Complete list of current erectile dysfunction statistics

There is no way that a “complete list” of ED statistics could be presented here or in any other forum with limited space. And “complete list” would seem to imply data from every conceivable health and medical authority across the globe. What we can give you is the data developed from one of the most exhaustive ED studies ever undertaken in the United States.

This study was published in a 2006 issue of “Archives of Internal Medicine” and based its findings on ED-related questions that were posed to 3,566 men who were 20 years or older. It found that ED affects roughly one in every five men over the age of 20 but had a somewhat higher overall rate among Hispanic men. The incidence of ED increased sharply among elderly men, affecting 77.5 percent of those who were 75 or older.

Based on the data collection in this study, the risk of ED increased significantly among men who had one of the following pre-existing conditions: diabetes, obesity, current smoking, and high blood pressure.

Complete list of ED drugs?

Among the medications prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the first line of drugs are the so-called PDE5 inhibitors, which include Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Staxyn, and Stendra. All of these are oral medications designed to be taken 30 minutes to an hour before sexual activity. They work by temporarily blocking the effects of an enzyme known as phosphodiesterase-5, which tends to impede blood flow to the penis and make it difficult to achieve an erection.

The other main category of prescription ED medications covers the drugs that are directly injected into the penis. Like the PDE5 inhibitors, these drugs are designed to maximize blood flow to the penis. They do so by dilating or widening the blood vessels that supply your penis and generally take effect within 5 to 10 minutes after the injection. Medications in this category include the generic injectables alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine and brand name drugs that contain one or more of these generics. Brand name medications include Caverject (alprostadil), Pavabid (papaverine), Bimix (alprostadil and papaverine), and Trimix (alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine).

Cialis vs. Cialis for Daily Use: What’s the Difference?

The original formulation of Cialis, also known as Cialis for Use as Needed, was first brought to market in 2003 and is available in tablets of 10 and 20 milligrams. The starting dose is usually 10 milligrams but can be increased to 20 if necessary to achieve an erection. Sometimes called the “weekend pill,” Cialis for Use as Needed is effective for up to 36 hours. The pill usually takes effect within one hour and sometimes is effective within 30 minutes.

Approved by the FDA in 2008, Cialis for Daily Use comes in 2.5- and 5-milligram tablets. Doctors often start patients on the 2.5-milligram dose and increase it to 5 milligrams if needed. Take the pill daily, and you should be able to achieve and maintain an erection suitable for intercourse when the need arises.

The active ingredient in both forms of Cialis is tadalafil.

Can you overdose on Viagra?

In a word, the answer is yes. And to do so can create a serious health danger.

The recommended dose of Viagra is 25 to 100 milligrams of the medication, which is to be taken 30 minutes to four hours before sexual activity. Hopefully, you will have been told by the prescribing doctor that the little blue pill in and of itself does not create an erection but rather allows the penis to respond to visual or physical stimuli. Knowing this, you’ll be less likely to pop more pills hoping to achieve the results you want.

Symptoms of a Viagra overdose may include chest pain, dizziness, fainting, irregular heartbeat, lightheadedness, and/or nausea. If you believe that you’ve taken an overdose of Viagra, whether or not you’ve begun to experience symptoms, seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Can you get surgery for erectile dysfunction?

If other forms of therapy have been unsuccessful in resolving your erection difficulties, your doctor might refer you to a urological surgeon for a surgical procedure. According to, such procedures usually are undertaken to accomplish one of three goals:

Implantation of a prosthetic device in the penis. Such a device is usually either malleable or inflatable. With a malleable prosthesis, the man can physically manipulate his penis into an erect or semi-rigid position suitable for intercourse. For an inflatable prosthetic, two cylinders are implanted within the penis along with a reservoir placed beneath the tissue of the lower abdomen and a pump device in the scrotum. When the pump is activated, it draws fluid from the reservoir to fill up the penile cylinders, thus creating an erection.

Reconstruction of the arteries within the penis to increase blood flow, thus making it easier to achieve erection.

Blocking off veins within the penis that carry blood away, thus allowing an erection to be maintained.

