How did doctors come around to the term erectile dysfunction?

As you may know, the blockbuster drug Viagra only came about because of a happy side effect of a drug called sildenafil that scientists were studying as a possible treatment for a heart condition called angina. The drug didn’t do much for angina, but the men involved in the original clinical trials reported that when they took sildenafil, it was easier to have an erection. In some cases it allowed men who were incapable of having sex to once again enjoy physical intimacy.

Doctors took these reported “side effects” seriously and ended up discovering a wealth of new insights about the causes of erection problems.

Maybe these problems weren’t “neuroses” after all, but the result of vascular issues that could be addressed with medication. Once researchers figured out why sildenafil (Viagra) helped men have stronger erections, other drug developers started working on their own versions of the drugs.

All the drugs commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction belong to a drug class called PDE-5 inhibitors. By inhibiting the action of an enzyme called PDE-5, the medications allow the smooth muscle cells lining blood vessels to relax. Hence in the presence of sexual stimulation, more blood could flow to the penis, and men who previously had difficulty with erections got their sexual functioning back.

Erectile dysfunction can be medically addressed in the vast majority of cases.

How do I bring up the topic of erectile dysfunction with my doctor?

It’s perfectly understandable that you might be hesitant to bring up such a sensitive and personal topic with your doctor. But it’s important to remember that it takes much more than a common problem like erectile dysfunction to faze the typical doctor. In fact, if you have an older male doctor, there’s a chance he’s experienced it himself.

Drugs like Viagra have been taken by tens of millions of men around the world, and erection problems are not nearly the taboo a topic they used to be. It’s sad to think that generations of men had no choice but to go along with the old conventional wisdom that “impotence” was a sign of personal failure. The good news is that today’s doctors are far more educated on what really causes erection problems, and they have more options than ever for treating it effectively.

How do I bring up the topic of erectile dysfunction with my doctor?

It’s perfectly understandable that you might be hesitant to bring up such a sensitive and personal topic with your doctor. But it’s important to remember that it takes much more than a common problem like erectile dysfunction to faze the typical doctor. In fact, if you have an older male doctor, there’s a chance he’s experienced it himself.

Drugs like Viagra have been taken by tens of millions of men around the world, and erection problems are not nearly the taboo a topic they used to be. It’s sad to think that generations of men had no choice but to go along with the old conventional wisdom that “impotence” was a sign of personal failure. The good news is that today’s doctors are far more educated on what really causes erection problems, and they have more options than ever for treating it effectively.

Can I continue to consume my normal junk food diet and trust pills to cure my erection problems?

You can try, but you won’t get optimal results. Erection health and overall health are so closely intertwined, that expecting pills to do all the work is really short-changing yourself. Unfortunately, despite what lots of websites would have you believe, there’s really no such thing as “natural Viagra.” And many of the products that claim to be are either inert or downright dangerous.

“Healthy” and “all natural” sometimes go together, and sometimes do not. Plenty of research backs up the health benefits of simpler, less processed foods in the diet, and the “natural” health-promoting practices of giving up cigarettes, consuming alcohol only in moderation, consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, getting regular physical exercise, and getting regular, adequate sleep will all help you have the most enjoyable sex life, whether or not you take prescription medications like Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or Staxyn.

Can I continue to consume my normal junk food diet and trust pills to cure my erection problems?

You can try, but you won’t get optimal results. Erection health and overall health are so closely intertwined, that expecting pills to do all the work is really short-changing yourself. Unfortunately, despite what lots of websites would have you believe, there’s really no such thing as “natural Viagra.” And many of the products that claim to be are either inert or downright dangerous.

“Healthy” and “all natural” sometimes go together, and sometimes do not. Plenty of research backs up the health benefits of simpler, less processed foods in the diet, and the “natural” health-promoting practices of giving up cigarettes, consuming alcohol only in moderation, consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, getting regular physical exercise, and getting regular, adequate sleep will all help you have the most enjoyable sex life, whether or not you take prescription medications like Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or Staxyn.

Does a natural diet affect erectile health?

A diet that is low in saturated fats, high in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean sources of protein is associated with lower heart disease risk, and coronary disease is strongly associated with erectile dysfunction. Cutting out highly processed foods and ensuring you get plenty of fiber are two ways you can help protect your erection health.

What about herbal teas? Can they help with erectile dysfunction?

Some herbal teas, like ginkgo tea, red ginseng tea, and even “ordinary” teas like green and black tea are high in flavonoids, and flavonoids, including those found in red wine and purple grape juice are associated with improved cardiac health. And improved cardiac health is strongly associated with improved erection health.

I think penile implant surgery might be a good choice for me. What should I do?

Step one is getting a referral to a reputable urologist. If you haven’t tried the first line treatments like Viagra or injectable erectile dysfunction therapy, your urologist will likely recommend trying those first, unless they’re contraindicated for you. If you and your doctor conclude that implant surgery is a good choice for you, the next step is to get a recommendation for a highly experienced, board certified surgeon. Many surgeons today work at outpatient surgical centers, which expose patients to lower risk of hospital-borne infection than if the surgery were performed on an inpatient basis. Ensure the surgeon, facility, and nursing staff are all top notch, and you’re likely to have the most satisfactory outcome.

Penile implant surgery may sound like an extreme solution to erectile dysfunction, and it is. But it has also given many men their sex lives back and vastly improved quality of life when other solutions for erectile dysfunction haven’t worked. However long you have experienced erection problems, the first step to solving them is a medical consultation so you can thoroughly understand your options and make the most informed decision. Ask questions, and be completely honest with your physician, and you have the best prognosis for treating your erection problems and enjoying better life quality.

What’s in natural remedies for erectile dysfunction?

It’s really anyone’s guess. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has seized a number of products claiming to be all natural treatments for ED, some of which contained similar or identical compounds to those found in erectile dysfunction medications that require a prescription. Maybe you’re thinking, “Sweet!

I can get what are essentially prescription drugs at the same place I get coffee in the morning!” The problem with these products is, there’s absolutely no guarantee that they have proven substances that treat erection problems, and if they happen to, there’s no way to know how much of it is in a capsule of the stuff. Consistency isn’t important to the companies that make these products, and what’s in one package of it may be different from a package of the same thing you buy tomorrow. The FDA regularly takes these products off store shelves because they can be dangerous, not because they want to ruin the fun.

How does sleep deprivation directly affect erections?

Most of a man’s testosterone is produced during sleep, with the highest amounts of testosterone being produced during REM (dreaming) sleep. And yes, scientists have determined that when men are deprived of sleep, their testosterone levels fall. A study of military recruits who were subject to major sleep deprivation reported testosterone levels falling by as much as 70%.

In most men, erectile dysfunction is caused by impaired blood flow rather than low testosterone levels, but low testosterone certainly doesn’t help matters. And plain old “being too tired for sex” is a real phenomenon, so don’t think of doing without sleep as a heroic thing.

Does Obamacare Cover Erectile Dysfunction?

The healthcare system in the United States is frequently in the news as the government, insurers, and medical services providers try to expand access to healthcare while keeping costs under control. Naturally, plenty of American men want to know if the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as “Obamacare”) covers treatment for erectile dysfunction.

You’ll probably have to do some digging to find out if your health insurance covers medications for erectile dysfunction. The overarching, unsatisfying answer is, “It depends.” Here are some frequently asked questions about Obamacare, healthcare reform, and coverage for treatment of erectile dysfunction.