Can seasonal depression cause erectile dysfunction?

For thousands of men, the changing of the seasons is a welcome thing; a reason to bust out the sweaters and scarves, a reason to enjoy the changing of the leaves while enjoying a pleasantly hot coffee. But for many men, the shift into cooler weather signals something worse: Seasonal depression. For these men, the change to the grayer, colder months is no reason to celebrate; rather, the next several months for these men will be ruled by a depression they just can’t shake. And for a multitude men, season depression also means problems in the bedroom.

While debate rages on just what causes seasonal affective disorder (also known by the apt acronym S.A.D), it is a very real disorder. Thousands of men worldwide grapple with depression brought on by the changing of the seasons, and many of these men must also deal with the erectile dysfunction brought on by these feelings.

Just like standard depression, seasonal depression can cause a shift in the brain’s priorities; while your brain may have formerly prioritized happiness and a desire to go out, seasonal depression causes the brain to turn its attention elsewhere, which can lead to vital signals required by the penis to produce an erection to get missed. If these important erection signals are consistently missed, the afflicted individual will begin to worry and become embarrassed, which often leads to the problem getting worse.

For men with seasonal depression, it can be hard to focus on other things,which causes unlucky men to spiral into erectile dysfunction. So, yes, erectile issues brought on by seasonal depression is a very real problem. But by talking to a mental health professional, who can help you to figure out how to redirect your brain’s attention and not let your seasonal depression lord over you, you should be able to get your erection back.

Can jealousy cause erectile dysfunction?

Jealousy is a feeling that can seemingly strike at any minute: One moment, a friend at work will be telling you about his recent raise, the next, you’re secretly hoping he gets fired so that you can get a raise yourself. Jealousy isn’t always an indication of your actual feelings; after all, everyone has bouts of the extreme self-interest that comes with jealousy, but this doesn’t mean you always only think about yourself. But jealousy can spring from very real feelings, and these feelings can begin to affect you in other ways. Namely, jealousy related to your partner can translate to issues in the bedroom.

Whether your partner has begun to spend more time with a person you don’t trust, or if your partner is suddenly making more at work, jealousy occasionally crops up in a relationship. If left unaddressed, jealousy can snowball into feelings of betrayal, distrust, and resentment, and could ultimately lead to the end of the relationship. It can also lead to erectile dysfunction issues.

This is because the erection depends upon signals from the brain to function. If the brain become laser focused on a feeling, such as jealousy, it can often lead to the brain shifting priorities and attention away from other brain-reliant matters. Thus, with jealousy on the brain, the signals to produce an erection can get lost in the shuffle, causing missed erections, which then translates into feelings of embarrassment and shame over the inability to achieve an erection, which spirals into full blown erection dysfunction.

So, yes, jealousy-induced erectile dysfunction does occur. If you’ve been struggling with feelings of jealousy, and you find it increasingly difficult to achieve an erection, work with a mental health professional to get to the root of your feelings of jealousy, work out a way to overcome the feelings, and your erection, and your relationship, should get better.

Can red wine help me to overcome erectile dysfunction?

It’s become quite the fad to label various foods the “next big thing.” From kale to quinoa, the general public picks a food item, trumpets its apparent health benefits, and eventually moves onto the next big thing. But one food with purported miracle health benefits has hung around: Red wine. According to its proponents, red wine is chock full of elements, which can help to cure everything from headaches to the common cold.

But while the healing properties of red wine can occasionally be dubious, men the world over continue to ask the important question: Can red wine help with erectile dysfunction?

Good news, men: Extensive research has actually found that red wine can help to cut the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Bad news: It can’t help men to overcome an already developed case of erectile dysfunction.

Research has found that red wine is rich in flavonoids, a phytonutrient typically found in vividly colored fruits, that assist the body in producing anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants lead to improvements within the body, such as stronger arteries and improved blood flow, which ultimately makes it easier for the body to achieve an erection.

Research has found that as little as one glass of wine every other day can cut the risk of developing erectile dysfunction by as much as 21 percent.

But that’s not to say that loading up on red wine will help the body to overcome erectile dysfunction; rather, the flavonoids found in red wine have been found to help prevent ED, not aid in the restoration of treating ED.

So if you’re looking to prevent erectile issues, red wine could be the solution you’ve been looking for. But if you’re looking to beat erectile dysfunction permanently, unfortunately, red wine isn’t the way to do it.

Can a spine injury cause erectile dysfunction?

For men that regularly lace up their boots and step out onto the field, injuries are quite common. Millions of men worldwide pride themselves in playing sports, and thousands of these men will incur a sports-related injury during their career. These injuries range from mild concussions to broken bones, and the resulting health complications that can develop as a result of these injuries can vary wildly. But there is one sports-related injury that can not only permanently effect a man, it can also lead to issues in the bedroom: The spinal cord injury.

