71 Year Old Alcoholic (mild) with ED Need Help?


I am a 71-year-old alcoholic (mild) with ED. If I don’t have any alcohol for a week, can I see any improvement in my ED condition?


As you know, drinking more than one or two units of alcohol for long-term can compromise erections and eventually lead to erectile dysfunction. It also will make Viagra less effective.
The effect of stopping alcohol drinking on that matter vary from man to another depending on many factors, such as age, number of drinking years, the average amount per day, etc.

However, most long-term alcohol users experienced significant improvement after 6 months of quitting.

You may start noticing some kind of improvement sooner than that.

In the meanwhile, I advise you to establish a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthy food (low cholesterol), and stop or avoid alcohol and tobacco as they both contribute to ED. These steps will help you regain your normal erection faster.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Can Creatinine Elevation Cause Erectile Dysfunction?


If I see an elevated level of creatinine can this cause me to have erectile dysfunction?


The creatinine level in the blood will rise due to poor clearance of creatinine by the kidneys, which means possible malfunction or failure of the kidneys. And erectile dysfunction (ED) is known to be a common condition (80%) among male chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients.

The cause of ED in these patients is multifactorial. Factors including abnormalities in the gonadal-pituitary system, disturbance in the autonomic nervous system, endothelial dysfunction, anemia (and erythropoietin deficiency), secondary hyperparathyroidism, drug effects, zinc deficiency, and psychological problems.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

23 Year Old and Suffering Getting Hard and Staying Hard Problem During Intercourse


I am 23 years old and I am suffering getting hard and staying hard problem since last 2 months, not so much erection as before so very difficult to intercourse..what are the causes and suggest remedies or supplement, please


Let me first point out to you that erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of these aspects are the psychological aspect.
A psychological aspect can in form of anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to underlying cause (as a bad memory from a previous relationship).

Watching pornography and masturbation more frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction during actual sex relation. Some studies have found that frequently masturbating to porn can contribute to ED by desensitizing you to certain imagery and physical intimacy. We must first identify the cause and then treat it accordingly, in your case, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some evaluation tests to exclude any medical/physical cause, and if all tests came up negative then your doctor will advise you on how to deal with your stress and performance anxiety or he may refer you to a psychotherapist.

In the meanwhile, I advise you to establish a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthy food (low cholesterol), and stop or avoid alcohol and tobacco as they both contribute to ED. These steps will help you regain your normal erection faster.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

My Partner is Having Difficulty Maintaining an Erection, How Can I Help?


My partner is 47 going on 48 and I am about 15 years his junior. The last 2 times that we have been intimate, he was unable to keep his erection. The most recent occurrence, he needed to take a couple of breaks. He would be inside of me then he would go soft.

We then took a break and cuddled for a while and then he got hard again and went back in but then got soft again. After the third time of this, he was able to ejaculate. And I am totally fine with that! I enjoy lovemaking with him just as much. Why does h need to do that (i.e. Stop in the middle)?

Is it me? Do I simply not appeal to him anymore :*(. I do want to talk to him about it but I don’t know how without upsetting him. All I can say is, without saying anything, he knows I know he is having difficulty maintaining an erection. What I do say is just that it’s ok and we do whatever feels natural or good at the moment.

I don’t know what else to do or say. Help!


First of all, you must know how important it is for you both to communicate about this. It’s your intimate life and you must communicate about it freely and more often ensure a healthy relationship sexually and emotionally.

What your partner is going through is most probably an erectile dysfunction (ED) case. And ED has many factors and underlying causes, one of these aspects are the psychological aspect.

A psychological aspect can in form of anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to an underlying cause.
Watching pornography and masturbation more frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction during actual sex relation. Some studies have found that frequently masturbating to porn can contribute to ED by desensitizing you to certain imagery and physical intimacy

Alcohol drinking and tobacco or any smoking can also contribute to ED.
Health issues like high sugar level and high cholesterol can also lead to ED.

