed around for so long that it is now accepted as fact.
But don’t be fooled, men. Even the tightest, strangling pair of underoos won’t lead to you losing your erection.
The logic is that tight underwear puts pressure on the penis and testicles, which can lead to damage over time. It’s said that if your penis is constrained for too long in tight underwear, your ability to achieve an erection will disappear.
Extensive research has been conducted by erectile health experts over the years, and zero correlation has been found between tight underwear and erectile dysfunction. Putting pressure on the penis will not lead to constrained blood vessels, so erectile loss is impossible.
However, while your erection may be safe from tight briefs, your testicles are another story. Research has found that tight underwear can contribute to infertility, due to tight underwear raising the temperature of the testicles, leading to sperm death.
So while your erection is in the clear from tighty whities, your sperm count isn’t as lucky. If you’re hoping for kids down the line, it might be wise to switch to boxers.