Every year, more than 10,00 men incur a spinal injury. These spine-based injuries can be caused by roughness in sports, a workplace related injury, or just plain old bad luck, but the end result is the same: Impaired back movement, loss of normal blood supply, and, quite possibly, erectile dysfunction.

Spinal cord injuries, especially spinal cord injuries classified as “complete” injuries, can often cause loss in sensation and muscle function below the waist. This can often translate to lost feeling in the penis, and the inability of the penile muscles to contract and take on blood properly. Dependent upon the severity of the injury, these erectile issues can either be temporary or permanent.

So if you find yourself struggling to achieve an erection after a recent spine-based injury, this isn’t mere coincidence: This indicates that your injury may be severe, and your body cannot achieve an erection as a result. Talk to a doctor, determine what can be done to treat your back and, with any luck, you should be able to recover your erection in no time.

Would taking Viagra cause me to develop an erection instantaneously?

While erectile dysfunction drugs have existed in one form or another for many years now, there still seems to be some confusion tied to these little pills. If public perception was to be believed, ED drugs like Viagra are little wonder pills; capable of making a man rock hard instantaneously, while simultaneously allowing him to have the best sex of his life. As a result, many come into Viagra usage expecting a miraculous outcome. But is there any truth to this publicly perceived notion that ED drugs such as Viagra cause instantaneous erections?

The answer is very simple: No. While men have whispered about the miraculous powers of Viagra for years, the truth is that Viagra is not a mystery miracle pill. Popping a Viagra will not cause an instant erection, nor will it help you to last longer in bed.

Rather, Viagra is an erectile aid; less intended for improving sex and more for giving men that struggle to achieve an erection a helping hand.

As a result, men taking Viagra should not expect miracles. Viagra helps men to achieve an erection, but that erection still needs to be achieved the old fashioned way.

And forget about instant rock hard erections; rather, Viagra tends to take around 30 minutes to an hour to take effect. So while you won’t have to wait long for Viagra to kick in, it certainly won’t coax at an erection moments after ingestion.

So remember: Viagra, like all ED drugs, is not a cure-all with miracle properties. It’s just a little pill that gives men that struggle a fighting chance.

Can low libido cause erectile dysfunction?

There are times when your brain and your body find themselves at odds. Your body might tell you that you want to have sex, but your brain reassures you that you really don’t. Eventually, no matter how often your body insists about sex, your brain could win out, leading to general feelings of lethargy regarding intercourse. And while it is perfectly natural to not always feel like having sex, reoccurring apathy to sex is typically an indicator of a drop in libido. And low libido doesn’t just control your desire for sex; no, with low libido, you could also put yourself at risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Low libido can develop due to a variety of causes: Stress, new medication, lack of sleep, and depression have all been found to cause low libido. Whatever the root cause, the results are always the same: Lack of desire concerning sex.

When a man experiences low libido, he’ll find himself no longer enjoying sexual activity, and he’ll eventually lose his desire to have sex altogether. When a man loses interest in sex, this can cause the body to struggle to produce an erection consistently, eventually culminating in the lack of ability to produce an erection at all.

While low libido can develop due to a variety of issues, thankfully, low libido is easy to overcome once it has been determined what the root cause is. Working with a health professional, you can pinpoint the cause of your low libido, make strides to overcome it, and your erection should return to its former glory.

But low libido typically can’t be beaten alone. So don’t skip the doctor for your low libido; seek help, and you can regain your sex life and erection.

Will my erectile dysfunction go away naturally?

So it’s finally happened: You’ve developed erectile dysfunction. You always said it wouldn’t happen to you, but here you are trying to figure out what’s going to happen to your sex life. But as troubling as the thought of not having sex is, you’re almost more terrified of seeking help for the issue. After all, ED is an issue you can have privately, but as soon as you have to get medication or speak to a doctor, others will know your secret. But what if you just skipped the drugs and the medical professionals? Can simply waiting the problem out cause your ED to go away naturally?

Shaking off ED without help is definitely unwise. Most men do not realize the root cause of their erectile woes, and skipping the doctor can lead to your erectile issues going unaddressed, which could actually be deadly.

You see, ED can develop as a result of a litany of internal health issues. Be it clogged arteries, or bruised penile tissue, or even serious heart problems, erectile dysfunction can often serve as a warning sign for something more severe.