We must first identify the cause and then treat it accordingly. I advise your partner first to visit a doctor and make some evaluation tests to exclude any medical/physical causes, and if all tests came up negative then his doctor will advise him on how to deal with his stress and performance anxiety or he may refer him to a psychotherapist.

In the meanwhile, I advise him and you to establish a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthy food (low cholesterol), and stop or avoid alcohol and tobacco as they both contribute to ED. These steps will help him regain his normal erection faster.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Can Cialis Lose it’s Effectiveness if Taken for a Long Period of Time


I have been using 36 hour Cialis for almost 15 years. I have noticed it has not been effective the past month or so. Can Cialis lose its effectiveness after using it for that long?


First of all, it’s very important to point out that none of ED medication would ever work without a sexual stimulation. These medications are designed to increase the blood flow in the penile tissue leading to the erection in the presence of sexual desires. So if you are “not in the mood” or stressful or out of focus, you will find these medications useless at these moments.

On the other hand, these medications can be affected by food or alcohol. For instance, fatty meals are the enemy of Cialis, they can make it harder for the medicine to reach the bloodstream. So make sure you avoid them just before taking the Cialis. Make sure you at least have 2 hours after last meal and before taking Cialis.

Also, It’s common for the human body to build up a tolerance to drugs. And since you have been using Cialis for a long time and frequently then your body may have built some level of tolerance to the medication and that’s why it’s not effective as it once it was for you.

In this case, you may change to a different type, such as Viagra, or you may increase the dose, let’s say if you are taking 5 mg then shift to 10 mg (which actually the recommended dose) and see how your body will react. Also remember to take it on an empty stomach or two hours after eating the last meal, and 1 hours before the intercourse. Let’s see how that would work.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Creatine Monohydrate Powder Loss of Sex Drive ED


I started using creatine monohydrate powder about a week ago. The instructions read that l must take a measurement of 5ml 5 times a day for One week and after that take 2 times a day until it’s finished.

Since I started using it my sex drive has gone completely to zero. Sometimes l don’t even feel my 4-5.

May it because of creatine or intensive working out.


Yes, it’s most probably due to the creatine powder.

Actually, some recent studies found that daily long-term usage of creatine can lead to a lesser sex drive and a decreased production of testosterone hormone, which eventually means erectile dysfunction.

I’d suggest you use creatine sparingly or at the very least lower your dosages.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Can an Varicocele Cause Erectile Dysfunction


I am 20 years old and have never ejaculated nor have I ever had a wet dream. Twice I woke up with pain while having an erotic dream. I’ve never finished masturbating because either I lose focus or feel start to feel pain. I’ve been to a couple urologists, but none seem to help.

I’m sure there might be a psychological factor like all the urologists suggested, but I’m almost sure there is a biological factor as well. I get frequent Balanitis, and pain when I urinate. I also have an autoimmune disease that involves streptococcus infections.

My testosterone is 552, SHBG 15 (range is 10-50). I had an abdominal CT scan (showed small phlebolith), and abdominal ultrasound, testicular ultrasound (showed varicocele). I was wondering if anyone knew what could cause this other than it being psychological.


I’m, sorry? You said a couple of urologists said it ’s psychological? How is that possible when you say U/S showed a Varicocele?
Most probably that could be the causes of your problem.

It must be evaluated because moderate to severe Varicocele can lead to such complaint.

Also, a frequent Balanitis is not a something that should be missed or underestimated by a urologist. There should be tests and evaluation to identify the cause and prescribe the proper treatment.

You need to see an experienced urologist for evaluation.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Cannabis and Erectile Dysfunction. Smoking Weed has Caused Loss of Libido and a Complete Disinterest in Every Aspect of Sex.


Cannabis and ED/loss of libido. I am 40 and have been smoking weed for the last 2 years about one joint per day. The first year, it gave me a very exciting sex life but since a year I am suffering from ED and more of all developed a complete disinterest in every aspect of sex.