Can you get erection pills at CVS or other pharmacies

It depends on exactly what you mean by “erection pills.” Like most American pharmacies, CVS can sell you prescription impotence medications, such as Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, providing you have a prescription from your doctor. Perhaps as early as 2017 or 2018, you may be able to buy an over-the-counter version of Cialis from CVS and other U.S. pharmacies if the FDA approves Sanofi’s proposal to market Cialis OTC under a licensing deal with Eli Lilly & Company.

If by erection pills, you’re thinking of natural remedies, most CVS stores as well as other U.S. pharmacies have a section of the store devoted to dietary and health supplements, some of which have been reputed to help overcome erectile dysfunction. These substances, mostly plant-based in origin, can be purchased over the counter. Supplements that fall into this category include Panax ginseng and Rhodiola rosea.

Can you get erection injections? How much do they cost? Does insurance pay for them?

For a number of men, penile injection therapy helps them to successfully overcome their problems of erectile dysfunction. Although a urologist or other specialist may perform the first few of these injections, primarily so the optimal level of dosage can be determined, you will eventually be doing these injections yourself if you find this therapy works for you.

Some of the most widely used medications used for these injections are Caverject (alprostadil), Pavabid (papaverine), Bimix (alprostadil and papaverine), and Trimix (alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine). The cost of these injections varies based on the medication used, the dosage required to achieve erection, and the part of the country in which you’re located. Five 20-microgram syringes of Caverject cost roughly $190, or $38.50 per injection.

According to, most insurance plans cover injections of alprostadil, which in one study of 683 men with ED produced erections suitable for intercourse in more than 90 percent of the subjects. However, Trimix — a combination of three medications — is not covered by most insurance plans.

Can you get erectile dysfunction on Adderall?

According to, Adderall is a central nervous stimulant that’s most often prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder that causes extreme sleepiness and occasional daytime sleep attacks. The drug contains a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, both strong stimulants.

Although WebMD lists the inability to have an erection as an infrequent side effect of Adderall, it seems that a surprisingly large number of men are reporting that they’ve experienced difficulties achieving an erection after taking Adderall for an extended period of time. In one of life’s cruelest ironies, amphetamines tend to increase sexual desire but typically cause erectile dysfunction, according to the Merck Manual.

A quick check of forum posts on this issue shows that many individuals who have been prescribed Adderall for ADHD find that the problem tends to ease after they’ve been on the drug for a while. And some say that their erections while taking Adderall are not as strong as they were previously.

Can you buy Viagra online?

While it’s certainly possible to order Viagra and other prescription medications online, buyers need to be sure that they’re dealing with a reliable U.S.-based supplier that sells only genuine FDA-approved drugs.

But be forewarned. Forbes reported in September 2013 that data presented at the World Meeting on Sexual Medicine in late 2012 showed that 77 percent of Viagra purchased online from 22 different sites was counterfeit. The author of the study, Irwin Goldstein, M.D., conducted the survey in cooperation with the global security arm of Pfizer, Viagra’s manufacturer.

So, caveat emptor, or buyer beware, is the name of the game. Place no order with an online pharmacy until you’ve thoroughly researched its operations and sponsorship. Be sure you’re dealing with a drug supplier that’s not only based in the United States but is also sourcing the medications it sells through U.S.-licensed pharmacies.

Can you buy Viagra online in the USA or do you have to get it from Canada?

Anyone browsing online for ED medications can’t help but be confused by the vast number of online vendors purporting to sell genuine FDA-approved drugs. Many of these operations are based in third world countries, and the drugs they are selling in a large number of cases are counterfeit and may even contain harmful or toxic substances.

Technically, buying prescription drugs that are filled by pharmacies outside the United States is prohibited by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, according to Bloomberg BusinessWeek. Like other states that have passed medical marijuana laws that conflict with federal laws, Maine in 2013 passed a law permitting state residents to order drugs from Canada and a handful of other countries.

To ensure that you’re buying Viagra or other prescription drugs from a reliable U.S.-based supplier, FDA suggests that you check out the website to determine the sponsoring organization, contact information, whether privacy is protected, and when the site’s information was written and/or last updated. If the website makes claims that seem too good to be true, they probably are and should be avoided.