But mental issues can also trigger erectile dysfunction, which can be a little harder to address in a medical setting. Stress, anxiety, and depression can all cause ED to develop, and you might reason that talking to a doctor might not ultimately help you to overcome this issue. But even if a medical professional deems your ED mentally induced, you can then be referred to a mental health expert, who would be better suited to helping you to overcome the feelings that have caused your erectile woes.

So while it might be tempting to skip the doctor entirely and just wait out your ED, don’t. Seek help, determine what is causing your erectile issues, and with medicine and support, you can get your erection back.

Can sound waves be used to fix erectile dysfunction?

These days, it feels like we are inching closer and closer to living in a full-blown science fiction movie. 3D printers allow people to print whatever their hearts desire, while hover boards zip people around town. But while the world at large seems to be changing, treatment of erectile dysfunction seems firmly rooted in yesteryear. Since the advent of the erectile dysfunction pill, the field of erectile dysfunction treatment has remained almost entirely the same. But researchers may have finally found a suitably futuristic way to treat ED: sound waves.

Called extra-corporeal shock wave therapy (or ESWT for short), this groundbreaking erectile dysfunction treatment method is making waves in the medical community. The treatment works by directing low-intensity sound waves at six areas along the penis. According to scientists, these sound waves assist in the improvement of blood flow throughout the penis by opening up pre-existing blood vessels and helping in the growth of new blood vessels.

It isn’t just conjecture, either; a recent study of 112 men with erectile dysfunction had half of the men receive five weekly doses of the sound waves, while the other half of the test group received a placebo. At the conclusion of the study, 57 per cent of the treated men reported being able to have penetrative sex, compared to the 9 per cent of men in the placebo group.

While sound wave treatment for erectile dysfunction is still an emerging field, serious research is looking into the treatment method to determine how it can better assist men with ED. So, the next time you encounter issues downstairs, it could be the healing power of sound that gets you back between the sheets.

How long before sex should I take my erectile dysfunction drug?

Once upon a time, sex was a surprise; the feeling could strike at any minute, and suddenly you and your partner would find yourself a mess of limbs and flying undergarments as you made your way to the bed. These days, with your erectile dysfunction becoming a very real issue, sex must be planned ahead. After all, with your erection depending upon medication, you need to know when you want to hop between the sheets, and that means knowing when you need to pop your ED pill. After all, if you decide to take your erectile aid too early, the effects might have worn off by the time it’s time to knock boots; conversely, take your pill too late and you’ll find yourself playing the waiting game for the drug to kick in. So when should you take your erectile dysfunction drug before sex?

In the crowded ED market, there are four big names: Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, and Staxyn. If you are taking an erectile aid drug, odds are it’s one of the big four. And while there are litany of differences between these drugs, one of the most important differences is time. You see, each major ED brand has a different timeline for getting to work, and it’s important to know when you should take your pill. The work time for these pills is as follows:

Viagra: Viagra typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to get to work

Cialis: Cialis takes only 30 minutes to become active.

Levitra: Like Cialis, Levitra typically takes around 30 minutes to kick in.

Staxyn: The speediest of the bunch, Staxyn typically takes around 15 minutes to take effect.

When picking an ED drug, it’s important to pick a drug that has an effect time that works for you. So next time you get the feeling to hop between the sheets, use this handy chart to figure out when its time to pop your pill.

How long before sex should I take my erectile dysfunction drug?

Once upon a time, sex was a surprise; the feeling could strike at any minute, and suddenly you and your partner would find yourself a mess of limbs and flying undergarments as you made your way to the bed. These days, with your erectile dysfunction becoming a very real issue, sex must be planned ahead. After all, with your erection depending upon medication, you need to know when you want to hop between the sheets, and that means knowing when you need to pop your ED pill. After all, if you decide to take your erectile aid too early, the effects might have worn off by the time it’s time to knock boots; conversely, take your pill too late and you’ll find yourself playing the waiting game for the drug to kick in. So when should you take your erectile dysfunction drug before sex?

In the crowded ED market, there are four big names: Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, and Staxyn. If you are taking an erectile aid drug, odds are it’s one of the big four. And while there are litany of differences between these drugs, one of the most important differences is time. You see, each major ED brand has a different timeline for getting to work, and it’s important to know when you should take your pill. The work time for these pills is as follows:

Viagra: Viagra typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to get to work

Cialis: Cialis takes only 30 minutes to become active.

Levitra: Like Cialis, Levitra typically takes around 30 minutes to kick in.

Staxyn: The speediest of the bunch, Staxyn typically takes around 15 minutes to take effect.

When picking an ED drug, it’s important to pick a drug that has an effect time that works for you. So next time you get the feeling to hop between the sheets, use this handy chart to figure out when its time to pop your pill.