I’ve learned that cannabis can trigger ED through premature endothelial dysfunction (Int J Impot Res. 2008 Nov-Dec;20(6):566-73. doi: 10.1038/ijir.2008.43.”Early endothelial dysfunction as a marker of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in young habitual cannabis users”.) and maybe lowering testosterone.

But it also messes up with your brain reward center with downregulation of post-synaptic dopamine receptors. I have quit smoking weed for 2 months now and I am still not interested in sexual matters. Do you know how long it can take before the brain get reset?


First of all, congratulations, you are on the right way to recovery.
Let me tell you it may take more couple months for you to start feeling the difference, and with time the negative effect of these habits will disappear and your normal erections will appear again (if you have no other causes of ED).

In the meanwhile, I advise you to establish a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating healthy food (low cholesterol), and stop or avoid alcohol and tobacco as they both contribute to ED. These steps will help you regain your normal erection faster.

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes

Do I Have Porn Induced ED? Is it Even a True Thing?


Do I have “porn-induced ED”? Is it even a true thing?
I am a 20-year-old virgin and the first few times (3 or so) I’ve tried to penetrate my girlfriend I cannot due to my glans being soft and losing my erection very quickly (a few seconds without physical stimulation). Is it possible I have porn-induced erectile dysfunction?

I thought I may not since I never looked at porn every day, maybe 4-5 times a week when I was experimenting with jelqing. I’ve since stopped both porn and masturbation(and jelqing) for about 2 weeks now and I never got morning erections(maybe semi erections but never full ones) and have generally very poor mood. I haven’t tried anything sexual with my girlfriend in a while partly because of anxiety about my issue and partly because we hardly get to spend private alone time together.

Based on my porn use and age, and the effect of cutting off the porn, is it possible I have another issue with my penis? If it is, in fact, porn use should I cut it off completely or just cut down on the amount/type of porn I view? Cutting porn out completely seems to kill my mood and fill me with guilt so it is very difficult for me to move forward as things stand right now.


Let me first point out to you that erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of these aspects are the psychological aspect.
A psychological aspect can in form of anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to underlying cause (as a bad memory from a previous relationship).

Watching pornography and masturbation more frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction during actual sex relation. Some studies have found that frequently masturbating to porn can contribute to ED by desensitizing you to certain imagery and physical intimacy.

We must first identify the cause and then treat it accordingly, in your case, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some evaluation tests to exclude any medical/physical cause, and if all tests came up negative then your doctor will advise you on how to deal with your stress and performance anxiety or he may refer you to a psychotherapist. In the meanwhile, I strongly advise you to stop watching and/or masturbating to porn, and with time the negative effect of these habits will disappear and your normal erections will appear again (if you have no other causes of ED).

I hope this answers your question.

Thanks Dr. AlSayes

I’m 28 Years Old and I am Facing Erection Problem I Masturbation and Watch Pornography


Hi, I am 28 years old and past 4 days I am facing erection problem. It is not responding and getting hard. I used to do masturbation and watch pornography. Please help me with this. I may get married soon. I am so worried about this. Please help me with this.


I need to explain to you that erectile dysfunction has many factors and underlying causes, one of these aspects are the psychological aspect.

A psychological aspect can in form of anxiety or pressure to perform under heightened anxiety, or acute stress disorder, or Low sex drive due to underlying cause (as a bad memory from a previous relationship).

Also, watching pornography and masturbation more frequently can also lead to erectile dysfunction during actual sex relation. Some studies have found that frequently masturbating to porn can contribute to ED by desensitizing you to certain imagery and physical intimacy.

The key to dealing with this situation is to identify the cause and to treat it accordingly, in your case, I advise you first to visit your doctor and make some evaluation tests to exclude any medical/physical cause, and if all tests came up negative then your doctor will advise you on how to deal with your stress and performance anxiety or he may refer you to a psychotherapist.

Thanks, Dr. Alsayes